Anna Jones’ Californian recipes | The Modern Cook (2024)

xWhen I first started spending time in California, I remember walking into brightly painted cafes in LA, such as Cafe Gratitude or its east-side sister, Sage, and being so excited by the food.

The menus read like something from a diner but the ingredients were a list of farmers’ market veg, spices, grains – stuff I cooked with at home. As a vegetarian 10 years ago, it felt like a huge novelty to be able to eat anything on the menu – food that felt like a treat but made with a rainbow of good stuff, and it has influenced how I cook.

I find LA an endlessly inspiring place to cook, eat and find new ideas, so this week’s recipes are an ode to those first inspiring meals, which I still crave: a spiced carrot burger with spiced roast carrots, tofu and smoked paprika, which is loaded with more veg in the shape of an avocado salsa, and a rainbow veg bowl, which is the kind of thing I eat for lunch or dinner in spring and summer.

Roast carrot burger with avocado salsa

This has become our favourite veggie burger. I make this using vegetarian parmesan, but you could use a vegan cheese instead. Once cool, the uncooked burgers can be wrapped and frozen for up to four months.

Anna Jones’ Californian recipes | The Modern Cook (1)

Prep 30 min
Chill 1 hr
Cook 40 min
Makes 6 burgers

600g carrots, peeled and cut into 1-2cm-thick rounds
1 tsp sweet smoked paprika
1 tsp cumin seeds, roughly bashed in a mortar
Salt and black pepper
Olive oil
200g smoked or firm tofu
100g breadcrumbs
1 small bunch flat-leaf parsley, chopped
Zest of 1 unwaxed lemon
60g grated (vegetarian or vegan) parmesan
50g sesame seeds, toasted

For the salsa
2 avocados, stoned and roughly chopped
100g cherry tomatoes, roughly chopped
Juice and zest of 1 lime
3 spring onions, finely sliced
½ bunch coriander, finely chopped

For the quick pickled radishes
½ bunch radishes, finely sliced
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
½ tsp salt
1 squeeze honey
, or a pinch of sugar

To serve
6 burger buns, split and toasted

First, roast the carrots. Heat the oven to 200C (180C fan)/390F/ gas 6. Tumble the carrots on to a baking tray with the smoked paprika, cumin, some salt and pepper, and a good drizzle of olive oil. Cover with foil and roast for 20 minutes, then remove the foil and roast for a further 10 minutes, until completely soft and starting to brown.

While these are roasting, finely crumble half the tofu into a bowl and add the breadcrumbs, parsley, lemon zest, parmesan and sesame seeds.

Once the carrots are ready, take them out of the oven (leave the oven on if baking your burgers), leave them to cool a little, then blitz in a processor with the remaining tofu, until everything is evenly distributed and the mixture is pretty smooth.

Leave to cool a little, then add this to the breadcrumb mixture and mix well, using a spoon to mash and persuade everything to come together. If your mixture looks a little dry, add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil or water until it comes together nicely.

Shape the mixture into six patties, lay them on a plate, then put in the fridge for an hour.

Once you’re ready to cook, put a large frying pan over a medium heat and add a little olive oil, swirling it to coat the pan. Add the burgers, and cook for three to four minutes on each side, flipping when well-coloured – or bake for 25-30 minutes. If you are barbecuing the burgers, brush them with oil before cooking on one side, flipping only when they are coloured and crisp enough to come away from the bars easily.

While the burgers are cooking, make the salsa,; add all the ingredients to a bowl, season well, give it a good mix, then set aside.

For the pickle, put the radishes in a bowl, cover with the vinegar, add the salt and honey/sugar, and mix well.

When the burgers are nearly done, split and toast your buns.

Spread one half of each bun with a spoonful of mayonnaise, then top with the lettuce leaves, a little salsa, burger and a tablespoon of the pickle.. Cover with the bun lid and eat straight away.

LA rainbow bowl

This is great for a fresh, quick lunch on the go, and can easily be put together in a tiny office kitchen or on a picnic rug in the park (you can bring the hummus, dressing and cooked grains, plus the raw veg and a speed peeler to peel them right into the bowl). I often make a version of this at home for lunch, and you can swap the veg for what’s in season and change the quinoa for another grain, too.

Anna Jones’ Californian recipes | The Modern Cook (2)

Prep 20 min
Serves 2

Juice of ½ lemon
1 chilli (I use green), chopped
150g good-quality, shop-bought hummus
2 raw beetroot
3 carrots
3 asparagus spears
100g cooked quinoa
1 handful cresses or sprouts
1 handful herbs (I use a mix of basil and mint)
50g toasted mixed seeds

For the dressing
½ orange, juiced
½ lemon, juiced
1 tbsp maple syrup
3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

Anna Jones’ courgette recipes | The Modern CookRead more

Stir the lemon juice and chopped chilli into the hummus and give it a good mix – this can be done in advance, if you like.

Whisk together all the dressing ingredients and put in the bottom of a large bowl, if you’re eating right away, or in a jar, if you’re eating later.

Divide the hummus equally between two bowls and swirl it around the bottom, so it roughly covers the base of the bowl.

Using a speed peeler, mandoline or sharp knife, finely slice the beets and carrots, keeping them separate. Using the same peeler, peel long ribbons of raw asparagus.

Drop each of the veg one by one into the bowl of dressing, tossing each one before putting a bundle of veg in each bowl.

Pile in the quinoa, top with cress and herbs, and finish with the toasted seeds.

Anna Jones’ Californian recipes | The Modern Cook (2024)


What was Anna Jones first cookbook? ›

In 2004, Jones participated in Jamie Oliver's Fifteen apprenticeship programme, and her first cookbook, A Modern Way to Eat, was published in 2014 to huge success.

How to read cooking recipes? ›

How to Read & Follow a Recipe
  1. Read the recipe. Take a good look at the recipe. ...
  2. Know the assumptions. ...
  3. Figure out the timing. ...
  4. Plan ahead. ...
  5. Bone up on new techniques. ...
  6. Mise en place is your friend. ...
  7. Lay out your tools, too. ...
  8. Make notes or highlight.

What is the oldest cookbook still in print? ›

The first recorded cookbook that is still in print today is Of Culinary Matters (originally, De Re Coquinaria), written by Apicius, in fourth century AD Rome. It contains more than 500 recipes, including many with Indian spices.

Is Anna Jones a vegetarian? ›

I'm vegetarian now and mostly vegan – we very occasionally have cheese or eggs at home. That's what suits me and my family and you need to make a call on what works for you.

How many times should you read a recipe? ›

Read the recipe all the way to the end. Ideally, you'll read it multiple times. The effort is well spent. Be sure to read, or at least scan, the head note.

Why is it important to read first the recipe before cooking? ›

When you read recipes before cooking, you'll know what ingredients you need to make the dish you're planning to serve. This step also helps you plan your grocery shopping list to ensure that you don't leave any essential items off your list - it saves time and money at checkout.

What are hidden instructions in recipes? ›

For example, “¼ cup toasted nuts” means the nuts should be toasted before adding them to the recipe, but the toasting step is probably not in the instructions. Hidden ingredients such as water and salt may pop up in the instructions without a mention in the ingredients list.

What was the first published cookbook? ›

The first printed cookbook is Bartolomeo Platina's (Italy) De honesta voluptate et valetudine (“On Right Pleasure and Good Health”). Written in Latin, it appeared in 1474, which is just 19 years after the Gutenberg Bible, the first mechanically printed book.

Who was the first black woman to write a cookbook? ›

Malinda Russell (ca. 1812 – ?) was a free African-American woman from Tennessee who earned her living as a cook and published the first known cookbook by an African-American woman.

When was the first recipe book? ›

The first recorded cookbook is said to be four clay tablets from 1700 BC in Ancient Mesopotamia, but by the 1300s, cookbooks were a norm for kings and nobles.

What is the oldest cookbook found? ›

The oldest cookbook in the world is the Yale Culinary Tablets. These three stone slabs dating back to Mesopotamia circa 1700 B.C. represent the oldest known recipe-making in world history. They show in detail how these ancient people ate bread, soups, roasts, and even cake.


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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.