Light stress and photoprotection in green algae, mosses and diatoms - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • Light stress and photoprotection in green algae, mosses and diatoms


HAL Id: tel-01496919 Submitted on 28 Mar 2017 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- entific research documents, whether they are pub- lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissem*nts d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Light stress and photoprotection in green algae, mosses and diatoms Giulio Rocco Stella To cite this version: Giulio Rocco Stella. Light stress and photoprotection in green algae, mosses and diatoms. Vegetal Biology. Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2016. English. NNT : 2016PA066430. tel- 01496919

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Light stress and photoprotection in green algae, mosses and diatoms - [PDF Document] (3)

HAL Id: tel-01496919

Submitted on 28 Mar 2017

HAL is a multi-disciplinary open accessarchive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific research documents, whether they are pub-lished or not. The documents may come fromteaching and research institutions in France orabroad, or from public or private research centers.

L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, estdestinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documentsscientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non,émanant des établissem*nts d’enseignement et derecherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoirespublics ou privés.

Light stress and photoprotection in green algae, mossesand diatoms

Giulio Rocco Stella

To cite this version:Giulio Rocco Stella. Light stress and photoprotection in green algae, mosses and diatoms. VegetalBiology. Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2016. English. �NNT : 2016PA066430�. �tel-01496919�

Light stress and photoprotection in green algae, mosses and diatoms - [PDF Document] (4)

Thesis submitted to

Light Stress and Photoprotection in Green algae, Mossesand Diatoms

Giulio R. Stella

Ph.D. thesis submitted to

University of Verona


University Pierre et Marie Curie

September 13th, 2016

Light stress and photoprotection in green algae, mosses and diatoms - [PDF Document] (5)


The molecular bases of responses to light excess in photosynthetic organisms having differentevolutionary histories and belonging to different lineages are still not completely characterized.Therefore I explored the functions of photoprotective antennae in green algae, mosses and di-atoms, together with the role of the two xanthophyll cycles present in diatoms.

I studied the Light Harvesting Complex Stress-Related (LHCSR/LHCX) proteins in differentorganisms. In the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii , LHCSR3 is a protein important forphotoprotection. I used site-specific mutagenesis in vivo and in vitro and identified three residuesof LHCSR3, exposed to the thylakoidal lumen, that can sense pH changes. These residues areessential for Non-Photochemical Quenching (NPQ) induction in vivo and are responsible forLHCSR3 activation in excessive light conditions (chapter 2).

In the moss Physcomitrella patens I studied the in vitro spectroscopic and quenching charac-teristics of different pigment-binding mutants of the protein LHCSR1, to understand how energyis transfer and thermally dissipate in this protein. I found that at least eight chlorophylls arebound to LHCSR1 and I identified the pigments with the lowest energy levels that could be thetraps for energy transfer (chlorophylls A2 and A5, chapter 3).

LHCSRs in diatoms are named LHCXs, and in the model organism Phaeodactylum tricornu-tum I found that multiple abiotic stress signals converge to differently regulate the four isoformsof LHCXs, modulating proteins contents and providing a way to fine-tune light harvesting andphotoprotection (chapter 4).

The other main driver of photoprotection in diatoms is the xanthophyll cycle. Two cycles arepresent in diatoms, the violaxanthin-zeaxanthin (also present in plants) and the diadinoxanthin-diatoxanthin one (specific to diatoms). In addition to that, P. tricornutum have expanded theprotein families involved in this photoprotective process. I found that the the knock-down ofVDR and VDL2 (putative violaxanthin de-epoxidase enzymes) leads to the accumulation of viola-and zeaxanthin, and that this accumulation have a negative effect in the development of NPQ.This suggests that zeaxanthin does not participate in the enhancing of NPQ in diatoms and mayeven interferes with the action of diatoxanthin (chapter 5).

Thanks to these studies done on different organisms, we gained a deeper knowledge on theshared characteristics and on the peculiar features about photoprotection in green algae, mossesand diatoms.

Light stress and photoprotection in green algae, mosses and diatoms - [PDF Document] (6)

Light stress and photoprotection in green algae, mosses and diatoms - [PDF Document] (7)

Light stress and photoprotection in green algae, mosses and diatoms - [PDF Document] (8)

Université Pierre et Marie Curie

Ecole doctorale 515 Complexité du vivant

Laboratoire de Biologie Computationnelle et Quantitative


Università degli Studi di Verona

Light Stress and Photoprotection in Green Algae, Mosses

and Diatoms

Par Giulio Rocco Stella

Thèse de doctorat de Biologie

Dirigée par Dr. Angela Falciatore, Prof. Roberto Bassi et Dr. Fayza Daboussi

Présentée et soutenue publiquement le 13/09/2016

Devant un jury composé de :

Tomas MOROSINOTTO Professeur Univ. Padova Rapporteur

Maurizio RIBERA d'ALCALÀ Directeur de Recherche CNR Rapporteur

Benjamin BAILLEUL Chercheur CR2 CNRS Examinateur

Pierre CAROL Professeur UPMC Examinateur

Angela FALCIATORE Directrice de Recherche CNRS Directrice de thèse

Roberto BASSI Professeur Univ. Verona Directeur de thèse

Fayza DABOUSSI Directrice de Recherche INRA Directrice de thèse

Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under

Light stress and photoprotection in green algae, mosses and diatoms - [PDF Document] (9)

Light stress and photoprotection in green algae, mosses and diatoms - [PDF Document] (10)

* For the list of S.S.D. please refer to the Ministerial Decree of 4th October 2000, Attachment A “Elenco

dei Settori Scientifico – Disciplinari” available at:

Università degli Studi di Verona

Department of


Graduate School Of

Life and Health Sciences

Doctoral Program in

Molecular, Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology

With the Financial Contribution of

the European Commission

Cycle / year (1° year of attendance) 28th / 2013

Light Stress and Photoprotection in Green Algae, Mosses

and Diatoms

In co-tutelle de thése with the

Universitè Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI)

S.S.D. BIO/04*

Coordinator: Prof. Roberto Bassi

Signature __________________________

Coordinator: Dr. Angela Falciatore

Signature __________________________

Coordinator: Dr. Fayza Daboussi

Signature __________________________

Doctoral Student: Giulio Rocco Stella

Signature _______________________________

Light stress and photoprotection in green algae, mosses and diatoms - [PDF Document] (11)

Università degli Studi di Verona

Area Ricerca – U.O. Dottorati di Ricerca Nazionali ed Internazionali

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Light Stress and Photoprotection in Green Algae, Mosses and Diatoms

Giulio Rocco Stella

Tesi di Dottorato

Light stress and photoprotection in green algae, mosses and diatoms - [PDF Document] (12)


Nomenclature II

Ph.D. context V

Résumé de la thèse (Français) VII

Riassunto della tesi (Italiano) X

1 Introduction 11.1 Oxygenic photosynthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2 Photosynthetic pigments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.2.1 Chlorophylls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.2.2 Carotenoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.2.3 Excited state relaxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.3 Photosystems and Antenna proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81.4 Photoprotective mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

1.4.1 Short-term and long-term responses to excessive light . . . . . . . . . . . 121.4.2 PSBS, LHCSR and LHCX proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131.4.3 The Xanthophyll Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

1.5 My three working organisms: green algae, mosses and diatoms . . . . . . . . . . 161.5.1 The green lineage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161.5.2 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171.5.3 Physcomitrella patens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181.5.4 Diatoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191.5.5 Phaeodactylum tricornutum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241.5.6 Genetic manipulation of P. tricornutum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Aims of the thesis 29

2 Identification of pH-sensing sites in the Light Harvesting Complex Stress-Related 3 protein essential for triggering non-photochemical quenching inChlamydomonas reinhardtii 31

Summary of the work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Published paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3 In vitro characterization of chlorophyll-binding sites of LHCSR1 from Physcomitrellapatens 47

Summary of the work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47


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3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483.2 Material and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

4 Multisignal control of expression of the LHCX protein family in the marinediatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum 65

Summary of the work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65Published paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66Supplementary information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

5 The Xanthophyll Cycles in Phaeodactylum tricornutum 87Summary of the work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Characterization of VDR and VDL2 proteins in Phaeodactylum tricornutumprovides new insights on the function of the two xanthophyll cycles in marinediatoms 895.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 905.2 Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 935.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 955.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005.5 Supplementary information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

6 Conclusion and perspectives 109

Bibliography 115

Acknowledgments 143

Thesis summary (multilanguage) 144

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ATP Adenosine triphosphate

ATPase Chloroplastic ATP synthase

Ax Antheraxanthin

CD Circular Dichroism

Chl Chlorophyll

CL Control transgenic line

Cyt-b6f Cytochrome-b6f

DD Diadinoxanthin-diatoxanthin pool

Ddx Diadinoxanthin

DES De-epoxidation state

DGDG Digalactosyldiacylglycerol

Dtx Diatoxanthin

FCP Fucoxanthin Chl a/c binding protein

Fx Fucoxanthin

LHC Light Harvesting Complex

LHCSR Light Harvesting Complex Stress-Related protein

MGDG Monogalactosyldiacylgycerol

NADPH Nicotinammide adenina dinucleotide fosfato

NPQ Non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence

Nx Neoxanthin

PBR Photobioreactors

PC Phosphatidylcholine

PC Plastocyanin


Light stress and photoprotection in green algae, mosses and diatoms - [PDF Document] (15)

PSI Photosystem I

PSII Photosystem II

qP Photochemical quenching

So Electronic energetic ground state

SQDG Sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol

TALENs™ Transcription activator–like endonucleases

VAZ Violaxanthin-antheraxanthin-zeaxanthin pool

VDE Violaxanthin de-epoxidase

VDL Violaxanthin de-epoxidase like

VDR Violaxanthin de-epoxidase related

Vx Violaxanthin

XC Xanthophyll Cycle

ZEP Zeaxanthin epoxidase

Zx Zeaxanthin

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Ph.D. context

Much of life on Earth depends on photosynthesis, a process in which solar light energy is usedto produce oxygen and organic compounds from atmospheric CO2 and water. Photosyntheticorganisms with different evolutionary histories have developed different strategies to adapt theirphotosynthetic apparatus to changing light conditions and to optimize photosynthetic yield indifferent environments. In stressful light conditions, when the amount of photons absorbed bythe chloroplast largely exceed the capacity for light utilization in photosynthesis, these organ-isms show very efficient photoprotective mechanisms, including Non-Photochemical Quenching(NPQ), a short-term photoprotective response allowing dissipation of the excess excitation energyas heat. The molecular bases of responses to light excess in photosynthetic organisms belongingto different evolutionary lineages are still not completely characterized. Therefore, the mainaim of my Ph.D. was to address this important topic by exploring photoprotection mechanismsin three different model systems, representatives of green algae (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii),mosses (Physcomitrella patens) and diatoms (Phaeodactylum tricornutum).

I started my Ph.D. in 2013 in Verona (Italy), in the laboratory of Prof. Roberto Bassi, workingon the characterization of the in vitro properties of the LHCSR proteins from C. reinhardtiiand P. patens. Because of my strong interest to work in the applied research field and toperform a research experience abroad, after nine months I grabbed the chance to join a EuropeanMarie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) named AccliPhot, devoted to study the acclimationof photosynthesis. Here I initially worked in Paris with one of the partners of the AccliPhotconsortium, the private company Cellectis S.A., under the supervision of Dr. Fayza Daboussi(and co-supervised by Dr. Angela Falciatore, from UPMC, and Prof. Roberto Bassi, fromVerona).

In 2010, Cellectis set up a research team to focus on diatoms, with the aim of improvingthe genetic resources for diatom gene functional studies. In particular novel targeted nucleasesapproaches for diatom genomic engineering would have been optimized and used to gather infor-mation about the regulators of diatom photoprotective mechanisms. Therefore, in the followingmonths of my Ph.D., I developed engineered site-specific endonucleases, notably TranscriptionActivator-Like Effector Nucleases (TALENs™), to knock-out genes involved in photoprotectionin diatoms.

Unfortunately, Cellectis decided to stop the project on diatoms and microalgae in mid 2014,after just six months I had started. I thus joined the lab of Dr. Angela Falciatore, at the Uni-versity of Paris VI (UPMC), and we decided to continue the project using an already establishedreverse genetic approaches (RNAi and over-expression) to study genes involved in photoprotec-tion 1.

My “final” Ph.D. is co-tutored between the University of Verona and the University of ParisVI (UPMC), under the co-supervision of Prof. Bassi, Dr, Falciatore and Dr. Daboussi.

In spite of all these adversities and adjustments, my Ph.D. project was still devoted, as atthe very beginning, to the study of photosynthesis and its regulation. In particular, I focusedon the characterization of photoprotective antennae in green algae, mosses and diatoms, and onthe functions of the two xanthophyll cycles present in diatoms, that are still largely unknown.This research activity engaged strong collaborations between two research units: the team of Dr.Angela Falciatore (UPMC, Paris, FR), expert of genetics and genomics applied to the study oflight regulation in diatoms, and the team of Prof. Roberto Bassi (Univ. of Verona, IT), expertin biochemistry of membrane proteins, physiology and biophysics of photosynthetic organisms.

In line with the aim of better understand photoprotection in green algae, mosses and diatoms,

1After an agreement between UPMC and Cellectis, the TALENs™ I developed are now available, but thisproject is now re-starting, thus results regarding this initial part of my Ph.D. are not present in the thesis.

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I studied Light Harvesting Complex Stress-Related (LHCSR) proteins in all these organisms(with the results presented in chapters 2, 3 and 4) and the role of the two xanthophyll cyclesin diatoms (chapter 5). More detailed information about the main goals of my work and onthe organization of this thesis are presented in the paragraph “Aim of the thesis”, just after thegeneral introduction in chapter 1, while conclusions and future perspectives can be found inchapter 6.

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Résumé de la thèse (Français)

Une grande partie de la vie sur la Terre dépend de la photosynthèse, un processus au cours duquell’énergie lumineuse solaire est utilisée pour produire de l’oxygène et des composés organiques àpartir du CO2 atmosphérique. Les organismes photosynthétiques, vivant dans des environne-ments variables, ont développé différentes stratégies pour adapter leur appareil photosynthétiqueau changement de conditions lumineuses afin d’optimiser leur rendement photosynthétique. Dansdes conditions de lumière stressantes, lorsque la quantité de photons absorbés par le chloroplastedépasse largement la capacité d’utilisation de la lumière par la photosynthèse, ces organismesmontrent des mécanismes photoprotectifs très efficaces, dont le Quenching Non-Photochimique(NPQ), une réponse photoprotective à court terme permettant la dissipation de l’énergie d’exci-tation en excès sous forme de chaleur.

Les bases moléculaires des réponses aux excès de lumière dans les différents organismes pho-tosynthétiques ayant des histoires évolutives et appartenant à différentes lignées ne sont toujourspas complètement caractérisées. Le but de mon projet de thèse était de fournir de nouvellesinformations sur la photosynthèse et sa régulation dynamique dans des conditions de luminositéchangeantes, en mettant l’accent sur la caractérisation des antennes photoprotectives dans lesalgues vertes, les mousses et les diatomées. De plus, je voulais aussi explorer la fonction de deuxcycles de xanthophylles dans les diatomées, qui sont encore largement inconnus.

Le projet de Ph.D., co-encadré entre l’Université de Vérone et de l’Université de Paris VI(UPMC), est développé dans le cadre d’une Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) nomméAccliPhot et consacrée à l’étude de l’acclimatation de la photosynthèse à des changements delumière et à d’autres changements de conditions environnementales chez les plantes et les algues.Elle implique une collaboration interdisciplinaire en utilisant des approches expérimentales etthéoriques complémentaires (http :// L’activité de recherche engage des col-laborations fortes entre les deux unités de recherche : l’équipe du Dr. Angela Falciatore (directeurde thèse, UPMC, Paris, FR), expert de la génétique et de la génomique appliquée à l’étude de larégulation de la lumière chez les diatomées, et l’équipe du Prof. Roberto Bassi (co-superviseur,Univ. de Vérone, IT), expert en biochimie des protéines membranaires, en physiologie et biophy-sique des organismes photosynthétiques.

Au début du projet, une société privée, Cellectis S.A., était impliquée en tant que troisièmepartenaire, sous la coordination du Dr. Fayza Daboussi. En 2010, Cellectis a mis en place ungroupe de recherche sur les diatomées, dans le but d’améliorer les ressources génétiques pourdes études fonctionnelles. En particulier, de nouvelles approches, en ingénierie ciblée du génomechez les diatomées, devaient être optimisées et utilisées pour recueillir des informations sur larégulation des mécanismes de photoprotection chez ces organismes. Par conséquent, dans lespremiers mois de ma thèse, j’ai développé une endonucléase à site spécifique (TranscriptionActivator-Like Effector Nucleases (TALENs™)), pour déléter des gènes codant des protéinespotentiellement impliquées dans la photoprotection des diatomées. Malheureusem*nt, Cellectisa décidé d’arrêter le projet sur les microalgues et les diatomées en 2014, et mon sujet initial aété modifié pour utiliser des approches plus traditionnelles afin d’étudier ces gènes, telles que lastratégie anti-sens et la surexpression. Après un accord entre l’UPMC et Cellectis, le TALENs™que j’ai développé est maintenant disponible, mais n’a pas pu être utilisé dans le cadre de mondoctorat.

Pour mieux comprendre la photoprotection dans les algues vertes, les mousses et les diato-mées, j’ai étudié les protéines Light Harvesting Complex Stress-Related (LHCSR) dans tous cesorganismes. Dans les algues vertes, en particulier chez Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, LHCSR3 estune protéine importante pour le NPQ. L’activation du NPQ nécessite un pH bas dans le lumendes thylakoïdes, qui est induit dans des conditions d’excès de lumière et qui est détecté par les

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protéines LHCSR grâce à des résidus acides exposés au lumen. Dans le chapitre 2 j’ai muté parune approche de mutagénèse spécifique différents résidus afin d’identifier les résidus de LHCSR3responsables de la détection du pH. Les résidus protonables exposés au lumen, aspartate etglutamate, ont été mutés en asparagine et glutamine, respectivement. La surexpression de cesprotéines mutées dans une souche de C. reinhardtii, dépourvue de toutes les isoformes de LHCSRa permis d’identifier les résidus Asp117, Glu221, et Glu224 comme essentiels pour l’induction duNPQ dépendant de LHCSR3. L’analyse des protéines recombinantes portant les mêmes muta-tions, repliées in vitro avec des pigments, a permis de montrer que la capacité de répondre àun pH faible par réduction de la durée de vie de fluorescence présente dans la protéine de typesauvage, a été perdue chez la protéine mutée. Cela indique que les acides aminés identifiés sonten effet important pour l’activation du NPQ par LHCSR3.

A la différence du rôle solitaire des LHCSRs dans les algues vertes, le NPQ dans le modèle demousse Physcomitrella patens, est sous le contrôle de deux protéines : PSBS, présente égalementdans les plantes supérieures, et des LHCSRs. PSBS ne lie pas les pigments et son action dans laphotoprotection est probablement due à son interaction avec d’autres antennes du photosystèmeII. Au contraire, la protéine LHCSR1 lie des pigments et a été montré comme le principal moteurdu NPQ chez P. patens, notamment après la liaison de la xanthophylle zéaxanthine, suggérant quecette protéine peut être directement impliquée dans le processus de quenching. Cependant, pourcomprendre les caractéristiques précises de transfert d’énergie et de quenching de LHCSR1, l’or-ganisation exacte et la distance entre les chromophores est nécessaire. Les structures cristallinesdes protéines-antennes n’ont pas la résolution suffisante pour obtenir toutes ces informations,cependant le rôle des différents chromophores a été étudié dans le passé à l’aide de mutant defixation d’antennes, ne possédant pas les résidus spécifiques qui coordonnent chaque pigment.Dans le chapitre 3, je montre les résultats in vitro de spectroscopie ainsi que les caractéristiquesde quenching de différents mutants de liaison de pigment de la protéine LHCSR1 de P. patens.Nous avons muté chaque résidu liant la chlorophylle et analysé les protéines reconstituées à lafois par absorption et par fluorescence. En particulier, nous avons concentré notre attention surles chlorophylles A2 et A5, qui sont censées être impliquées dans les mécanismes de quenchinginduits par l’interaction avec les caroténoïdes dans les sites L1 et L2.

Les protéines LHCSR sont également présentes dans les diatomées, où ils sont nommésLHCXs. Les diatomées sont des organismes phytoplanctoniques qui poussent avec succès dansl’océan, où les conditions de lumière sont très variables. Des études sur les mécanismes mo-léculaires de l’acclimatation à la lumière dans la diatomée marine Phaeodactylum tricornutummontrent que les enzymes de de-époxydation des caroténoïdes et LHCX1 sont les deux facteursprincipaux qui contribuent à dissiper l’énergie de la lumière en excès au travers du NPQ. Dansle chapitre 4, j’ai étudié le rôle des protéines de la famille LHCX dans les diatomées en réponseau stress. L’analyse des données génomiques disponibles montre que la présence de plusieursgènes LHCX est une caractéristique conservée des espèces de diatomées vivant dans des nichesécologiques différentes. En outre, une analyse des niveaux de transcriptions, de l’accumulationdes protéines et de l’activité photosynthétique indique que les LHCXs sont régulées en fonc-tion de l’intensité de lumière, de la disponibilité en nutriments et qu’elles modulent la capacitéNPQ chez P. tricornutum. Nous avons pu conclure que des signaux multiples de stress abiotiquesconvergent pour réguler la teneur en LHCX des cellules, fournissant un moyen d’affiner la collectede la lumière et la photoprotection. En outre, nos données indiquent que l’expansion de la familledes gènes LHCX reflète une diversification fonctionnelle dont pourraient bénéficier des cellulesrépondant à des environnements marins très variables.

L’autre acteur principal de la photoprotection dans les diatomées est l’accumulation de laxanthophylle de-époxyde la diatoxanthine. Le cycle de xanthophylles, la conversion de la vio-laxanthine (Vx) en zéaxanthine (Zx) dans des conditions de forte luminosité, est l’un des acteur


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principal du NPQ dans les plantes. Les diatomées possèdent également un deuxième cycle dexanthophylle permettant la conversion de la diadinoxanthine (Ddx) en diatoxanthine (Dtx) dansdes conditions de forte luminosité. La concentration de Dtx est strictement corrélée au niveauNPQ, et le rôle réel de la Zx dans la photoprotection dans les diatomées a été mis en doute. Pourcomprendre la régulation et la fonction de ces deux cycles de xanthophylle, dans le chapitre 5 j’aidérégulé chacun des gènes putatifs codant des protéines potentiellement impliquées dans ce pro-cessus chez Phaeodactylum tricornutum. J’ai concentré mon attention sur deux protéines, VDRet VDL2, qui ont été prédites comme des dé- époxydase permettant la conversion de la Vx en Zxet de la Ddx en Dtx. J’ai trouvé que les mutants knock-down pour ces deux protéines accumulentplus de xanthophylles du pool Vx-Zx et moins du pool Ddx-Dtx que la souche sauvage, indiquantun rôle de VDR et VDL2 dans la voie de biosynthèse des xanthophylles. La plus grande quantitéde Vx et Zx eu un effet négatif dans le développement du NPQ dans les mutants knock-down,montrant que la Zx ne participe pas au renforcement du NPQ des diatomées.

Grâce à ces études effectuées sur les différents organismes, nous avons acquis une connaissanceplus approfondie sur les caractéristiques communes et sur les caractéristiques particulières de laphotoprotection chez les algues vertes, les mousses et les diatomées. L’ensemble de ces résultatsest discuté dans le chapitre 6.

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Riassunto della tesi (Italiano)

Gran parte della vita sulla Terra dipende dalla fotosintesi, un processo in cui l’energia della lucesolare è utilizzata per produrre ossigeno e composti organici a partire dalla CO2 atmosferica edall’acqua. Gli organismi fotosintetici che vivono in ambienti diversi hanno sviluppato diversestrategie per adattare il loro apparato fotosintetico alle diverse condizioni di luce e per ottimiz-zare la resa fotosintetica. In condizioni di luce stressante, quando la quantità di fotoni assorbitidal cloroplasto supera la capacità di utilizzo della luce nella fotosintesi, questi organismi mo-strano meccanismi di fotoprotezione molto efficienti, compresa lo smorzamento non-fotochimico(NPQ), una risposta fotoprotettiva a breve termine che permette la dissipazione dell’energia dieccitazione in eccesso sotto forma di calore. Le basi molecolari delle risposte all’eccesso di lucein organismi fotosintetici con differenti storie evolutive e appartenenti a diverse linee non sonoancora completamente caratterizzati.

Pertanto, l’obiettivo del mio progetto di dottorato è stato quello di fornire nuove informazionisulla fotosintesi e la sua regolazione dinamica in condizioni di luce mutevoli, concentrandomisulla caratterizzazione delle antenne fotoprotettiva in alghe verdi, muschi e diatomee. Inoltre,ho voluto esplorare la funzione dei due cicli delle xantofille presennti nelle diatomee, che sonoancora in parte sconosciuti. Il progetto del dottorato di ricerca, in co-tutela tra l’Università diVerona e l’Università di Parigi VI (UPMC), è stato sviluppato nell’ambito di un Marie CurieInitial Training Network (ITN) chiamato AccliPhot, dedicato a studiare l’acclimatazione dellafotosintesi ai cambiamenti di luce e altri condizioni ambientali nelle piante e nelle alghe. Si trattadi una collaborazione interdisciplinare, utilizzando approcci sperimentali e teorici complementari( L’attività di ricerca ha visto forti collaborazioni tra due unità diricerca: il team del Dr. Angela Falciatore (supervisore Ph.D., UPMC, Paris, FR), esperto digenetica e genomica applicata allo studio della regolazione mediata dalla luce nelle diatomee, ed illaboratorio del Prof. Roberto Bassi (co-supervisore, Univ. di Verona, IT), esperto in biochimicadelle proteine di membrana, fisiologia e biofisica degli organismi fotosintetici.

All’inizio del progetto, una società privata, Cellectis S.A., era coinvolta come terzo partner,con il coordinamento del Dr. Fayza Daboussi. Nel 2010, Cellectis aveva istituito un gruppodi ricerca sulle diatomee, con l’obiettivo di migliorare le risorse genetiche per studi funzionali.In particolare nuovi approcci mirati per l’ingegneria genomica nelle diatomee dovevano essereottimizzati ed utilizzati per raccogliere informazioni sui regolatori dei meccanismi di fotopro-tezione. Perciò, nei primi mesi del mio dottorato, ho sviluppato endonucleasi ingegnerizzatesito-specifiche, in particolare Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases (TALENs™), pereliminare geni coinvolti nella fotoprotezione nelle diatomee. Purtroppo, Cellectis ha deciso difermare il progetto sulle diatomee e microalghe nel 2014, quindi il mio progetto iniziale è statomodificato per utilizzare approcci più tradizionali per studiare i geni coinvolti nella fotoprote-zione, come gene knock-down e sovra-espressione. Dopo un accordo tra UPMC e Cellectis, leTALENs™ che ho sviluppato sono ora disponibili, ma questo progetto è appena ripartito, quindii risultati riguardanti questa parte iniziale del mio dottorato non sono presenti nella tesi.

In linea con l’obbiettivo di comprendere meglio la fotoprotezione nelle alghe verdi, muschie diatomee, ho studiato le proteine Light Harvesting Complex Stress-Related (LHCSR) in tuttiquesti organismi. Nelle alghe verdi, in particolare in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, LHCSR3 è unaproteina importante per l’NPQ. L’attivazione dell’NPQ richiede un basso pH nel lumen dei tila-coidi, che è indotto in condizioni di luce in eccesso ed è rilevato dai residui acidi esposti al lumen.Ne il capitolo 2 ho usato mutagenesi sito-specifica in vivo ed in vitro per l’identificazione dei re-sidui di LHCSR3 che sono responsabili per il rilevamento del pH del lumen. I residui protonabiliesposti al lumen, aspartati e glutammati, sono stati mutati in asparagine e glutammine, rispet-tivamente. Con l’espressione in un mutante privo di tutte le isoforme LHCSR, i residui Asp117,

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Glu221, and Glu224hanno dimostrato di essere essenziali per l’induzione diNPQ dipendente daLHCSR3 in C. reinhardtii. L’analisi di proteine ricombinanti con le stesse mutazioni, ripiegatein vitro con pigmenti, hanno mostrato che la capacità di rispondere al basso pH, diminuendo iltempo di vita della fluorescenza, presente nella proteina wild-type, era perduto. Ciò indica chegli amminoacidi individuati sono effettivamente importanti per l’NPQ dato da LHCSR3.

Diversamente dal ruolo solitario delle proteine LHCSR nelle alghe verdi, l’NPQ nelle muschiomodello Physcomitrella patens è sotto il controllo di due proteine: PSBS, presente anche nellepiante superiori, e LHCSRs. PSBS non lega pigmenti e la sua azione nella fotoprotezione è pro-babilmente mediata dall’interazione con altre antenne del fotosistema II. Al contrario, la proteinaLHCSR1 lega pigmenti ed ha dimostrato di essere il motore principale dell’NPQ in P. patens,in particolare dopo il legame della xantofilla zeaxantina, indicando che questa proteina potrebbeessere direttamente coinvolta nel processo di smorzamento. Tuttavia, per comprendere le ca-ratteristiche precise di trasferimento di energia e smorzamento di LHCSR1, sarebbe necessarioconoscere l’organizzazione precisa e la distanza tra tutti i cromofori. Poiché strutture cristallinedi proteine antenna non hanno la risoluzione sufficiente per ottenere tutte queste informazioni,il ruolo dei diversi cromofori è stato studiato in passato con l’aiuto di antenne mutate, privedi specifici residui che coordinano ciascun pigmento. Ne il capitolo 3, sono riportati i risultatidello studio in vitro delle caratteristiche spettroscopiche e di smorzamento dei diversi mutantiprivi dei pigmenti della proteina LHCSR1 di P. patens. Abbiamo mutagenizzato ogni residuolegante le clorofille identificato ed analizzato le proteine ricostituite, sia per l’assorbimento cheper la fluorescenza. In particolare, abbiamo focalizzato la nostra attenzione sulle clorofille A2 eA5, che dovrebbero essere coinvolte nel meccanismo di dissipazione mediato dall’interazione coni carotenoidi nei siti L1 e L2.

Le proteine LHCSR sono presenti anche nelle diatomee, dove sono denominate LHCXs. Lediatomee sono organismi del fitoplancton che si sviluppano con successo nell’oceano, dove lecondizioni di luce sono molto variabili. Gli studi dei meccanismi molecolari di acclimatazionealla luce nella diatomea marina Phaeodactylum tricornutum mostrano che la de-epossidazione deicarotenoidi e la proteina LHCX1 contribuiscono a dissipare l’energia della luce in eccesso attra-verso l’NPQ. Nel il capitolo 4 ho indagato il ruolo della famiglia LHCX nelle risposte allo stressnelle diatomee. L’analisi dei dati genomici disponibili mostra che la presenza di geni multipli perLHCX è una caratteristica conservata nelle diatomee che vivono in diverse nicchie ecologiche.Inoltre, l’analisi dei livelli di trascrizioni delle quattro LHCX di P. tricornutum in relazione conl’espressione delle proteine e l’attività fotosintetica indica che le LHCX sono differenzialmenteregolate dalle diverse intensità di luce e dalla concentrazione di nutrienti, modulando la capacitàdi NPQ. Concludiamo che più segnali di stress abiotici convergono per regolare il contenuto diLHCX nelle cellule, fornendo un modo per regolare la raccolta di luce e fotoprotezione. Inoltre,i nostri dati indicano che l’espansione della famiglia genica LHCX riflette la diversificazione fun-zionale dei suoi componenti, che potrebbero beneficiare le cellule che vivono in ambienti oceanicialtamente variabili.

L’altro attore principale della fotoprotezione nelle diatomee è l’accumulo della xantofilla dia-toxantina. Il ciclo delle xantofille, con la conversione di violaxantina (Vx) in zeaxantina (Zx)in condizioni di luce elevata, è uno dei principali meccanismi di NPQ nelle piante. Le diatomeepossiedono anche un secondo ciclo delle xantofille, convertendo diadinoxanthin (Ddx) in diato-xanthin (Dtx) in condizioni di luce alta. La concentrazione di Dtx è strettamente correlato allivello di NPQ, ed il ruolo effettivo della Zx nella fotoprotezione nelle diatomee è stato messo indiscussione. Per comprendere la regolazione e la funzione di questi due cicli delle xantofille, nel ilcapitolo 5 ho deregolato ogni gene putativamente coinvolto in questo processo in Phaeodactylumtricornutum. Ho concentrato la mia attenzione su due proteine, VDR e VDL2, che sono statepredette per essere coinvolte nella de-epossidazione di Vx a Zx e di Ddx a Dtx. Ho trovato

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che i mutanti knock-down per queste due proteine accumulano più xantofille del gruppo Vx-Zxe meno del gruppo Ddx-Dtx rispetto al wild-type, indicando un ruolo di VDR e VDL2 nellavia biosintetica delle xantofille. La maggiore quantità di Vx e Zx ha un effetto negativo nellosviluppo dell’NPQ nei mutanti, dimostrando che la Zx non partecipa all’aumento dell’NPQ nellediatomee.

Grazie a questi studi condotti su organismi differenti, abbiamo acquisito una conoscenza piùapprofondita sulle caratteristiche condivise e su quelle peculiari sulla fotoprotezione nelle algheverdi, muschi e diatomee, come discusso nel il capitolo 6.

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Chapter 1


In this chapter, I present some general concepts about photosynthesis and photoprotection,focusing first on what we know about plants and green algae. More information on diatoms arereported in the last part of the chapter, where I describe the characteristics of the organisms Iworked with.

1.1 Oxygenic photosynthesis

6H2O + 6CO2light−−−→ C6H12O6 + 6O2

water + carbon dioxidelight−−−→ glucose+ oxygen

Most of life on Earth is sustained by oxy-genic photosynthesis, arguably one of the mostimportant biochemical process that allowedcomplex life to evolve on our planet. Photosyn-thetic organisms use water and carbon dioxideto produce glucose and oxygen; light is the en-ergy source that drives the process, while wateris used as an electron donor to reduce carbondioxide into organic carbon. Oxygen, to ourluck, is formed as a side product.

Historically, oxygenic photosynthesis hasbeen divided into two main parts: the lightphase and the dark phase. The former, as thename suggests, requires light and oxidize wa-ter to produce a reduced molecule (NADPH),an high energy compound (ATP) and molecu-lar oxygen. The dark phase uses NADPH andATP to produce organic carbon from CO2 anddoes not requires light (Benson (1950)).

In eukaryotes, the two phases of photo-synthesis take place in the chloroplast (fig-ure 1.1), an intracellular organelle derived

from an endosymbiotic event that happenedapproximately one and a half billion yearsago, between an ancient eukaryotic heterotrophand a prokaryotic phototroph. Due to theirorigin, chloroplasts of plants and green al-gae are surrounded by two membranes: theouter one, more permeable, and the innerone, more selective, both originated from thegram-negative prokaryotic phototroph (Keeling(2013); CAVALIER-SMITH (1982)). Chloro-plasts of organisms that underwent a secondaryendosymbiotic event, like brown algae and di-atoms, are instead surrounded by four mem-branes; we will talk about their “special” fea-tures in detail in section §1.5.4, so hold on onthat.

In all eukaryotic photoptrophs, an internalmembranes system, called thylakoidal mem-branes, divides the bulk of the chloroplast intwo main parts: the lumen, inside the thy-lakoidal membranes, and the stroma, outsideof the thylakoids (figure 1.1). The reactions


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Chapter 1. Introduction

of the light phase of photosynthesis happen inthe thylakoids membranes and lumen, whiledark reactions take place in the stroma. Thy-lakoidal membranes in plants and green algaecan be usually divided in two other regions:stacked layers of membranes, called grana, andinterconnecting regions, the stroma lamellae.These two membrane domains host differentproteins of the photosynthetic apparatus, andtheir abundance can be modified according tolight conditions to finely tune the light reac-tions (Eberhard et al. (2008); Croce and vanAmerongen (2014)).

The light phase is the first part of pho-tosynthesis, in which light is absorbed andused to drive an “unfavorable” chemical reac-tion i.e. the oxidation of water. The lightphase is a series of incredibly well coordinatedand interrelated reactions, involving four mem-brane protein complexes, all located in thy-lakoids: photosystems I and II (PSI and PSII),cytochrome-b6f (Cyt-b6f) and ATP synthase(ATPase) (Eberhard et al. (2008); Xiong andBauer (2002)). These complexes allow thetransport of electrons from water to NADP+

and the formation of a proton gradient betweenthe two sides of the membrane; both theseevents are needed for the production of ATPand NADPH (figure 1.2).

2NADP++2H2Olight−−−→ 2NADPH+O2+2H+

ADP + Piproton gradient−−−−−−−−−−→ ATP

Let’s now follow the journey of an electronthrough the photosynthetic transport chain,starting from light absorption up to NADP+

reduction. Light phase begins in PSII withthe absorption of a photon: the energy of eachquantum of light absorbed is transferred to aspecial pair of chlorophylls, located in the coreof PSII, called P680. This special pair initiatesthe first photochemical reaction of the process,a charge separation. The electron separatedfrom the special pair is immediately transferred

to a pheophytin, then to two plastoquinones:QA, strongly bound to the PSII, and QB , morelabile and that can be liberate in the lipid phaseof the thylakoidal membrane. In the mean-time, the electronic gap of the special coupleis filled by an electron deriving from the oxida-tion of water. The capture of four photons al-lows the complete oxidation of water to molec-ular oxygen and the reduction of two plasto-quinones QB , which are released into the thy-lakoidal membranes as plastoquinols. Wateroxidation also releases four protons in the thy-lakoidal lumen, while the reduction of the twoplastoquinones requires the acquisition of fourprotons from the stroma. The net result is thetransfer of four protons from the stroma to thelumen through the absorption of four photons.

Once released into the membranes, plas-toquinols diffuse from PSII to Cyt-b6f, wherethey are oxidized and each releases the two elec-tron derived from the special pair, liberatingat the same time two protons in the lumen.The two electrons then follow different paths:through various heme groups and iron-sulfurclusters, one of them will reduce plastocyanin(PC), a lumenal-soluble copper-containing pro-tein. The other electron will instead be takenby a new plastoquinone that, after having ac-quired a second electron and taken two protonsfrom the stroma, will be re-released in the lipidbilayer in the form of plastoquinol. This (re)cy-cle allows the pumping of other protons fromthe stroma to the lumen, thus increasing the en-ergy yield of the process (Shikanai et al. (2002);Eberhard et al. (2008)), a wonderful example ofhow evolution was able to create incredibly welltuned and coordinated processes1.

Meanwhile, the PSI, just like PSII, cap-tures a photon, transferring its energy to aspecial pair of chlorophylls (P700) to performanother charge separation. The electron re-leased is transferred to a chlorophyll a (A0)and to a plastoquinone, it passes through threeiron-sulfur clusters and arrives to ferredoxin,an iron-protein loosely associated to the mem-brane that can accept two electrons. The re-duced PC from Cyt-b6f meanwhile move to-

1Don’t take it to literally. Evolution does not create teleologically (i.e. with an intent), it’s just random eventsand selective pressure. ;-)

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Section 1.2. Photosynthetic pigments

Figure 1.1 – Chloroplast structure. On the left, a Transmission Electron Micrography (TEM) of a plantchloroplast. On the right, a schematic representation view of the different structures of the organelle. Image fromPearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings.

ward PSI, donating its electron to restore thespecial pair P700. The electrons transportends with ferredoxin giving its electrons to re-duce NADP+ to NADPH, a reaction catalyzedby the enzyme ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase(Buchanan (1991)).

The journey of our electron is ended butphotosynthesis is not: the pumping of protons(H+) from the stroma to the lumen created apH gradient (∆pH) and an electric field gra-dient (4Ψ) between the two sides of the mem-brane. As all uneven distribution of matter, theproton gradient can be use as an energy source,in this specific case to drive the production of

ATP by the ATPase enzyme (Mitchell (1961)).The difference of redox potential of the var-

ious chemicals involved in the light phase ofphotosynthesis is summarized by the Z-scheme(Holland et al. (2002), figure 1.3), which showshow light energy is used to drive the unfavor-able oxidation of water up to the reduction ofNADP+.

The products of the light phase (i.e. ATPand NADPH) are then used to sustain themetabolic needs of the cell, for example to fixinorganic carbon through the dark phase (Ben-son (1950)) or to synthesize organic compoundslike aminoacids and lipids.

1.2 Photosynthetic pigments

The two photosystems (PSI and PSII) arecomposed of pigment-binding proteins thatcan absorb light and use its energy to fuelmetabolisms. I will now describe the proper-ties of pigments to later discuss the characteris-tics and functions of the whole pigment-proteincomplexes.

Light absorption by the photosynthetic ap-paratus is possible thanks to the existence ofspecial molecules that can interact with visiblelight, due to their extensive conjugated doublebonds systems (van Amerongen et al. (2000)).

These molecules are called photosynthetic pig-ments and are divided in two main classes:chlorophylls and carotenoids. Photosyntheticpigments have external electrons that can ab-sorb photons and “jump” to an electronic ex-cited state. Since electronic states are discrete,these external electrons can only absorb pho-tons with the right amount of energy to “jump”to an exited state2. The energetic levels ofelectronic states are mostly determined by themolecular structure of pigments (in particularby the conjugated double bonds systems and

2The energy of photons is determined by their frequency (or their wavelength), as described by Planck law:E = hν = (hc)/λ (where h is Planck constant, ν is photon frequency, c is the speed of light and λ is photonwavelength).

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Chapter 1. Introduction

Figure 1.2 – Light phase reactions. Schematic representation of the photosynthetic apparatus and of thereactions involved in the light phase of photosynthesis. Stroma is on the upper side of the membrane, lumenin the lower one. The two photosystems are indicated in green, cytochrome-b6f in brown and ATP synthasein purple. Electrons extracted from water are transported trough the electrons transport chain (red arrows) toreduce NADP+, while the proton gradient is used by the ATP synthase to generate ATP. ATP and NADPH arethen used to sustain in the dark phase (Calvin-Benson cycle) to fix CO2 into organic carbon. Image © PearsonEducation, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings.

Figure 1.3 – Z-Scheme of Electron Transport Chain in Photosynthesis. Z-Scheme of the electrontransport chain. Vertical ax indicates electron potential. Green polygons represent chlorophylls. Abbreviationsreferee to: P680: special pair of chlorophylls in PSII. PQ: plastoquinone. PC: plastocyanin. P700: special pair ofchlorophylls in PSI. Image © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

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Section 1.2. Photosynthetic pigments

residue groups), thus changing the colors thatare absorbed by these molecules (as describedin section 1.2.1 and section 1.2.2). Once theelectron reaches an excited state (called S1 orS2), it tends to relax to its ground state (S0),as I explain in section 1.2.3. Let’s now see thetwo main classes of pigments in more details,starting with chlorophylls.

1.2.1 Chlorophylls

Chlorophylls (Chl) are photosynthetic pig-ments that can absorb mainly blue and redlight (figure 1.4 E). The blue absorption band iscaused by the S0-S2 electronic transition (calledSoret transition), while the red absorption bandcorrespond to the S0-S1 (or Qy) transition. S2

excited state (populated after the absorption ofa blue photon) relaxes to S1 so quickly that nophotochemical reaction can happens in such ashort amount of time (see section 1.2.3 for anexplanation of excited state relaxation). Elec-trons in the S1 excited state (populated afterthe absorption of a red photon or by the relax-ation from S2) take more time before returningto the ground state S0, and can be thus usedin photosynthetic reactions (like charge separa-tion in P700 or P680). This means that a bluephoton, even if it’s more energetic, actually pro-vokes the same photochemical response as a redone in the photosynthetic apparatus, becauseof the fast relaxation of S2 to S1 (van Ameron-gen et al. (2000); Croce and van Amerongen(2014)). Thus photosynthetic rate is mostly in-fluenced by the number of absorbed photons(measured as µmol of photons/(m2 ∗ s)) ratherthan by the absorbed energy (which is differentbetween red and blue photons and is usuallymeasured in Watt/m2).

All Chls share a common tetrapyrrole struc-ture (the porphyrin ring) and are synthesizedfrom glutamic acid (Meinecke et al. (2010)).Chl a (figure 1.4 A) is present in almost all pho-tosynthetic organisms, while the other formsare specific of different groups: plant and greenalgae, for example, synthesize Chl b (figure 1.4B), while diatoms and brown algae use Chlsc, which lacks the hydrophobic phytol tail (fig-ure 1.4 C-D, Ballottari et al. (2012); Alberte

et al. (1981)).The different chemical groups bound to the

porphyrin ring allow the tuning of the ab-sorption properties of the molecule (figure 1.4E) by changing the energy gaps between theelectronic ground state and the excited states(Croce and van Amerongen (2014)). Absorp-tion properties can also be changed by the ex-ternal environment, in particular by the po-larity of the solvent: in this way, Chls boundto photosynthetic proteins can absorb differentwavelengths in vivo, depending on the proteinenvironment in which they are burred (Bassiet al. (1999)). Proteins can bind Chls by theinteraction of a nucleophilic aminoacid with themagnesium in the center of the porphyrin ring(Jordan et al. (2001); Liu et al. (2004)), andthe presence of pigments is often indispensablefor the correct folding and stability of photo-synthetic proteins (Paulsen et al. (1993) andchapter 3).

1.2.2 Carotenoids

The second class of photosynthetic pigments iscomposed by carotenoids: these are isoprenoidcompounds with a C40 backbone, derived fromthe biosynthetic pathway of terpenes in thechloroplast (Eisenreich et al. (2001), figure 1.6).Carotenoids consist of a long chain of carbonatoms with conjugated double bonds and withtwo end rings of six carbon atoms (figure 1.5).They can distinguished into two different cate-gories: carotenes, composed of only carbon andhydrogen (e.g. β-carotene), and xanthophylls,which contains also oxygen (e.g. lutein or zeax-anthin).

In nature, more than 600 differentcarotenoids have been discovered and they areresponsible for many of the orange/brown/yel-lowish colors that we see (for example incarrots, yolk and tomatoes) (Estebana et al.(2015); Kuczynska et al. (2015)). Their eco-nomic importance is quite relevant, since theyare used as antioxidants and vitamins precur-sors, in a market worth millions of dollars everyyear (Mikami and Hosokawa (2013); Peng et al.(2011)).

Despite this huge variety, the carotenoids

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Figure 1.4 – Chlorophylls structure and absorption spectra. Molecular structures of chlorophylls a (A),b (B), c1 (C) and c2 (D). E: absorption spectra in organic solvent of the different chlorophyll forms: Chl a, blueline; Chl b, red line; Chl c, green line. Images modified from

present in plants and green algae are mainly six:β-carotene, neoxanthin, violaxanthin, lutein,zeaxanthin and antheraxanthin. β-carotene ismainly present in photosystem reaction cen-ters, while the others are related to periph-eral antenna complexes (Yamamoto and Bassi(1996)). Violaxanthin and zeaxanthin, togetherwith antheraxanthin, play an important role inphotoprotection since they are involved in thexanthophyll cycle (see section 1.4.3).

Diatoms and brown algae lack lutein, butaccumulate three other carotenoids: fucoxan-thin, mainly used for light harvesting, diadinox-anthin and diatoxanthin, also involved in thephotoprotective mechanism of the xanthophyllcycle (Kuczynska et al. (2015)).

The spectroscopic properties of carotenoids(as already seen for chlorophylls) derive fromthe presence of double conjugates bonds (whichform a delocalized π-orbital), from the chemicalgroups present in the end rings and from thepolarity of the environment (Andersson et al.(1991)). The absorption in the visible rangeis between 350 and 550 nm (transition S0-S2)while the transition S0-S1 is not allowed (Croceand van Amerongen (2014)); for this reasoncarotenoids do not absorb in the red region of

the spectrum (figure 1.5).Carotenoids biosynthesis starts with the

condensation of isopentenyl diphosphate anddimethylallyl-diphosphate (figure 1.6). A seriesof condensation form geranyl geranyl diphos-phate (GGPP, a C20 molecule that is also theprecursor of the phytol hydrophobic tail ofchlorophyll a and b), which then reacts withanother GGPP to give phytoene. The desat-uration of phytoene form ζ-carotene first andthen lycopene. In green algae and plants, ly-copene can be transformed to either β-caroteneor to α-carotene (figure 1.6), while diatoms canonly produce β-carotene and lack α-caroteneand lutein (Dambek et al. (2012); Grossmanet al. (2004); Bertrand (2010)). The hydrox-ylation of β-carotene results in the formationof the first xanthophyll, zeaxanthin, which isthen transformed to antheraxanthin, violaxan-thin and finally neoxanthin. This is the laststep in xanthophyll biosynthesis in plants andgreen algae, while in diatoms the process goeson to form diatoxanthin, diadinoxanthin andfucoxanthin, as we will see in chapter 5.

All these carotenoids have various rolesin photosynthetic organisms: together withlight harvesting and energy transfer (Gradi-

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Section 1.2. Photosynthetic pigments

naru et al. (2000)), they are also importantfor membrane regulation (Ruban and Johnson(2010); Havaux and Niyogi (1999)), photopro-tection (Havaux and Niyogi (1999)), antioxi-dant regulation (Dall’Osto et al. (2007)) andchloroplast-to-nucleus signaling (Alboresi et al.(2011)). Binding of carotenoids to proteins ismediated via hydrophobic interactions and isalso implicated in protein folding and structurestability (Plumley and Schmidt (1987); Paulsenet al. (1993)).

1.2.3 Excited state relaxationWe already said that an electron that interactswith a photon with the right energy goes fromthe ground state (S0) to an exited state (indi-cated as S1,S2,...Sn). In this state the electronis not stable and will quickly relax to its groundstate. There are various way for the electronto relax, and the prevalence of one mechanismover the other depends on its decay kinetic con-stant: the faster the decay, the more electronswill relax using that mechanism. The most im-portant relaxation mechanisms are (figure 1.7,Croce and van Amerongen (2014); van Ameron-gen et al. (2000)):

◦ Vibrational relaxation: is the mechanismthat relaxes an electron that reaches anexcited vibrational state, from which itwill move very rapidly (10−12 s) to thefundamental vibrational energy level, giv-ing its energy to other molecules (e.g.through collisions with the solvent);

◦ Internal conversion: is a non-radiativehorizontal transition (without changes inthe energy of the electron), consisting inthe transition between vibrational levelsof the state Sn to those of the Sn−1 level.This process also happens very quickly(10−12 s);

◦ Fluorescence: is the emission of a photonwith an energy corresponding to the dif-ference between the energy levels S1 andS0. It happens at a lower speed com-pared to the previous mechanisms (10−7-

10−9 s). The emitted photon usually haslonger wavelength (and therefore less en-ergy) than that of the one absorbed topass from S0 to S1, due to the energy lossof the vibrational levels (Strokes shift);

◦ Intersystem crossing: is a horizontal tran-sition from a singlet excited state to atriplet excited state (T1) by the relativelyslow inversion of the electron spin (10−8

s). The excited triplet state molecule canthen react with other molecules in thesame state, such as molecular oxygen; inthis case it will generate singlet oxygen(1O2), a very reactive species that candamage the photosynthetic apparatus (asdescribed in section §1.4);

◦ Phosphorescence: once arrived in the ex-cited triplet (T1) the electron, in orderto return to the state S0, can undergoa new spin reversal and emit a photon.Such emission is called phosphorescenceand occurs with times ranging from 10−4

s to a few tens of seconds.

In addition to these intramolecular mecha-nisms, energy can also be dissipated by pro-cesses involving other nearby molecules:

◦ Exciton transfer: is the de-excitation ofa donor molecule with the parallel exci-tation of an acceptor molecule throughCoulomb coupling of their dipole mo-ments. Such transfer can take place onlyif the donor and the acceptor are closeby (1-10 nm), with the right orientationof their dipole moments and if there isan overlap of the emission spectrum ofthe donor with the absorption spectrumof the acceptor;

◦ Photochemistry: in the case of photosyn-thetic pigments, energy is used for chargeseparation in the reaction center. Thismechanism requires the presence of anelectron acceptor molecule and is whathappens in the special pairs P680 andP700 (section §1.1).

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Figure 1.5 – Carotenoids structure and absorption spectra. Molecular structures and absorption spectraof different carotenoids. Image modified from and Guaratini et al.(2009).

1.3 Photosystems and Antenna proteins

In both photosystems we can distinguishtwo components: a core complex, where thecharge separation occurs, and a peripheral sys-tem of antennae, deputed to the collection oflight and to the transfer of energy to the reac-tion center (figure 1.8).

The genes encoding the core proteins aremostly part of the plastid genome: they arevery conserved in all photosynthetic organismsand have the prefixes Psa and Psb in theirnames for the PSI and PSII components, re-spectively.

The antenna proteins are instead encoded inthe nuclear genome and belong to the LHC genefamily (Light Harvesting Complex) (Dall’Ostoet al. (2015)). These genes show a greater se-quence divergence than those of the core, likelythe result of the adaptations of the variousorganisms to different environments (Hoffmanet al. (2011); Xiong and Bauer (2002); Wobbeet al. (2015)).

Photosystem II (PSII) is a membrane-integral multiprotein complex, localized mainly

in the grana; in PSII starts the linear electronstransport chain of the light phase of photosyn-thesis, with the oxidation of water to molecularoxygen. The PSII core complex is organizedas a dimer and consists of the proteins D1 andD2 (psbA and psbD genes), the Oxygen Evolv-ing Complex (deputy to water photolysis) andthe internal antennas CP43 and CP47 (Chloro-phyll binding Proteins of 43 and 47 kDa) (fig-ure 1.8 A). The reaction center contains thespecial pair of chlorophylls (P680) and all thenecessary co-factors for the electrons transport(pheophytin, QA and QB) (Ballottari et al.(2012)).

PSII external antennas of plants and greenalgae are chlorophyll a/b binding proteins, en-coded by nuclear genes and then imported intothe chloroplast thanks to the presence of a spe-cial sequence at the N-terminal, called tran-sit peptide. LHC antennae all have a similarstructural organization, featuring three trans-membrane α-helices and conserved Chl bindingresidues (Xiong and Bauer (2002)). PSII an-

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Figure 1.6 – Carotenoids biosynthesis in green algae and plants. Biosynthetic pathway of carotenoidsin green algae and plants. Abbreviations correspond to: DMAPP, dimethylallyl-diphosphate; IPP, isopentenyldiphosphate; GGPP, geranyl geranyl diphosphate. The abbreviations used for the enzymes are: IPPI (alsocalled IDI), IPP-DMAPP isomerase; GGPPS, GGPP synthase; PSY, phytoene synthase; PDS, phytoene desat-urase; ZDS, ζ-carotene desaturase; CRTISO, carotenoid isomerase; LCYB, lycopene-β-cyclase; LCYE, lycopene-ε-cyclase; CHYB, β-carotene hydroxylase; LUT, Lutein Deficient 1 and 5; ZEP, zeaxanthin epoxidase; VDE, vio-laxanthin de-epoxidase; NSY, neoxanthin synthase. Image modified from Coesel (2007) and Bertrand (2010).

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Figure 1.7 – Jablonski diagram. Jablonski diagram indicating various relaxation path from a electronic exitedstates. Electronic ground state S0 (and its vibrational levels) are represented by the lower black orizontal lines,and electron excitation after the absorption of a photon in indicated by blue arrows. Electrons reaching the S2

excited state quickly relax to the S1 state via vibrational relaxation (black arrows) and internal conversion (lightblue arrows). Relaxation from the S1 state can either happen via fluorescence emission (green arrows) or internalconversion (not represented). Intersystem crossing from S1 can lead to a triplet excited state (T1), with relaxtrough the emission of phosphorescence (red dashed arrows). Image from

tennae can be divided into trimeric major an-tennae (LHCII, Dall’Osto et al. (2015)), andmonomeric minor antennae (LHCb 4-5-6Bassiet al. (1993), figure 1.8 A).

Both major and minor antenna proteins in-crease the amount of absorbed photons, butthey can also provide photoprotection and reg-ulate the amount of energy that is transfer tothe reaction centers (Dall’Osto et al. (2015);Niyogi (1999); Bassi et al. (1993)). The amountof LHCII attached to each reaction center canbe regulated in dependence on environmentalconditions, as plants grown in high light showa lower content of LHCII compared to plantsgrown in low light conditions (Bailey et al.(2001); Ballottari et al. (2007)). LHCII trimerscan be separated from PSII with different deter-gent methods (from here comes the subdivisionof LHCII into strongly, medium and looselybound to the core center, figure 1.8 A, Ballot-tari et al. (2012)), and their three-dimensionalstructure shows the typical features of LHCproteins (Liu et al. (2004)), with three trans-membrane α-helices (A, B and C) (figure 1.9)and each LHCII subunit binding 14 Chls and 4carotenoids in plants (Liu et al. (2004)).

Photosystem I (PSI) is highly conserved in

plants, algae and cyanobacteria: the core con-sists of multiple subunits (Scheller et al. (2001),figure 1.8 B), where the special Chls pair P700is located in PsaA and PsaB proteins. In plantsand algae, PSI also binds LHC proteins, thatcompose its external antenna system (Bassiet al. (1992); Ikeda et al. (2008), figure 1.8 B),and these proteins show the same structural or-ganization as the ones from PSII, with threetrans-membrane α-helices. In higher plants,only four antennae are bound to each PSI core,and their number does not change with lightconditions (Ballottari et al. (2007)), with theexception of the migration of LHCII from PSIIto PSI during state transitions (section §1.4).In green algae, instead, antenna size of PSI ismuch bigger, and up to nine PSI-specific LHCsare bound to it (Bassi et al. (1992)) and can bemodulated in response to different light condi-tions (Le Quiniou et al. (2015)).

Diatoms photosystems differ from those ofthe green lineage, in particular regarding theexternal antennae system and the organizationof the thylakoidal membranes. For a specificdiscussion and description of diatoms antennaproteins see section §1.5.4.

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Figure 1.8 – Organization of photosystem II and photosystem I. Structural organization of photosystemII (panel A) and photosystems I (panel B) super complexes. Core complexes are indicated in blue, antennaproteins in green. Trimers of LHCII are distinguished in strongly bound to the complex (S), medium (M) andweakly bound (L). Images modified from Ballottari et al. (2012) and Girardon (2013).

Figure 1.9 – Structure of a monomer LHCII antenna. X-ray crystal structure of a LHCII monomer fromSpinacia oleracea. The various chlorophylls (Chl) and the four binding sites of carotenoids are indicated (L1, L2,and N1 V1). Image from Liu et al. (2004).

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1.4 Photoprotective mechanisms

Light is (of course) essential for photosyn-thesis. Nevertheless, the rate of photosynthesisdoes not linearly increase with light intensity,reaching a saturating point when other reac-tions became limiting. In high light, or un-der other stressful conditions, the absorptionof photons exceeds the capacity of the down-stream reactions to consume the products ofthe light phase and reaction centers get satu-rated (Barber and Andersson (1992); Wobbeet al. (2015)). As a consequence, there is anincrease in the concentration of chlorophyllsin the excited singlet (1Chl*) and an exces-sive acidification of thylakoid lumen (Niyogi(1999)). The increase of 1Chl* causes an in-crease in the probability of intersystem cross-ing (see section 1.2.3), with the generation ofchlorophylls in the triplet excited state (3Chl*)that can react with oxygen, thus giving sin-glet oxygen (1O2), a highly reactive and toxicspecies (Niyogi (1999)). The life time of 1Chl*in PSII is much higher than that in PSI (sincein the case of PSI, charge separation and re-combination of the special pair P700 is fasterthan in PSII, Slavov et al. (2008); Jeong et al.(2002)) thus making PSII the main productionsite of 1O2, which can damage the structureof the photosynthetic apparatus and lead tophotoinhibition (Niyogi (1999); Eberhard et al.(2008)).

Singlet oxygen, formed by the interactionwith 3Chl*, can produce various other harm-ful chemical species (figure 1.10), known as Re-active Oxygen Species (ROS). Via monovalentreduction, singlet oxygen can give superoxideoxygen (O•−

2 ), which can then be reduced tohydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hydroxyl radical(OH•). The latter species in particular causesserious damage to the photosynthetic appara-tus and to cellular structures, for example oxi-dizing lipids in a chain reaction. Thylakoidalmembranes are particularly abundant in un-saturated fatty acids, so lipid oxidation is areal threat, and ROS production must be keptstrictly under control to avoid damages (Aroet al. (1993); Knox and Dodge (1985)).

To avoid the formation of 3Chl* or to pro-

tect themselves from ROS damages, photo-synthetic organisms have developed differentphotoprotective strategies, which are the maintopic of this thesis and that I will briefly intro-duce in the next sections.

1.4.1 Short-term and long-termresponses to excessive light

Responses to light stress can in part be dis-tinguished based on their velocity of action oractivation (Eberhard et al. (2008)). Rapid re-sponses do not require changes in gene expres-sion, as their components are already in place.

There are light stresses that occur slowly(e.g. the variation of sun light during the day)or quickly (e.g. an area of underbrush suddenlyexposed to direct sunlight because of the uppercanopy moved by the wind or, in case of a ma-rine organism, the water turbulence), and theduration of the stress can be variable as well.

To deal with these adverse conditions,plants and algae have mechanisms that can acton different time scales:

◦ Photochemical quenching (qP): it is a fastmechanism (on a millisecond time scale)that consists is the relaxation of excitedChls thought the normal photosyntheticprocess, so by energy transfer and chargeseparation (see figure 1.2);

◦ ROS scavenging: various molecules, suchas ascorbate, glutathione, α-tocopheroland some xanthophylls, act as traps forROS by reacting with them and avoid-ing damages to cellular components likemembrane lipids or the photosyntheticapparatus;

◦ Non-Photochemical Quenching (NPQ):it’s a mechanism that can be activatedin few seconds and that dissipates 1Chl*in form of heat. This quenching is mea-surable as the progressive reduction ofchlorophyll fluorescence in response to il-lumination (figure 1.11). Short and in-tense pulses of light saturate all photo-chemical reactions, in order to eliminate

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Figure 1.10 – Reactive Oxygen Species formation. Scheme of reactions that lead to the various reactiveoxygen species from molecular oxygen. Chemical species represented are: molecular triplet oxygen (3O2), singletoxygen (1O2), superoxide oxygen (O•−

2 ), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hydroxyl radical (OH•).

the photochemical quenching component(Schreiber et al. (1986)) and NPQ is cal-culated as (Fm − F ′

m)/F ′m. NPQ can be

further subdivided into different compo-nents (namely qE, qZ and qI) as I willdescribed in section 1.4.2;

◦ State transitions: in plants and green al-gae, under conditions that favor the exci-tation of one of the two PSs, the move-ment of LHCII antenna proteins betweenPSII and PSI allows to re-balance the ex-citation energy in the photosynthetic ap-paratus in few minutes (Eberhard et al.(2008); Wobbe et al. (2015));

◦ Non-assimilatory electron sinks:metabolic reactions that consumeNADPH and ATP, other than the CalvinCycle, can alleviate energy overload onthe photosynthetic apparatus. Thesenon-assimilatory electron sinks may in-clude, for example, photorespiration(Wallsgrove et al. (1987)) or water-to-water cycle (Asada (1999)) and their reg-ulation can be quite fast;

◦ Chloroplast movement (qM): chloroplastrelocation and self-shading in plant cellscan reduce the amount of absorbed en-ergy in case of excessive light in fewtens of minutes (Cazzaniga et al. (2013);Dall’Osto et al. (2014));

◦ Light avoidance: in case of motile mi-croalgae, the whole organism can re-sponds to excessive light conditions byswimming far away from the light source,while plants can change the orientationof their leaves to reduce light absorp-tion, thus diminishing the energy over-load (Bennett and Golestanian (2015)).These mechanisms can require tens ofminutes to hours to be effective;

Slower mechanisms, which require importantchanges in gene expression, fall into the cate-gory of photoacclimation responses:

◦ Pigment synthesis: de novo synthesis ofphotoprotective pigments (such as thoseinvolved in ROS scavenging and in thexanthophyll cycle), which happens insome hours, increases the capacity of thephotosynthetic organisms to resist to highlight stresses (Lavaud (2002); Gilmoreand Ball (2000));

◦ Re-balance of light and dark reactions:after several hours or days of sustainedhigh light conditions, the antenna sizeof photosystems is generally reduced andcomponents of electrons transport chainand CO2 fixation are increased, in or-der to re-balance the amount of absorbedlight with the capacity of energy utiliza-tion (Bonente et al. (2012); Pfannschmidtet al. (1999); Wobbe et al. (2015); Ballot-tari et al. (2007));

◦ Modification of plant morphology: re-duction of leaves surface and increase intheir thickness, smaller chloroplasts withfewer grana stacks and lower chlorophyllcontent are all common characteristicsof plants responses to prolonged (weeks)high light conditions (Yano (2001)).

1.4.2 PSBS, LHCSR and LHCXproteins

As photoprotection via Non-PhotochemicalQuenching (NPQ) is a relevant part of this the-sis, I will discuss this process a bit more in de-tail.We can distinguish three main components ofNPQ: the first one is called qE and is activatedby the acidification of thylakoid lumen. A sec-ond component is qZ, which is due to the bind-

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Figure 1.11 – Chlorophyll de-excitation processes, chlorophyll fluorescence trace and correspond-ing NPQ. On the left is represented a scheme of chlorophyll (Chl) excitation, due to light absorption, and de-excitation, due to photochemistry, heat dissipation or fluorescence emission. Chl triplet state conversion (3Chl*)and reaction with molecular oxygen is also depicted. On the right, an example of fluorescence kinetic (black line,left vertical axes) in an alga subjected to actinic light that saturate photosynthesis (light box), followed by darkexposure (black box). NPQ is calculated as (Fm −F ′

m)/F ′m and is represented as a grey line in the upper part of

the graph (right vertical axes). Images modified from and Kana et al.(2012).

ing of zeaxanthin to LHC proteins, while thelast component is qI, associated with photoinhi-bition and other long-lasting reduction in PSIIfluorescence. These three NPQ componentscan be distinguished by their relaxation kinet-ics during the dark exposure in an NPQ mea-surement (figure 1.11, Eberhard et al. (2008);Dall’Osto et al. (2014)).

The qI component is the slowest one, with arelaxation time of hours, and it’s actually com-posed of more that one mechanisms, like thedamage , inactivation and repairmen of the coreproteins of PSII (Eberhard et al. (2008); Krause(1988)).

A medium-lasting component (10-30 min-utes relaxation time) was initially thought tobe related to state transitions (the movementof LHCII antennae between PSII and PSI) andtherefore called qT. Results from the Arabidop-sis thaliana stn7 mutant, which is blocked instate transitions, showed no change in the qTcomponent (Bellafiore et al. (2005)), thus chal-lenging the interpretation that this NPQ com-ponent is due to the movement of LHCII anten-nae. qT would be rather due to the accumula-tion of zeaxanthin (Miloslavina et al. (2008);

Dall’Osto et al. (2005)), and should be calledqZ (Nilkens et al. (2010)).

The qE component is the fastest one and it’sactivated by excessive acidification of thylakoidlumen, which in the model plant Arabidopsisthaliana is detected via the reversible proto-nation of the protein PSBS. PSBS is a four-transmembrane α-helixes protein, with two glu-tamic acid residues facing the lumen: theseresidues can be protonated in low pH condi-tions (Li et al. (2000b); Ruban et al. (2007); Liet al. (2004)), leading to the activation of NPQvia the interaction of PSBS with other LHCantennae (Gerotto et al. (2015)).

In green algae, PSBS gene is present but thedetection of proteins has been a long-lastingdilemma, since apparently the gene was tran-scribed but no protein could be found (Peerset al. (2009); Allmer et al. (2006); Bonenteet al. (2008)). Only very recently this mys-tery arrived to a turning point, when PSBS wasfirstly detected transiently in cells exposed tohigh light and low CO2 (Correa-Galvis et al.(2016)). More stable expression of PSBS wasfound after UV-B treatment, where an involve-ment of this protein in qE development has also

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been demonstrated (Guillaume Allorent andMichel Goldschmidt-Clermont, personal com-munication).In “normal” high light conditions, when PSBSis not present in green algae, the functionof pH-sensor and NPQ activator is performedby other proteins, called LHCSRs (Light Har-vesting Complex Stress-Related proteins, Peerset al. (2009)).

Mosses (and in particular Physcomitrellapatens) are a special case for what concernphotoprotection and LHCSR proteins: theyare somewhat in the middle between vascu-lar plants and green algae, since PSBS andLHCSR proteins are present together and theyare both active in photoprotection (Alboresiet al. (2010)). The regulation and involvementin NPQ of LHCSR proteins in Chlamydomonasreinhardtii and in Physcomitrella patens arefurther described in section §1.5.2 and in sec-tion 1.5.3, respectively.

Lastly, also diatoms (see section §1.5.4)posses LHCSR proteins, here called LHCX,which are still active in photoprotection(Bailleul et al. (2010)). In the model diatomPhaeodactylum tricornutum, four different iso-forms of LHCX are present, and an involve-ment in photoprotection and photosynthesisregulation as been demonstrated for the iso-form LHCX1 (Bailleul et al. (2010)). Knock-down mutants for LHCX1 show in fact lowerNPQ capacity and lower growth, highlightingthe essential role of this protein in photosyn-thesis regulation. Different amounts of LHCX1protein were also detected in various ecotypesof P. tricornutum, nicely correlating with themaximal NPQ capacity of each strain (Bailleulet al. (2010)). More recently, the involvement ofLHCX proteins in NPQ has been demonstratedalso in centric diatoms, where they possiblycontrol aggregation and reorganization of an-tenna proteins in high light conditions (Ghaz-aryan et al. (2016)).

1.4.3 The Xanthophyll Cycle

PSBS and LHCSR/LHCX are not the only pro-teins involved in the qE (∆pH-dependent) com-ponent of NPQ. The second main actor is the

xanthophyll cycle (XC), a series of reactionsthat convert violaxanthin (Vx) into zeaxan-thin (Zx) in excessive light conditions (Havauxand Niyogi (1999)). These reactions are cat-alyzed by a lumenal soluble enzyme, violaxan-thin de-epoxidase (VDE, Niyogi et al. (1997);Yamamoto and Kamite (1972)), which requiresascorbate as a co-substrate and that is acti-vated by the reduction of pH in the lumen. Inacid conditions, VDE dimerizes and binds tothylakoidal membranes (in particular to mono-galactosyldiacilglycerol lipid domains) to con-vert Vx into Zx (Hager and Holocher (1994);Arnoux et al. (2009); Goss and Jakob (2010)).Dimerization is thought to allows VDE to per-form the simultaneous de-epoxidation of bothVx rings, directly producing Zx (Arnoux et al.(2009)).

VDE belongs to the lipocalin protein family,having a central lipocalin conserved domain forthe binding of the substrate, flanked by an N-terminal cysteine-rich domain and a C-terminalglutamic acid-rich region (Coesel et al. (2008)).The back reaction (from Zx to Vx) is insteadcatalyzed by a stromatic enzyme (possibly as-sociated to the thylakoid membrane), zeaxan-thin epoxidase (ZEP, Jahns et al. (2009)). ZEPhas a neutral optimum pH and utilizes oxygen,FAD and NADPH as co-substrates (Buch et al.(1995)). In plants and green algae, ZEP is al-ways active, but it’s much slower that VDE,ensuring effective accumulation of Zx upon ex-cessive light and a subsequent slow reconversionto Vx in low light conditions (Siefermann andYamamoto (1975)).

Zx has a fundamental role in photoprotec-tion, performing ROS scavenging (Dall’Ostoet al. (2010)), 3Chl* quenching (Dall’Osto et al.(2012)) and NPQ regulation (Niyogi et al.(1998, 2001)). Different quenching mechanismshave been hypothesized, which propose eitherthe direct involvement of Zx (and or lutein) toform a Zx radical cation in the minor antennae(Ahn et al. (2008)) or the transfer of energyfrom chlorophylls to the S1 state of a carotenoid(Ruban et al. (2007)). Indirect roles of Zx inquenching have been proposed as well, like theaction of this xanthophyll as an allosteric regu-lator of antenna proteins to enhance Chl dimer

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interaction (Muller et al. (2010)).The violaxanthin-zeaxanthin cycle is

present in viridiplantae (plants and green al-gae) and chromista (brown algae and diatoms),even though some studies point to its presencealso in rhodophyta (red algae, Estebana et al.(2015); Schubert et al. (2006)). In diatoms, to-gether with the violaxanthin-zeaxanthin cycle,a second XC is present, involving two pigmentsthat are absent in the green lineage: diadinox-anthin and diatoxanthin (Lohr and Wilhelm(1999)).

The XC in diatoms have some peculiar char-acteristics when compared to the one presentin plants. VDE is active not only in acidic en-vironments but already at neutral pH (Jakob

et al. (2001)), and has a higher KM for the co-factor ascorbate (Grouneva et al. (2006)). ZEPprotein is much faster in catalyzing the epoxi-dation reaction, but it is completely inhibitedby low lumenal pH (i.e. in high light condi-tions, Goss et al. (2006)). Diatoxanthin is alsoable to sustain NPQ even in the absence of aproton gradient (Goss et al. (2006)), while NPQin plants immediately collapses when an uncou-pler is added, even if Zx is still present.

Together with these different characteris-tics, diatoms also show an expansion of thegenes which encode the enzymes putatively in-volved in the epoxidation and de-epoxidationreactions, as described in section §1.5.5.

1.5 My three working organisms: green algae, mosses anddiatoms

Now that the main characteristics of pho-tosynthesis and photoprotection have been de-scribed, I will present some information re-garding the organisms I worked with, namelygreen algae, diatoms and mosses, and the differ-ences that distinguish them one from the other.These organisms all have some common charac-teristics regarding their photosynthetic appara-tus, but major differences exist as well, due totheir different evolutionary histories. Compar-ative analysis can give us extensive informationregarding the most important and conservedcharacteristics of dissipative mechanisms. I willstart by describing green algae and mosses,which both have chloroplasts derived from pri-mary endosymbiosis. As diatoms have somemore peculiar features, mainly due to the dif-ferent origin of their chloroplast, I will describethem in a separate section (section §1.5.4).

1.5.1 The green lineage

Photosynthetic organisms are hugely differ-entiated, from cyanobacteria to plants, butoxygenic photosynthesis probably evolved justonce in ancient prokaryotic cyanobacteria andspread among eukaryotes through various en-dosymbiotic events (Howe et al. (2008)). The

primary endosymbiotic event formed three lin-eages, all belonging to the plant kingdom (fig-ure 1.12 and figure 1.15): chlorophyta (greenalgae), rhodophyta (red algae) and glaucophyta(Keeling (2013)). In the organisms belong-ing to these groups, the plastid is surroundedby two membranes that correspond to the in-ner and outer membranes of the ancient gram-negative cyanobacterium (CAVALIER-SMITH(1982)). Land plants (embryophytes) latelyevolved from green algae and the two are part ofthe same clade of Viridiplantae (Becker (2007);Baldauf (2008)) sharing most of the photosyn-thetic apparatus architecture that has been de-scribed previously.

Chloroplasts of Viridiplantae are gener-ally organized similarly, with thylakoidal mem-branes that usually form grana stacks andstroma lamellae, a segregation between PSI andPSII in these membrane structures, the pres-ence of chlorophyll b in antenna proteins (Bal-lottari et al. (2012); Koziol et al. (2007)) andthe production of starch as carbohydrate stor-ing molecule (Busi et al. (2014)). Also mosses(clade Viridiplantae, phylum bryophytes) showthese characteristics (Koziol et al. (2007); Al-boresi et al. (2008)). They are consider, froma functional and evolutionary point of view, to

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Section 1.5. My three working organisms: green algae, mosses and diatoms

be in between green algae and vascular plants.Because of that, the use of mosses in studiesregarding photosynthesis, photoprotection andthe adaptation in the transition from aquaticto terrestrial environments is steadily growing(Quatrano et al. (2007); Schaefer et al. (1991);Alboresi et al. (2010); Gerotto et al. (2011);Schaefer (2001); Alboresi et al. (2008)). An in-teresting characteristic of mosses is, for exam-ple, the concurrent presence of the two antennaproteins involved in the onset of NPQ, PSBSand LHCSR (Alboresi et al. (2010)), both ac-tive in photoprotection.

In the next two sessions, I will introduce thetwo “green organisms” addressed in this thesis:the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii andthe moss Physcomitrella patens.

1.5.2 Chlamydomonas rein-hardtii

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is the model organ-ism of the chlorophyta phylum (green algae). Itis a flagellated, unicellular alga of about 10 µmthat lives in fresh water (Proschold (2005)). Itwas chosen as a model organism for the manyadvantages it offers: ease of cultivation (it isable to grow both in autotrophy and in het-erotrophy, using acetate as a complementarycarbon source), rapid growth and short mitoticlife cycle , haploidity, the ability to generatevarious mutant strains and to control the sex-ual cycle (Grossman (2000); Nickelsen (2005);Dent et al. (2005); Rochaix (1995)).

The nuclear, mitochondrial and plastidialgenomes of C. reinhardtii have been completelysequenced (Merchant et al. (2007)) and thereare collections of EST, cDNA and mutantstrains. The sexual cycle can be induced inthe laboratory by stress conditions (such as ni-trogen deprivation), thus generating gametes.When two gametes of opposite mating type (+and -) come together, they give a diploid zy-gote, devoid of flagella and surrounded by athick wall to withstand the stress conditions.As soon as the environmental conditions re-turn favorable, the zygote begins the meiosis,generating four haploid cells (Proschold (2005);Grossman (2000)). The nuclear genome of 120

Mbp is haploid in the vegetative stage, witha high GC content (62%) (Merchant et al.(2007)).

C. reinhardtii possesses two apical flag-ella for mobility, a single chloroplast, whichoccupies 50% of the cell volume, and aspecial organelle, called pyrenoid, containinghigh concentration of RuBisCo (Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase) for car-bon fixation and the accumulation of starch(figure 1.13).

Compared to land plants, thylakoidal mem-branes are poorly stacked, PSI antenna systemis bigger, with 9 LHCA instead of just 4 as inplants (Wobbe et al. (2015)), and the numberof subunits is modulated in response to exter-nal conditions (Le Quiniou et al. (2015)). C.reinhardtii also lack the minor antenna LHCB6(CP24), which is instead present in plants andmosses (Büchel (2015)).

As already mentioned in section 1.4.2, C.reinhardtii have the PSBS gene, but the pro-tein is not present in normal or in high lightconditions (Peers et al. (2009); Allmer et al.(2006); Bonente et al. (2008)). In C. rein-hardtii, three LHCSR (Light Harvesting Com-plex Stress-Related) genes are present, calledLHCSR1, LHCSR3.1 and 3.2, with the lasttwo encoding the same aminoacid sequence(LHCSR3 protein, Merchant et al. (2007); Bo-nente et al. (2011)). LHCSR1 is constitutivelyaccumulated, but can induce only little qE,while LHCSR3 is induced by excessive lightconditions or low CO2 (Peers et al. (2009);Thuy Binh Truong (2011); Correa-Galvis et al.(2016)) and is responsible for most of the qEactivity in C. reinhardtii. LHCSR3 in particu-lar has been studied in the last years becauseof its possible involvement not only in qE acti-vation (with the perception of low lumenal pHdue to the excessive light conditions) but alsoin direct quenching (Thuy Binh Truong (2011);Peers et al. (2009); Bonente et al. (2011)). Thisprotein, differently from PSBS, can in fact bindpigments and may act as a quenching antenna(Bonente et al. (2011); Liguori et al. (2013);Tokutsu and Minagawa (2013); Liguori et al.(2016)).

During my Ph.D., I studied the pH-sensing

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Figure 1.12 – Phylogenetic tree of the eight major eukaryotic groups. Phylogenetic tree of eukaryotesrepresenting the eight major groups: green algae and mosses belong to the plant kingdom (Plantae), while diatomsare part of Heterokonts. Image modified from Baldauf et al. (2004).

and quenching properties of LHCSR3 proteinfrom C. reinhardtii, trying to understand howthe protein is activated and if it can really senselumenal pH and switch on NPQ in response tothis signal; the results I obtained are presentedin chapter 2.

1.5.3 Physcomitrella patens

Physcomitrella patens is the model organism ofthe bryophyta phylum (mosses). It is a mossof a few centimeters size (figure 1.14) that canbe found in temperate climates. Since it lackroots and a xylem system, it can’t control itsinternal state of hydration, so it inhabits onlyvery humid environments, such as the edges ofpools of water. As all mosses, it lacks a vascularsystem and does not produce lignin, two fac-tors that limit the size of the plant due to poorwater distribution between the various part ofthe organism and no mechanical support froma “rigid” molecule.

As already said, mosses are gaining mo-mentum in plant biology to study water-to-

land transition, since they present intermedi-ate characteristics between algae and land vas-cular plants (Alboresi et al. (2010); Rensinget al. (2008); Alboresi et al. (2008)). Bryophytashared a common ancestor with vascular plantsabout 200-400 millions years ago (Sandersonet al. (2004)), and it has been shown that P.patens have at least 66% of hom*ologous geneswith the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana(Nishiyama et al. (2003)). P. patens was chosenas a model organism for the many advantages itoffers: ease of cultivation, haploidity in most ofit’s life cycle, easy vegetative propagation andthe possibility to generate mutants with hom*ol-ogous recombination (Quatrano et al. (2007);Schaefer et al. (1991); Cove (2005); Cove et al.(2009); Frank et al. (2005); Schaefer and Zryd(1997); Kamisugi et al. (2006)). The nuclear,mitochondrial and plastidial genomes of P.patens have been completely sequenced (Tera-sawa et al. (2007); Rensing et al. (2008); Sug-iura et al. (2003)) and there are collections ofEST and transcriptomic data available (Cove(2005); Xiao et al. (2011)).

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Figure 1.13 – Chlamydomonas reinhardtii electron micrographs. Left: Chlamydomonas reinhardtiielectron micrograph with a scanner electron microscopy. Right: electron micrograph with a transmission elec-tron microscopy showing ultrastructural details of the cell. Abbreviations indicate: CW, cell wall; C, chloro-plast; M, mitochondria; N, nucleus; V, vacuole; P, pyrenoid; G, Golgi apparatus. Images from and

Some interesting information have emergedfrom the study of antenna proteins in P. patens,showing that some of the genes are sharedbetween all the green lineage (e.g. LHCA1-2-3 and LHCB 4-5 ) while others seems to bespecific of plants (e.g. LHCB3 and 6 ) (Al-boresi et al. (2008)). An apparently uniqueantenna protein, found only in mosses, is in-stead LHCB9: this is the first PSII-associatedprotein that has a red-shifted absorption spec-trum, a characteristic that could optimize lightabsorption under the canopy (Alboresi et al.(2011)).

As already discussed in section 1.4.2, mossesare an interesting case of study when it comesto photoprotection: sitting in between vascularplants and green algae, they posses both theproteins involved in NPQ trigger mentioned sofar, PSBS and LHCSR, both of which are ac-tive in photoprotection (Alboresi et al. (2010);Gerotto et al. (2012)). This makes mossesunique organisms to study NPQ process and itsevolution upon land colonization. In P. patens,two LHCSR proteins are present (LCHSR1 andLHCSR2), which have a 91% sequence similar-ity. LHCSR1 is the most abundant and impor-tant in photoprotection (Alboresi et al. (2010))and it is strongly induced by high light treat-ment, while LHCSR2 does not respond to highlight but rather to cold stress (Gerotto et al.(2011)).

PSBS probably does not bind pigments (Do-minici et al. (2002); Bonente et al. (2008)), al-

though it has been reported to be able to bindxanthophylls in vitro (Aspinall-O’Dea et al.(2002)), and thus the real quenching site inplant is in the LHCs (Ahn et al. (2008); Johnsonet al. (2011)). Differently from PSBS, LHCSRproteins do bind pigments (Bonente et al.(2011); Pinnola et al. (2013)), and is there-fore possible that these proteins are not onlythe pH sensors but also active quenchers (chap-ter 2). Differently from what has been shownin C. reinhardtii, LHCSR quenching activity inP. patens is strongly increased by the presenceof zeaxanthin (Pinnola et al. (2013)), synthe-sized from violaxanthin under excessive lightconditions via the xanthophyll cycle (Demmiget al. (1987)), but the exact energy transfer orquenching role of each chromophore is nowa-days unknown.

To address this issue, I studied thein vitro pigment-binding characteristics andquenching activity of LHCSR1 protein fromPhyscomitrella patens, and the results of thiswork are presented and discussed in chapter 3.

1.5.4 Diatoms

Diatoms are marine microalgae spread in all theoceans, and they occupy a huge variety of eco-logical niches, from the poles to tropical seas;they are the most diverse group of phytoplank-ton and, although they represent less that 1%of the global biomass of photosynthetic organ-isms, they account for about 20% of the pri-

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Figure 1.14 – Physcomitrella patens micrographs. Micrographs of protonema (A) and developing game-tophores (B) of P. patens in liquid cultures, bar represent 100 µm. (C) Cultures of P. patens after eight week ofgrowth, bar represent 1 mm. Image modified from von Schwartzenberg et al. (2007).

mary production on Earth. Diatoms are alsoimportant for the biogeochemical cycles of var-ious elements in the oceans, such as nitrate,iron and silicon (Armbrust (2009); Falkowski(1998); Granum et al. (2005); Roberts et al.(2007)).

Perhaps the more striking (and beautiful)characteristic that distinguish diatoms fromother algae is their silica cell wall, called frus-tule: it is composed of two halves, fittinginto each other as a Petri dish (Falciatore andBowler (2002)). The pattern of this wall is ge-netically encoded and allows to distinguish thedifferent species from a morphological point ofview (figure 1.16 A-D). Various authors haveproposed different functions for the silicified cellwall of diatoms, such as increased cell densityto induce sinking (to avoid strong light or tofind nutrients, possible only for bigger diatoms,Waite et al. (1997); Purcell (1977)), restrictedaccess of protoplast to parasites and resistanceto grazers (Raven and Waite (2004)). For thepresence of this special cell wall, diatoms areparticularly involved in the biogeochemical cy-cle of silicon, which is incorporated into theirfrustule several times before sinking on the seafloor (Tréguer et al. (1995); Raven and Waite(2004)).

The presence of the frustule influence alsothe vegetative reproduction of diatoms: twodaughter cells derived from a mitotic divisionreceive one of the two halves each, and thesebecame, in both cases, the new bigger halvesof their new frustule. This means that one cell

will reconstruct the frustule has the mother cell,while the other will build a smaller theca. Thisprocess repeats over and over, until the daugh-ter cell reaches a threshold size, below whichthe sexual cycle is induced and the cell restoresits initial size (Chepurnov et al. (2004)).

Diatoms separated from other groups ofsecondary endosymbionts around 250 millionsyears ago (Sorhannus (2007)) and become onesof the most important primary producers about100 millions years ago (Falkowski and Knoll(2007)), splitting in two distinct divisions: cen-tric and pennates diatoms (Armbrust (2009)).These two groups are differentiated by the sym-metry of their cell wall, radial for centric di-atoms and bilateral for pennates; they alsohave physiological differences, notably their“swimming habits” (centric diatoms are usuallyplanktonic, while pennate tends to be benthicorganisms) and in the usage and storage of iron(Falciatore and Bowler (2002)). Centric open-ocean living diatoms, for example, lowered theiriron requirement by modifying their photo-synthetic apparatus, replacing iron electron-transport proteins with copper-containing ones(Strzepek and Harrison (2004); Peers and Price(2006)). Pennates diatoms, on the other side,produce ferritin and can storage iron to sustainphotosynthetic processes even when iron in theenvironment decrease (Marchetti et al. (2009)).

Let’s now dive into a diatom cell, focusingin particular on the organelle where photosyn-thesis happens.

Unlike green algae and plants, diatoms

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have a chloroplast surrounded by four mem-branes, which is the legacy of the secondary en-dosymbiotic event from which their plastid de-rives (Howe et al. (2008); CAVALIER-SMITH(1982)). In this endosymbiotic event, which oc-curred approximately 500 millions years ago,an ancient heterotroph engulfed an eukary-otic red algae (Keeling (2009); Moustafa et al.(2009); Armbrust (2009)); the endosymbiontbecame the plastid of stramenopilies, the groupthat includes diatoms and brown algae (fig-ure 1.15). Other endosymbiotic events prob-ably took place over time, notably with greenalgae, giving to diatoms a complex and diver-sified set of genes with different origins thatprobably contribute to their ecological success(Frommolt et al. (2008); Bowler et al. (2008);Oudot-Le Secq et al. (2007); Armbrust et al.(2004); Prihoda et al. (2012); Moustafa et al.(2009)).

Analysis of nitrogen metabolism providedevidences of the diversity of diatoms genomes:these microalgae posses a complete urea cy-cle, similar to the one found in metazoans,which is supposed to facilitate the recoveryafter a prolonged nitrogen limitation (Allenet al. (2011)), together with some nitrogen stor-ing mechanisms (Rogato et al. (2015)). Theurea cycle is absent in any other phototroph,and its presence is diatoms is indicative of thecomplex mix-and-match that characterize theirgenomes, with the legacy of the multiple en-dosymbiotic events that happened during di-atoms evolution (Allen et al. (2011); Frommoltet al. (2008); Armbrust et al. (2004); Bowleret al. (2008); Moustafa et al. (2009)).

Due to their different evolutionary origin,chloroplasts in diatoms have some peculiarcharacteristics that distinguish them from thegreen lineage. Therefore, a direct extrapolationon the structure and physiology of their chloro-plast from Viridiplantae is not always applica-ble. For example, the presence of four mem-branes surrounding the plastid modified the im-port system of nuclear-encoded plastid-targetproteins, so that these proteins have to carry

a bipartite targeting sequence (composed of asignal peptide and a transit peptide) to enterthe chloroplast3 (Apt et al. (2002); Agrawal andStriepen (2010); Kroth and Strotmann (1999)).

Also the inside structure of chloroplasts andthe photosynthetic apparatus architecture indiatoms are different than those in plants: thy-lakoidal membranes are not divided into granastack and stroma lamellae, but are all looselystack in layers of three membranes that goalong all the length of the plastid (figure 1.16 E,Berkaloff et al. (1990); Bedoshvili et al. (2009);Flori et al. (2016)). Due to the lack of granaand stroma lamellae, the segregation of PSIand PSII in thylakoidal membranes has beena long question for diatoms. A recent studyshows that the two photosystems are located intwo different regions of the thylakoids, with PSImainly presents in the outer membranes layers,while PSII concentrates in the inner ones (Ser-ena Flori and Giovanni Finazzi, personal com-munication).

Another important difference between di-atoms and the green lineage is related to...theircolor: green algae and plants are, as we allknow, green. This is due to their pigmentcontent, in particular the abundance of Chlover carotenoids. Diatoms are instead brown,and their color is due to the presence of highlevels of the carotenoid fucoxanthin (which isabsent in plants): they also accumulate Chlc instead of Chl b (figure 1.4), lack the ly-copene ε-cyclases (LCYE) and are thus notable to produce α-carotene and lutein (Dambeket al. (2012); Grossman et al. (2004); Bertrand(2010)). Diatoms can instead produce threecarotonoids that are absent is chlorophyta: thealready mention fucoxanthin, a light harvestingpigment, diadinoxanthin and diatoxanthin, in-volved in the second xanthophyll cycle presentin diatoms (together with the violaxanthin-zeaxanthin cycle, see section 1.4.3).

Differences between diatoms and the greenlineage regards also the regulation of photo-synthesis, like the control of the ratio of theproducts of the light phase: linear electrons

3This is also due to the fact that secondary endosymbiotic-derived plastids are topologically located in the en-domembrane system and not in the cytoplasm, as primary plastids (Keeling (2013)), so that a bipartite targetingsequence is needed.

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Chapter 1. Introduction

transport produce an imbalanced amount ofNADPH and ATP with respect to what arethe needs of the Calvin-Benson cycle, mak-ing too much NADPH (or too little ATP).Viridiplantae usually regulates ATP/NADPHratio with cyclic electron flow around PSIand/or with the water-to-water cycles (Allen(1975)). In diatoms, instead, it as been shownthat cyclic electron flow is very low and thatre-equilibration of ATP/NADPH is achievedthanks to the exchange of ATP and NADPHbetween chloroplast and mitochondrion, whichare in physical contact between each other(Bailleul et al. (2015)).

Antenna proteins of PSI and PSII differfrom their plants and green algae counterparts,binding Chl c instead of Chl b, together withhigh amounts of fucoxanthin (hence their name,Fucoxanthin Chl a/c binding Protein, FCP,Lepetit et al. (2007)). The antenna size inlow light of high light do not differ significantlyand no state transition have be detected so far(Lepetit et al. (2012)). FCP complexes are or-ganized as trimers or oligomers (Szabó et al.(2008); Guglielmi et al. (2005); Nagao et al.(2013)) and currently we still miss a strongevidence of PSI or PSII specific antenna pro-teins (Büchel (2015)). Three different FCP an-tenna proteins families are present in diatoms:LHCF, the major light harvesting proteins andthe most similar to plant antennae, LHCR,related to red algae and mostly attached toPS I, and LHCX, functional hom*ologous toLHCSR proteins and usually induced by ex-cessive light conditions (Eppard et al. (2000);GREEN (2007); Koziol et al. (2007); Büchel(2015); Taddei et al. (2016)).

As already mentioned, together with the vi-olaxanthin cycle, diatoms posses a second xan-thophyll cycle: in response to high light, di-adinoxanthin is de-epoxidized to diatoxanthin(Lohr and Wilhelm (1999)), and the oppo-site reaction happens in low light. The de-epoxidation is catalyzed by the lumenal enzymeviolaxanthin de-epoxidase (VDE, Lavaud et al.(2012)), which in diatoms has a different reg-ulation than in plants: the protein is in factactive already at neutral pH, while plant VDEis only active at acidic pH (Jakob et al. (2001)),

and has an higher KM for the co-factor ascor-bate (Grouneva et al. (2006)). Also the enzymethat catalyze the opposite reaction, the zeaxan-thin epoxidase (ZEP), has different character-istics in diatoms: in particular, its activity iscompletely inhibited by the thylakoidal protongradient and its catalytic rate constant is al-most 20 times higher that that of plants ZEP(Goss et al. (2006); Mewes and Richter (2002)).

Non-Photochemical Quenching (NPQ) indiatoms is positively correlated with diatoxan-thin accumulation, even if the ∆pH is abolished(Goss et al. (2006)), indicating the fundamen-tal importance of this xanthophyll in photo-protection. Thylakoidal membranes are par-ticularly enriched in anionic lipids (like sul-foquinovosyldiacylglycerol, SQDG, and phos-phatidylcholine, PC) but neutral lipids (mono-galactosyldiacylgycerol, MGDG, and digalacto-syldiacylglycerol, DGDG) form shield-like do-mains around FCP proteins. In these domains,high concentration of diadinoxanthin can bemore easily solubilized and be available for fastde-epoxidation by VDE (Lepetit et al. (2012)).

An interesting aspect to notice is that di-atoms, in nature, are dominant in turbulent wa-ter environments, where the amount and qual-ity of light is very unpredictable (Smetacek(1999); Armbrust (2009); MacIntyre et al.(2000); Margalef (1977)). In stressful light con-ditions, when the amount of photons absorbedby the chloroplast largely exceed the capac-ity for light utilization in photosynthesis, thesemicroalgae show very efficient photoprotectivemechanisms, including higher NPQ comparedto most land plants (Depauw et al. (2012);Lavaud (2002)). This characteristic is of greatinterest for the comprehension of diatoms highphotosynthetic efficiency in different light con-ditions. The high NPQ also imply a greatadaptability to different environmental condi-tions which, however, are not yet understoodat molecular level. One of the aims of my the-sis was to better understand the regulation ofNPQ in diatoms, as I’ll discuss later.

Let’s now see the main characteristics of themodel species I used to study diatoms photo-synthesis, P. tricornutum.

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Figure 1.15 – Major endosymbiotic events in plastid evolution. At the top, the primary endosymbioticevent between an ancient heterotroph and a cyanobacterium, which originates plastids and the three main groupsof photosynthetic eukaryots (glaucophytes, red and green algae). Plants and green algae all derive from thisfirst symbiosis (right branch). Secondary endosymbiotic events occurred between an heterotroph and a red alga(probably multiple times), creating a large variety of groups, including stramenopilies (to which diatoms belong).Image from Keeling (2013).

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Chapter 1. Introduction

Figure 1.16 – Diatoms structure. Diatoms external structures of (A) centric diatom, Campylodiscus sp.;(B) raphid pennate diatom, Diploneis sp.; (C) multipolar centric diatom, Triceratum sp.; (D) centric diatom,Cyclotella sp.. (E) Transmission electron micrograph of the chloroplast in the diatom Melosira varians, wherethethree layers of thylakoidal membranes spanning from one side of the plastid to the other are visible. (F)Scanning electron micrograph of the three morphotypes of P. tricornutum, scale bar 1 µm. Images from, Richard Crawford in J. Dodge’s Fine Structure of Algal Cells (1975), Aca-demic Press and De Martino et al. (2007).

1.5.5 Phaeodactylum tricornutum

P. tricornutum is a pennate diatom and amodel organism for molecular studies. Itsnuclear, plastidial and mitochondrial genomeshave been sequenced (Bowler et al. (2008);Oudot-Le Secq et al. (2007)), and wholegenome transcriptomes and proteomes areavailable in various conditions (Allen et al.(2008); Nymark et al. (2009); Grouneva et al.(2011); Nymark et al. (2013); Jungandreaset al. (2014); Valle et al. (2014)).

In natural conditions, P. tricornutum is acoastal species that mainly occurs in unsta-ble environments such as estuaries and rockpools; various accessions (or ecotypes) havebeen found and characterized, from the EnglishChannel and Finland coasts to Micronesia is-lands, presenting different physiological adap-tation (De Martino et al. (2007)). It can existsin different morphotypes (oval, fusiform and tri-radiate, figure 1.16 F) and can grow in the ab-sence of silicon in the media, thus producing nocell wall (Borowitzka and Volcani (1978)). Thisfactor allow easier manipulation and genetic

transformation, which helped for the establish-ment of P. triconutum as the model species forpennate diatoms, despite its relatively low eco-logical importance (De Martino et al. (2007)).

P. tricornutum photosynthetic antenna sys-tem is composed of membrane antenna pro-teins called FCP, organized as trimes and hex-amers (Lepetit et al. (2007)). Each trimer ismainly composed of LHCF proteins, in partic-ular LHCF5, LHCF10/2 and LHCF4 (Büchel(2015)). Each subunit is smaller that LHCIIproteins, ranging between 17 and 19 kDa, andso far no PSII supercomplex has been ever iso-lated. In the genome of P. tricornutum, 17genes for LHCF, 14 for LHCR and 4 for LHCXhave been found (Bowler et al. (2008)) andall are expressed at the transcript level (Ny-mark et al. (2009)). Each FCP subunit approx-imately binds eight Chl a, two Chl c and eightfucoxanthin molecules (Lepetit et al. (2010);Premvardhan et al. (2009, 2010)).

Regarding its photoprotective characteris-tics, P. tricornutum is able to reach highlevel of NPQ, particularly in light conditionsthat induce an accumulation of diadinoxan-

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Section 1.5. My three working organisms: green algae, mosses and diatoms

thin (Lavaud (2002)). In its genome there areseven genes putatively involved in the two xan-thophyll cycles (XCs, section 1.4.3), three forthe epoxidase reactions (zeaxanthin epoxidasesZEP1, 2 and 3 ), to convert zeaxanthin to vi-olaxanthin or diatoxanthin to diadinoxanthin,and four for the opposite reactions (violaxan-thin de-epoxidase VDE, VDE-like VDL1 and2, and the VDE-related VDR) (Coesel et al.(2008); Eilers et al. (2016)). The expansion ofthese gene families is in contrast with what hap-pens in plants, where only one VDE, one VDRand one ZEP are present. Nowadays the pre-cise role of these seven genes in the XCs is notknown, thus I decided to investigate their ac-tivity in photoprotection, modulating the ex-pression of these proteins by generating knockdown and over expressing lines in P. tricornu-tum. The results regarding this research arepresented in chapter 5.

A feature that looks to be conserved be-tween diatoms and green algae is the presenceof LHCSR proteins (called LHCX proteins indiatoms): LHCXs posses the putative pigment-binding residues (Bailleul et al. (2010); Zhu andGreen (2010) and chapter 3) and, oppositelyto what has been proposed by Bailleul et al.(2010), also the pH-sensing aminoacids to de-tect lumen acidification identified in green algaeand mosses (chapter 4). It has been also shownthat different ecotypes of P. tricornutum havedifferent NPQ maximal level, and that this vari-ability could be mainly due to a different levelof accumulation of the photoprotective anten-nae LHCXs (Bailleul et al. (2010)). Neverthe-less, LHCXs exact roles are still unclear. Di-atoms, in fact, expanded this protein familyand the different members seem to have a dif-ferent regulation.

I addressed this topic during my Ph.D.,in collaboration with another student of thelab, Lucilla Taddei: our results are reportedin chapter 4, where we correlated the expres-sion of LHCX proteins with photosynthetic andphotoprotective activity in response to differentenvironmental conditions.

1.5.6 Genetic manipulation of P.tricornutum

As P. tricornutum is the organism with which Iperformed functional characterization in vivo, Iwill introduce some on the molecular tools thatI used during my Ph.D. to manipulate gene ex-pression in this alga.

Thanks to the set up of different methods oftransformation, as particle bombardment (Fal-ciatore et al. (1999); Apt et al. (1996)), conju-gation (Karas et al. (2015)) and electroporation(Miyahara et al. (2013); Niu et al. (2012)), andto the availability of a range of antibiotic formutant selection (Zaslavskaia et al. (2000)), itis possible to manipulate gene expression in P.tricornutum.

Gene over-expression is usually achieved byusing the strong promoter of the gene encod-ing the fucoxanthin Chlorophyll a/c-bindingProtein. This approach has become routinethanks to the generation of diatom specificGatewayr Destination vectors (Siaut et al.(2007)). Gatewayr technology allows fast andefficient transfer of DNA fragments betweenplasmids, using the recombinant machinery ofphage λ, instead of the more classical restric-tion and ligation reactions.

Different Destination vectors for gene over-expression are available for the diatom commu-nity, including constructs that permit to easilytag the protein of interest with enhanced-YFP,enhanced-CFP or HA-tag (Siaut et al. (2007)).

A second approach, which has been ex-tensively used in this thesis, is gene silencingvia RNA interference (RNAi, De Riso et al.(2009)). Gene silencing in diatoms mainly relieson two strategies: the fist uses antisense DNAfragments complementary to the gene of inter-est, and the second one uses inverted repeat se-quences. Both these methods produce double-strand RNA (dsRNA), which can inhibit theexpression of the target gene by triggering post-transcriptional cleavage of its mRNA (Hamil-ton (1999)). Short RNAs can also lead to tran-scriptional gene silencing via methylation orchromatin remodeling in the DNA sequence ofthe target gene (Chan (2008)).

The expression of antisense fragments or

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Chapter 1. Introduction

inverted-repeat complementary sequences sep-arated by a spacer (which leads to the forma-tion of double-strand RNA) have been provento be similarly effective in silencing of endoge-nous and exogenous genes in diatoms (De Risoet al. (2009)). The precise mechanism of genesilencing is still unknown, as in P. tricornutum,the putative components of the RNAi machin-ery show a lower conservation compared to themore canonical ones present in plants and othereukaryotes (De Riso et al. (2009)).

More recently, gene knock-out techniques,using site-specific endonucleases, have beendemonstrated to work efficiently in diatoms,using both TALENs™ (Daboussi et al. (2014))and CRIPSR/Cas9 (Nymark et al. (2016)).

TALENs™ (transcription activator–like en-donucleases) are engineered site-specific en-donucleases, whose DNA-binding domain(TALE) derives from proteins produced by theplant pathogens of the genus Xanthom*onas(Boch et al. (2009); Moscou and Bogdanove(2009)). This DNA-binding domain is com-posed of multiple repetitions (14-24 repeats) of34-long aminoacid sequences. The specificityof the DNA-binding domain results from twopolymorphic amino acids, the so-called repeatvariable diresidues (RVDs), located at positions12 and 13 of a repeated unit and responsible forthe specific recognition of a unique nucleotide(Boch et al. (2009); Moscou and Bogdanove(2009)). TALE RVDs can be assembled in aparticular number and order to target specif-ically any genomic locus, providing an adap-tive tool for genome engineering. The originalTALEN™ architecture consisted of a custom

TALE DNA-binding domain linked to the N-terminal end of the non-specific FokI nucleasedomain (figure 1.17),and because FokI needs todimerize to catalyze a double-strand break inthe DNA, TALENs™ work by pairs (Li et al.(2011)).

Once the TALENs™ perform a double-strand DNA break, the repair mechanisms ofthe cell will repair the damage by two endoge-nous mechanisms: hom*ologous recombination(HR) or non hom*ologous end joining (NHEJ)(Voytas (2013)). The former uses a hom*olo-gous piece of DNA to repair the double-strandbreak, while the latter just sticks back togetherthe two DNA broken ends. HR can be used tointroduce exogenous DNA sequences in a spe-cific locus (for gene knock-in or gene replace-ment), while NHEJ can, in some cases, intro-duce errors in the repaired DNA (mainly inser-tions or deletions), thus leading to a possibleframe-shift and to the inactivation of the tar-geted gene (figure 1.17).

These strategies have been successfully ap-plied in diatoms (Daboussi et al. (2014); Wey-man et al. (2014); Fortunato et al. (2016))and, when I was working at the private com-pany Cellectis, I produced several TALENs™to knock-out genes involved in photosynthesisand photoprotection (as describe in chapter 6).I am currently selecting and screening theseknock-out mutants, so to provide further un-derstanding of diatoms photosynthesis and toestablish a more of a routine use of these tech-niques in our laboratory.

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Section 1.5. My three working organisms: green algae, mosses and diatoms

Figure 1.17 – TALENs™ mechanisms of action. TALENs™ are composed of a DNA-binding domain (lightblue) and a FokI endonuclease domain (yellow triangle). FokI can introduce a double strand DNA break onlywhen it dimerize, hence when the two TALENs™ arms are bound to the target DNA sequence at the right dis-tance. Once a double DNA strand break is introduced, there are two possible pathways for its repair: hom*ologousrecombination (HR) and non hom*ologous end joining (NHEJ). HR can be used to introduce or replace a gene byadding a DNA fragment with hom*ologous flanking regions, while NHEJ can lead to short insertions or deletionsthat can cause a frameshift and thus the inactivation of the target sequence. Image modified from Doyle et al.(2013).

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Chapter 1. Introduction

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Aims of the thesis

Photosynthetic organisms with different evolutionary histories have developed different strate-gies to adapt their photosynthetic apparatus to changing light conditions, and to optimize pho-tosynthetic yield under different environmental conditions. Photoprotective mechanisms thatare active in excessive light conditions can also differ, but the extent and significance of thisdiversification are still not completely characterized at a molecular and functional level.

Therefore, the aim of my Ph.D. project was to provide novel information about photosynthesisand its dynamic regulation under changing light conditions, by focusing on the characterizationof photoprotective antennae in green algae, mosses and diatoms. Moreover, I also explored thefunctions of the two diatom xanthophyll cycles, that are still largely unknown.

Green algae, diatoms and mosses have some common characteristics regarding their pho-tosynthetic apparatus, but major differences as well. In particular all these organisms possesmultiple photoprotective antennae of the LHCSR/LHCX family and different pigments of thexanthophyll cycle (s). Thus a comparative analysis can provide novel information regarding howphotoprotective mechanisms were either conserved or diverged during evolution. This is of majorinterest for basic biology, since it can allow to comprehend the precise function and mechanismsof action of energy dissipation processes.

To better understand photoprotection in green algae, mosses and diatoms, I studied LightHarvesting Complex Stress-Related (LHCSR/LHCX) proteins in all these organisms. These pro-teins are supposed to combine both the PSBS pH-sensing function and the quenching activityof antennae proteins. I started my Ph.D. studying green algae, in particular in Chlamydomonasreinhardtii, in the laboratory of Prof. Roberto Bassi in Verona, where I used site-specific muta-genesis for the identification of the residues in LHCSR3 that are responsible for sensing lumenalpH and activation of thermal dissipation. A mutant version of LHCSR3 lacking three protonat-able aminoacids was found to be unable to activate NPQ in vivo and to be insensitive to pHchanges in vitro. Results regarding this part of my work are presented in chapter 2 (publishedas Ballottari et al. (2016) in the Journal of Biochemistry).

After green algae, I continued my research on LHCSR proteins in mosses: in chapter 3, Ireport the results of the in vitro investigation of the spectroscopic and quenching characteristics ofdifferent pigment-binding mutants of the protein LHCSR1 from the moss Physcomitrella patens.Since the protein LHCSR1, contrary to PSBS, binds pigments and has been shown to be the maindriver of NPQ in P. patens, in particular upon the binding of the xanthophyll zeaxanthin, it hasbeen hypothesized that this protein may be directly involved in the quenching process. I analyzedreconstituted proteins mutated in each of the chlorophyll-binding residue identified, both withabsorption and fluorescence analyses. I found that LHCSR1 binds at least eight chlorophylls andthree carotenoids and that chlorophylls A2 and A5 are the lowest energy pigments in the protein.

LHCSR proteins are also present in diatoms, the third organism that I studied, where they arenamed LHCXs. Diatoms grow successfully in oceans where light conditions are highly variableand present an expansion of the LHCX protein family, but their exact role is not understood.


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Chapter 1. Introduction

Figure 1.18 – Scheme of the topics treated in the chapters of the thesis. LHCSR/LHCX proteins have beenstudied in different aspects in the various organisms (the pH-sensing and activation of the protein in green algae,the role of the different pigments bound to it in mosses, and the regulation by environmental stresses of the variousisoforms in diatoms), while the roles of the two xanthophyll cycles has been addressed in diatoms.

In the laboratory of Dr. Angela Falciatore, in Paris, I investigated the role of the LHCXs indiatom stress responses (chapter 4), showing a relationship between the different expression ofLHCX genes and photosynthetic activity under various light intensities and nutrient starvationconditions. Data indicate that the expansion of the LHCX gene family reflects a functionaldiversification of its members, which could benefits cells responding to highly variable oceanenvironments (chapter published as Taddei, Stella et al. (2016) in the Journal of ExperimentalBotany).

In chapter 5 (presented as paper in preparation), I report my results regarding the othermain driver of photoprotection in diatoms, the xanthophyll cycles. Differently from the greenlineage, diatoms posses both the violaxanthin and the diadinoxanthin cycles, and the amount ofdiatoxanthin is strictly correlated to NPQ level. The actual role of zeaxanthin in photoprotectionin diatoms has thus been questioned, and to understand the regulation and function of these twoxanthophyll cycles, I knocked-down each of the putative gene involved in this process in themodel system Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Characterization of knock-down mutants for VDRand VDL2, performed in Paris and in Verona, showed that these transgenic lines had a lowerNPQ and accumulated more pigments of the violaxanthin cycle and less of the diadinoxanthincycle. None of these lines was impaired in the de-epoxidation of violaxanthin or diadinoxanthin,indicating that VDR and VDL2 are involved in the biosynthesis of pigments, rather that in thexanthophyll cycles themselves. Accumulation of violaxanthin and zeaxanthin had a negativeeffect on NPQ, likely because of the interference of these pigments with diatoxanthin activity.

Thanks to these studies done on different organisms, I gained a deeper knowledge on theshared characteristics and on the peculiar features about photoprotection in green algae, mossesand diatoms. Conclusions and perspectives of this work are presented in chapter 6.

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Chapter 2

Identification of pH-sensing sites inthe Light Harvesting ComplexStress-Related 3 protein essential fortriggering non-photochemicalquenching in Chlamydomonasreinhardtii

Summary of the work

Since the year 2000, photoprotection in plants was known to rely on the protein PSBS (Li et al.(2000)), which was later found to be a pH-sensor for the thylakoid lumen and to be activatedin excessive light conditions (Li et al. (2004)). PSBS seemed not to be expressed in green algae(Bonente et al. (2008)), and in 2009, Peers et al. discovered that light harvesting complexstress-related proteins (LHCSRs) can regulate photoprotection in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii ina PSBS-independent manner. Further studies, conducted in the laboratory of Prof. RobertoBassi, showed that LHCSR3 from C. reinhardtii is a pigment-binding protein and that it is ableto quench fluorescence in vitro in response to pH changes (Bonente et al. 2011).

At the beginning of my Ph.D. in Verona (Italy), we were thus wondering if LHCSR proteinshad a pH-sensing mechanism similar to the one of PSBS, were two glutamate get protonated andactivate NPQ when pH in the thylakoid lumen drops. In the group of Prof. Bassi, we decided toaddress this question analyzing LHCSR3 protein from C. reinhardtii, both in vivo and in vitro,in collaboration with the laboratory of Krishna K. Niyogi in Berkeley (CA, USA). I built the3D model of LHCSR3 and analyzed the sequences alignment to identify possible protonatableresidues, by checking their predicted biochemical features as well as their conservation in differentorganisms. The in vivo mutagenesis, conducted in Berkeley, of the residues I identified, pointedto an essential role of residues Asp117, Glu221, and Glu224 in NPQ development. We thus mutatedthe same aminoacids and I refolded LHCSR3 WT and mutant proteins in vitro to study theircharacteristics in response to pH changes. I measured the spectroscopic features of the two


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Chapter 2. LHCSR3 pH sensing for Non-Photochemical Quenching

LHCSR3 and found that also in vitro the mutated protein had a lower response to acid pH inits fluorescence emission properties and a lower capacity to bind DCCD (a chemical that bindsto protonatable residues) with respect to WT. Finally, fluorescence lifetime measurements wereconducted in Berkeley with the proteins I produced, confirming the important role of residuesAsp117, Glu221, and Glu224 in pH response in LHCSR3.

This chapter is published as: Matteo Ballottari, Thuy B. Truong, Eleonora De Re, ErikaErickson, Giulio R. Stella, Graham R. Fleming, Roberto Bassi, and Krishna K. Niyogi (2016).Identification of pH-sensing sites in the Light Harvesting Complex Stress-Related 3 protein es-sential for triggering non-photochemical quenching in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Journal ofBiological Chemistry, jbc.M115.704601. doi:10.1074/jbc.M115.704601

I was responsible of LHCSR3 structure modeling, sequence analysis, in vitro re-folding ofwild-type and mutant proteins, as well as their biochemical and spectroscopic characterization(with the exception of lifetime fluorescence measurements).

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Identification of pH-sensing Sites in the Light HarvestingComplex Stress-related 3 Protein Essential for TriggeringNon-photochemical Quenching in Chlamydomonasreinhardtii*

Received for publication, November 16, 2015, and in revised form, January 12, 2016 Published, JBC Papers in Press, January 27, 2016, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M115.704601

Matteo Ballottari‡1, Thuy B. Truong§2, Eleonora De Re¶�, Erika Erickson§¶3, Giulio R. Stella‡**, Graham R. Fleming¶�‡‡,Roberto Bassi‡4, and Krishna K. Niyogi§¶5

From the ‡Department of Biotechnology, University of Verona, Strada Le Grazie, I-37134 Verona, Italy, the §Howard HughesMedical Institute, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720-3102, the‡‡Department of Chemistry, Hildebrand B77, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720-1460, the **Sorbonne Universites,UPMC Univ-Paris 6, CNRS, UMR 7238, Laboratoire de Biologie Computationnelle et Quantitative, 15 rue de l’Ecole de Medecine,75006 Paris, France, the ¶Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,Berkeley, California 94720, and the �Graduate Group in Applied Science and Technology, University of California,Berkeley, California 94720

Light harvesting complex stress-related 3 (LHCSR3) is theprotein essential for photoprotective excess energy dissipation(non-photochemical quenching, NPQ) in the model green algaChlamydomonas reinhardtii. Activation of NPQ requires lowpH in the thylakoid lumen, which is induced in excess light con-ditions and sensed by lumen-exposed acidic residues. In thiswork we have used site-specific mutagenesis in vivo and in vitrofor identification of the residues in LHCSR3 that are responsiblefor sensing lumen pH. Lumen-exposed protonatable residues,aspartate and glutamate, were mutated to asparagine and gluta-mine, respectively. By expression in a mutant lacking all LHCSRisoforms, residues Asp117, Glu221, and Glu224 were shown to beessential for LHCSR3-dependent NPQ induction in C. reinhardtii.Analysis of recombinant proteins carrying the same mutationsrefolded in vitro with pigments showed that the capacity ofresponding to low pH by decreasing the fluorescence lifetime, pres-ent in the wild-type protein, was lost. Consistent with a role in pHsensing, the mutations led to a substantial reduction in binding theNPQ inhibitor dicyclohexylcarbodiimide.

Photosynthetic organisms convert sunlight absorbed bychlorophyll into chemical energy by reducing CO2 into sugarswith electrons extracted from water, yielding O2. However,molecular oxygen can react with chlorophyll triplets (3Chl*)6 toyield singlet oxygen, one of several types of reactive oxygenspecies, which damage biological molecules (1). Because 3Chl*originates from 1Chl*, prevention of photooxidative stress canbe obtained by quenching 3Chl*, scavenging reactive oxygenspecies, or by quenching 1Chl*. In addition, the photon absorp-tion rate can be regulated by chloroplast relocation within thecell or changes in leaf orientation (1–3).

Of particular importance are the non-photochemicalquenching (NPQ) mechanisms that quench 1Chl* and dissipateexcess excitation energy as heat when light absorption exceedsthe capacity of photochemical reactions. NPQ includes severalcomponents, the major and fastest of which is energy-depen-dent quenching (qE), which is sensitive to uncouplers (4, 5). qEis a feedback process triggered by thylakoid lumen acidification(4, 6 –10). Saturation of downstream reactions leads to deple-tion of ADP and Pi, the substrates of ATPase, which preventsthe efflux of protons generated by photosynthetic electrontransport from the thylakoid lumen to the stroma, leading tolumen acidification.

Genetic analysis of qE activation led to the identification ofPSBS and LHCSR (11–15) as gene products required for qE inthe model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and the green alga Chla-mydomonas reinhardtii, respectively (12, 13, 16 –18). In C. rein-hardtii, two LHCSR isoforms, LHCSR1 and LHCSR3, are activein qE. LHCSR3 strongly accumulates in excess light, whereasLHCSR1 is constitutively present even at low light levels (13,19). Also, LHCSR-like proteins with qE activity have been iden-tified in diatoms (20 –23). A special case is found in mosses,where both PSBS and LHCSR proteins are present and involved

* This work was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy, Officeof Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, andBiosciences Division under field work proposal 449B. The authorsdeclare that they have no conflicts of interest with the contents of thisarticle.Author’s Choice—Final version free via Creative Commons CC-BY license.

1 Supported by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Researchthrough PRIN (“Progetti di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale”) project2012XSAWYM.

2 Present address: Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis, MO 63132.3 Supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research

Fellowship.4 Supported by Marie Curie Actions Initial Training Networks ACCLIPHOT

Grant PITN-GA-2012-316427. To whom correspondence may be ad-dressed: Dept. of Biotechnology, University of Verona, Strada Le Grazie,I-37134 Verona, Italy. Tel.: 39-0458027916; E-mail: [emailprotected].

5 Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and supported by Gor-don and Betty Moore Foundation Grant GBMF3070. To whom correspon-dence may be addressed: Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Dept. of Plantand Microbial Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-3102.Tel.: 510-643-6602; E-mail: [emailprotected].

6 The abbreviations used are: 3Chl*, chlorophyll triplets; NPQ, non-photo-chemical quenching; �-DM, n-dodecyl-�-D-maltopyranoside; Car, carote-noid; Chl, chlorophyll; qE, energy-dependent quenching; LHCSR, lightharvesting complex stress-related; DCCD, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide; PSBS,photosystem II subunit S.

THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 291, NO. 14, pp. 7334 –7346, April 1, 2016Author’s Choice Published in the U.S.A.



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in qE induction (15, 24, 25). Although the fundamental mech-anisms of quenching activity by PSBS and LHCSR are the sub-jects of intense investigation (26), they must be differentbecause LHCSR is a chlorophyll- and xanthophyll-binding pro-tein where quenching of 1Chl* can be catalyzed as shown by itsshort fluorescence lifetime (18). In contrast, pigment-bindingsites are not conserved in PSBS, suggesting that the quenchingactivity is elicited within interacting proteins (18, 25, 27). As forthe capacity for sensing the lumenal pH, PSBS and LHCSR sharethe property of binding dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), a pro-tein-modifying agent that covalently binds to acidic residuesinvolved in reversible protonation events (28). Indeed, we havepreviously shown that two glutamate residues in PSBS areresponsible for both the DCCD binding in vitro and the NPQactivity in vivo (17). Sequence analysis of LHCSR proteinsshowed multiple conserved acidic residues exposed to thelumen as potential sites of protonation. Recombinant LHCSR3from C. reinhardtii has been shown to be pH responsive and toundergo a switch to a dissipative state in acidic solution (18, 27).Mutation analysis has located eight putative pH-sensing resi-dues in the C terminus of LHCSR3 (27), whereas PSII super-complexes containing LHCSR3 with a stoichiometry LHCSR3:PSII of 0.28 were reported to undergo a decrease in fluores-cence lifetime when exposed to pH 5 (29).

Here, we have performed a detailed investigation of the pH-sensing activity in LHCSR3 from C. reinhardtii, including iden-tification of lumen-exposed protonatable residues that havebeen mutated to non-protonatable ones. The effect of thesemutations has been analyzed both by fluorescence lifetimeanalysis of the proteins refolded in vitro and by measuring NPQactivity in vivo upon expression in a mutant lacking bothLHCSR3 and LHCSR1. This comprehensive procedure led tothe identification of three residues that are crucial for pH-de-pendent quenching in vivo and in vitro and are also responsible,to a large extent, for the binding of the qE inhibitor DCCD.

Experimental Procedures

LHCSR3 Structure Modeling—LHCSR3 protein structureswere obtained using hom*ology modeling techniques with theon-line servers I-TASSER (30, 31) version 1.1. The model withthe best C-score (confidence score) was selected for furtheranalysis.

Site-directed Mutagenesis of Acidic Residues—The LHCSR3.1genomic clone plasmid LHCSR3/GwypBC1 from previouscomplementation experiments (13) was used for site-directedmutagenesis of each acidic residue reported in the text. TheQuikChange� Site-directed Mutagenesis Kit was used accord-ing to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Transformation and Isolation of Site-directed Mutants—Theplasmid LHCSR3/GwypBC1 containing each or multiple muta-tions was transformed into either npq4 (13) or npq4 lhcsr1 (32)and transformants were selected for paromomycin resistance.At least 300 colonies were picked for each line and patched ontoHS minimal medium to grow in high light (400 �mol of photonsm�2 s�1). NPQ was measured by chlorophyll fluorescencevideo imaging (Imaging-PAM, Walz). Selected colonies, asjudged by their NPQ value relative to the parent strain, werefurther cultured in liquid HS to measure via a pulse-amplitude-

modulated fluorometer (FMS2, Hansatech) and for immuno-blots, as previously described (13).

Recombinant Protein Overexpression, Purification, and inVitro Refolding—LHCSR3 coding sequence was cloned inpET28 expression vector and expressed in Escherichia coli aspreviously described (18). Purified apoprotein was refolded invitro in the presence of pigments as reported in Refs. 18 and 33.

Pigment Analysis—Pigments bound by recombinant LHCSR3were measured as described in Ref. 34.

SDS-PAGE, Coomassie Staining, DCCD Binding, and West-ern Blot—SDS-PAGE was performed as reported in Ref. 18.SDS-PAGE gel was then stained with Coomassie-R as describedin Ref. 35. DCCD binding properties of recombinant LHCSR3proteins were estimated by incubating the refolded proteinwith [14C]DCCD and subsequent autoradiography evaluationof the binding as previously described (18, 28, 36). Western blotanalysis was performed as described in Ref. 13.

Fluorescence Lifetime Measurements—Fluorescence decaykinetics were measured on recombinant LHCSR3 protein usinga time-correlated Single Photon Counting apparatus similar tothe one described in Ref. 10. 150-fs pulses centered at 820 nmare generated by a Ti:Sapphire oscillator (Coherent Mira 900F)at 76 MHz repetition rate. The pulses are frequency-doubled ina 1-mm thick BBO crystal and their repetition rate is reducedby a factor of 8 with a pulse picker (Spectra Physics model3980). The resulting pulses are centered at 410 nm, with 12-nmbandwidth full width half-maximum, and with an energy atsample of �10 pJ/pulse. The fluorescence emitted by the sam-ple passes through a polarizer set at magic angle, followed byeither a monochromator (Horiba Jobin-Ivon H-20) or a long-pass filter. The detection system is composed of a MCP/PMTdetector (Hamamtsu R3809U), electrically cooled to �30 °C.The detector is connected to a PC computer with a DCC-100detector control card (Becker-Hickl). The full width half-max-imum of the instrument response function is measured to be45–55 ps. The samples are held in 1- or 2-mm thick quartzcuvettes (Starna Cells), and kept at �12 °C during the measure-ments with a home-built nitrogen cooling system.

Steady-state Absorption, Fluorescence, and Circular Dichro-ism Measurements—Room temperature absorption spectrawere recorded using an SLM-Aminco DK2000 spectropho-tometer, in 10 mM HEPES, pH 7.5, 0.2 M sucrose, and 0.03%n-dodecyl-�-D-maltopyranoside. The wavelength samplingstep was 0.4 nm. Fluorescence emission spectra were measuredusing a Jobin-Yvon Fluoromax-3 device. Circular dichroism(CD) spectra were measured at 10 °C on a Jasco 600 spectropo-larimeter using a R7400U-20 photomultiplier tube: sampleswere in the same solution described for the absorption with anOD of 1 at the maximum in the Qy transition. The measure-ments were performed in a 1-cm cuvette. Denaturation tem-perature measurements were performed by following the decayof the CD signal at 682 nm when increasing the temperaturefrom 20 to 80 °C with a time slope of 1 °C/min and a resolutionof 0.2 °C. The thermal stability of the samples was determinedby finding the T1⁄2 of the signal decay.

Dynamic Light Scattering Measurements—The size of aggre-gates induced by detergent dilution was determined by dy-

LHCSR3 pH Sensing Sites for Non-photochemical Quenching


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namic light scattering using ZETASIZER NANO S instrumen-tation as described in Refs. 37 and 38.


Structural Model of LHCSR3—A model of LHCSR3 (Fig. 1)was created using as a template the three-dimensional struc-ture of other LHC proteins, LHCII, CP29, and LHCI (39 – 41),with the aim of identifying protonatable residues exposed to thethylakoid lumen. The analysis of the protein model is consistentwith LHCSR3 conserving the three trans-membrane �-helices(helix A, B, and C) and two amphipathic helices (helix D and E)revealed from crystallographic analysis of CP29 and LHCII; ashort additional helix was predicted at the C-terminal domain,significantly more extended than in LHCII or CP29. LHCSR3bears several acidic amino acid residues (i.e. aspartate and glu-tamate) predicted to face the thylakoid lumen. In particular, theC-terminal domain contains eight acidic residues: Glu231,Glu233, Glu237, Asp239, Asp240, Glu242, Asp244, and Asp254, asdescribed in a previous report (27). Additional residues exposedto the lumen include Glu221, Glu224 at the lumenal end of HelixD, the residues Asp109 and Asp117 in the loop between Helix Band Helix E, and residue Glu218, located in the loop connecting

Helix A and Helix D. To evaluate the accessibility of these res-idues to the solvent, the LHCSR3 protein sequence was ana-lyzed by I-TASSER software (30, 31), which ranks the probabil-ity of a residue to be solvent-exposed within a range of 1 to 9,with a higher number indicating a higher probability. As re-ported in Table 1, the values obtained for most of the selectedglutamates and aspartates were in the range of 3– 4 with theexception of Glu233 and Glu237 (scoring 2) and Asp254 (scor-ing 6).

Identification of the LHCSR3 Protonatable Sites Involved inLumenal pH Sensing—The evaluation of the conservation ofspecific residues in sequences from different species can facili-tate the identification of residues that are crucial for proteinfunction. When the LHCSR3 protein sequence from C. rein-hardtii was compared with hom*ologous sequences from otherorganisms, either microalgae or mosses (Table 2), several resi-dues appeared to be highly conserved (Fig. 2A). Most of thechlorophyll-binding sites previously identified in LHCSR3from C. reinhardtii can also be found in LHCSR proteins fromother species, namely the residues binding chlorophyll at theA1, A4, and A5 sites, according to the nomenclature previouslyused for LHCII chlorophyll binding sites (18, 42). However,

FIGURE 1. Three-dimensional model of LHCSR3. Panel A, LHCSR3 structure modeled on LHCII and CP29 crystallographic structures. Putative protonatablesites are indicated. Panel B, zoom view on Asp117, Glu221, and Glu224 residues; the distance between the different residues is indicated in yellow (Å).

TABLE 1Evaluation of the accessibility to the solvent of LHCSR3 lumen-exposed residuesSolvent accessibility was predicted using I-TASSER software which scores each protein residue with a 0 –9 figure with high score indicating higher probability for solventexposure. Lumen-exposed regions are reported together with the solvent-accessibility score for each residue shown below. Amino acid position, within the LHCSR3sequence is indicated above.

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some variability can be found for the A2, B5, and A3 sites.Finally, a residue at the position of binding site B6 (glutamate)was found only in a few sequences. As for the lumen-exposedresidues from C. reinhardtii, their conservation is far fromcomplete among the different sequences. In particular, asreported in Fig. 2B, the C-terminal domain, which was reportedto be the knob of a dimmer switch to control the transition to adissipative state (27), is present only in Chlamydomonas spe-cies, Volvox carteri, and Aureococcus anophagefferens, whereasthe number of acidic residues within this domain is variable inthe different organisms (Fig. 2B). LHCSR-like sequences fromOstreococcus tauri, Ostreococcus lucimarinus, and Chlorellavariabilis show a single protonatable glutamate residue in the Cterminus. Moreover, this domain was significantly shorter inthe remaining sequences. In contrast, the residues in Helix E,Glu221 or Glu224 in LHCSR3 from C. reinhardtii, were con-served in 18 of 26 sequences analyzed. As for residue Glu218,this is only found in C. reinhardtii, Chlamydomonas moewusii,and V. carteri, whereas in Chlamydomonas sp. ICE a conserva-tive replacement to aspartate was identified. Nevertheless, aglutamate was found very close to this position and shiftedtoward the N terminus in all the other accessions, suggesting itmight have a conserved functional role. The analysis of the con-servation of residues Asp109 and Asp117 showed that Asp109 ispresent in 9 accessions, whereas Asp117 is present in 17 acces-sions as aspartate, or replaced by glutamate in sequences fromUlva linza and Ulva prolifera. It is worth noting, however, thatall the accessions that do not bear Asp117, do have one or moreaspartate residues within 1–3 positions, the only exceptionbeing the sequence from Mesostigma viride lacking aspartatesor glutamates in that protein domain. On the basis of theseresults, Asp109, Asp117, Glu218, Glu221, Glu224, Glu231, and

Glu233 were selected for further investigation and renamed,respectively, D1, D2, E3, E1, E2, E4, and E5 for simplicity.

In Vivo Mutation Analysis—To test the importance of theseprotonatable residues for LHCSR3 function, each of theselected aspartate or glutamate residues was mutagenized invitro to asparagine or glutamine, respectively, and the resultingmutant LHCSR3 genomic DNA sequence was used to trans-form the npq4 mutant strain lacking LHCSR3 expression (13).After selection of transformants based on paromomycin resis-tance, these were screened to determine the effect of the aminoacid replacement on the NPQ activity. Fig. 3A shows that wheneach individual acidic residue was mutated, the NPQ amplitudewas reduced, but a significant level of quenching was still pres-ent. Indeed, the transformant lines exhibited an NPQ level pro-portional to the level of LHCSR3 protein accumulation asassessed by Western blotting (Fig. 3B), suggesting redundancyof the proton-sensing residues in LHCSR3. Strains transformedwith LHCSR3 variants mutated at residue D1 did not show anyaccumulation of LHCSR3, suggesting a major role of this resi-due in stabilizing protein folding. Therefore, combinations ofmultiple mutations within the same protein were generated andtested. When D2, E1, and E2 residues were mutated together,the triple mutant had an NPQ amplitude similar to that of thenpq4 strain. Indeed, of more than 300 colonies of the triplemutant D2E1E2 in the npq4 background, none had higher NPQthan npq4, despite the accumulation of the mutant LHCSR3protein at wild-type level.

To improve the signal to background ratio in the NPQ assays,subsequent transformations were done with the npq4 lhcsr1double mutant (32). This system would allow for better resolu-tion of the effect that the mutated LHCSR3 protein has onNPQ, independent of the LHCSR1 isoform that remains in thenpq4 mutant. Combinations of the double mutations, D2E2and E1E2, were made and transformed into npq4 lhcsr1 (Fig. 3,C and D). These double mutations impaired but did not com-pletely eliminate the qE function of LHCSR3, because theexpressed LHCSR3 protein still conferred some NPQ in thenpq4 lhcsr1 background (Fig. 3, C and D). Lines of the E1E2mutant accumulating LHCSR3 at 50 – 60% with respect to thewild-type had �20% of wild-type qE (Fig. 3C). Two lines fromthe D2E2 transformations with more than wild-type LHCSR3,had only �30 and �50% of the qE found in wild-type, respec-tively (Fig. 3C). The D2E1E2 triple mutant version of LHCSR3was then transformed into the npq4 lhcsr1 genotype. As shownin Fig. 4, two independent lines expressed the D2E1E2 mutantprotein at a level close to the wild-type LHCSR3 protein level,but they exhibited the lowest qE activity observed (�25% of thewild-type level). The residual qE induction observed in the tri-ple D2E1E2 mutant could be related to the activity of one ormore of the other protonatable sites that are still present in themutant. Unfortunately, the addition of further mutations in theLHCSR3 gene resulted in a loss of protein accumulation, sug-gesting a strong destabilization of the protein or some impair-ment in protein import into the thylakoid membranes.

In Vitro Reconstitution of LHCSR3 Recombinant ProteinMutated on Protonatable Sites—The function of the three iden-tified protonatable sites in LHCSR3 was next investigated invitro using recombinant proteins. In particular, the LHCSR3

TABLE 2LHCSR-like protein sequences used for the determination of con-served residuesProtein sequences were selected by BLAST search using LHCSR3 mature proteinsequence as query. Each sequence was selected for having a score �150 and e-value�6 e�41.

Protein sequence Organism

XP_001696064.1 C. reinhardtii LHCSR3XP_001696125.1 C. reinhardtii LHCSR1XP_002948670.1 V. carteri f. nagariensisADP89594.1 Chlamydomonas sp. ICE-L LHCSR2Q03965.1 C. moewusiiXP_001768071.1 P. patens LHCSR2ABD58893.1 Acutodesmus obliquusXP_005647960.1 Coccomyxa subellipsoidea C-169ADY38581.1 U. linzaADU04518.1 U. proliferaXP_005848576.1 C. variabilisABD37894.1 M. virideXP_002178699.1 Phaeodactylum tricornutumXP_002295258.1 Thalassiosira pseudonanaCAA04403.1 Cyclotella crypticaAHH80644.1 Durinskia balticaDAA05890.1 Bigelowiella natansCCO66741.1 Bathycoccus prasinosEGB07306.1 A. anophagefferensEJK65083.1 Thalassiosira oceanicaABV22207.1 Karlodinium veneficumCBJ27803.1 Ectocarpus siliculosusABA55525.1 Isochrysis galbanaXP_003079276.1 O. tauriAAY27550.1 O. tauriXP_001417976.1 O. lucimarinus

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cDNA sequence was subjected to site-specific mutagenesis ofD2, E1, and E2, as previously described (43). Following expres-sion in E. coli and purification, the wild-type (WT) and mutantD2E1E2 apoproteins were refolded in vitro in the presence of chlo-rophylls and carotenoids (18, 27, 33). As shown in Table 3, theholoproteins were characterized by HPLC pigment analysis. Inboth cases the Chl a/b ratio was higher than 8, with a very smallamount of Chl b per apoprotein compared with Chl a. The Chl/Car ratio was also similar in WT and the D2E1E2 mutant with 2

Car molecules per 7 Chls bound in LHCSR3. The carotenoidsbound by reconstituted samples were mainly violaxanthin andlutein in agreement with previous reports (18, 27).

The efficiency of energy transfer between pigments wasinvestigated by recording fluorescence emission spectra atroom temperature upon selective excitation of Chl a, Chl b,and xanthophylls, showing no differences between WT andD2E1E2 proteins. The absorption spectra of WT and D2E1E2in the visible region (Fig. 5A) did not show significant differ-

FIGURE 2. Alignment of LHCSR-like protein sequences.

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ences, neither in the Soret nor in the Qy spectral regions,suggesting that the mutations introduced no changes in thepigment organization in the complex. Similarly, circulardichroism spectra of the two samples were virtually identical(Fig. 5B). To assess if the mutations introduced could inducesome level of protein destabilization, the thermal stability ofrecombinant WT and D2E1E2 mutant proteins was mea-sured by following the change of the amplitude of the CDsignal at 681 nm when slowly increasing the temperature ofthe samples. The melting temperatures (Tm), calculated byfitting to a sigmoidal function, are reported in Table 4: Tm

was similar for WT and the D2E1E2 mutant, 41.8 and40.2 °C, respectively, suggesting that substitution of thethree acidic residues in the D2E1E2 mutant did not alter thestability of the pigment-protein complex.

[14C]DCCD Binding of Recombinant LHCSR3 Proteins—DCCD is an inhibitor of qE in Chlamydomonas (18). Its bindingto acidic residues indicates reversible protonation events. Anenhanced DCCD binding with respect to other LHC proteinshas been reported for LHCSR3 (18), in agreement with its pH-sensing function. To assess the proton-binding activity of theAsp117, Glu221, and Glu224 residues, DCCD binding was mea-sured in WT and D2E1E2 mutant proteins. In vitro refoldedproteins were incubated with [14C]DCCD, and the amount of14C bound by LHCSR3 was determined by autoradiography.The level of 14C bound by LHCSR3 WT and D2E1E2 was thennormalized to the protein amount loaded into the SDS-PAGE

FIGURE 3. NPQ measurements and immunoblot analysis of LHCSR3 protein levels in npq4 lines expressing site-specific mutant versions of LHCSR3affecting protonatable sites. Panel A, NPQ measurements on WT, npq4 mutant, and transgenic lines with LHCSR3 proteins carrying a single mutation onputative protonatable sites D2, E1–5. Panel B, immunoblot analysis of LHCSR3 accumulation on genotypes analyzed in panel A; immunoblot analysis of the D1subunit of PSII is shown as a control for loading. Panel C, NPQ measurements on WT, npq4 lhcsr1 mutant, and transgenic lines with LHCSR3 proteins with doublemutations on putative protonatable sites D2E2 and E1E2. Panel D, immunoblot analysis of LHCSR3 accumulation on genotypes analyzed in panel C. In all casesthree independent biological replicates were analyzed. The experiments were reproduced two times.

FIGURE 4. NPQ measurements and immunoblot analysis of LHCSR3 pro-tein levels in npq4 lhcsr1 lines expressing site-specific mutant versions ofLHCSR3 affecting protonatable sites. NPQ measurements on WT, npq4lhcsr1 mutant, and transgenic lines with LHCSR3 proteins mutated on D2, E1,and E2 protonatable sites (panel A). Panel B, immunoblot analysis of LHCSR3accumulation; immunoblot analysis of the D1 subunit of PSII is shown as acontrol for loading. In all cases three independent biological replicates wereanalyzed. The experiments were reproduced three times.

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gel quantified by Coomassie staining (Fig. 6). As reported in Fig.6, both WT and D2E1E2 mutant bound [14C]DCCD, but bind-ing to the D2E1E2 mutant was decreased by 40% with respect toWT. This result supports the hypothesis of multiple protonat-able sites in LHCSR3, of which Asp117, Glu221, and Glu224

account for at least 40% of the DCCD-binding activity of thisprotein.

Fluorescence Lifetimes of Recombinant LHCSR3 Proteins—Fluorescence lifetime measurements on recombinant LHCproteins allow investigation of their excitation energy conserv-ing versus quenching properties (44). To investigate in vitro thepH-dependent regulation of LHCSR3 quenching activity, fluo-rescence decay kinetics of WT LHCSR3 and the D2E1E2mutant were measured using a single photon countingdevice at neutral pH (7.5) and at low pH (5) in detergentsolution of 0.03% n-dodecyl-�-D-maltopyranoside (�-DM).As reported in Fig. 7A, the fluorescence decay kinetics ofWT and the D2E1E2 mutant can be satisfactorily fitted withthree exponentials with associated time constants of 4 ns, 1.9ns, and �200 ps. The relative amplitudes were 38 – 44,48 –52, and 7.4 –9.7%, respectively, with an average lifetime

of 2.6 –2.7 ns (Table 5). Decays were similar at both pH 7.5and 5, suggesting no pH-dependent response of quenchingreactions.

This result is in agreement with a previous report onLHCSR3 fluorescence lifetime in detergent (27), suggestingthat interaction of detergent micelles with the protein preventsthe switch to a dissipative conformation. pH sensitivity of theLHCSR fluorescence lifetime can be better detected at a lowdetergent/protein ratio leading to moderate aggregation, whichreproduces protein-protein interactions occurring in the pro-tein-crowded thylakoid membrane (45). Fig. 7B shows the fluo-rescence lifetimes of recombinant WT LHCSR3 and theD2E1E2 mutant as measured upon incubation in a detergentconcentration of 0.003% �-DM. These measuring conditionsinduced a faster decay of emitted fluorescence at either pH 5 or7.5 for both LHCSR3 WT and D2E1E2 mutant. However,whereas at pH 7.5 the two proteins showed the same decayprofile, at pH 5 LHCSR3 WT fluorescence decay was muchfaster than at pH 7.5, whereas the fluorescence decay ofLHCSR3 D2E1E2 was the same as at pH 7.5. Decays of LHCSR3WT at pH 7.5, and D2E1E2 at pH 7.5 and 5 were fitted to threeexponentials with time constants of 2.5 ns, 0.9 ns, and 140 pswith amplitudes of 40, 31, and 29%, respectively, with an aver-age lifetime of �1.4 ns (Table 5). LHCSR3 WT decay traces at pH5 were similarly fitted to three exponentials, but in this case themajor amplitude was associated to the fastest component (140 ps)with amplitude of 42%, whereas those with 0.8 and 2.5 ns showedamplitudes of 33 and 25%, respectively (Table 5). Because aggre-gation is well known to influence the lifetime of LHC proteins (46),the aggregation size of WT and D2E1E2 proteins at 0.03 and0.003% DM was measured by dynamic light scattering as previ-ously reported (38), yielding the average aggregate size (113.3 �

TABLE 3Pigment analysis of recombinant LHCSR3 proteinsPigment analysis were performed by HPLC and fitting of absorption spectrum of pigment acetone extracts with chlorophylls and carotenoids spectral forms as describedin Ref. 34. The experiments were performed two times, with three independent biological replicates each time.

Chl total Chl a Chl b Viola Lute Neo �-car Chl/Car Chl a/b Car total

WT 7 6.29 0.71 0.41 1.56 0.06 0.00 3.38 8.86 2.07S.D. / 0.10 0.05 0.03 0.07 0.01 0.00 0.31 0.64 0.19D2E1E2 7 6.51 0.49 0.28 1.63 0.00 0.00 3.61 13.29 1.94S.D. / 0.09 0.07 0.03 0.05 0.01 0.00 0.22 1.91 0.11

FIGURE 5. Absorption and circular dichroism spectra of LHCSR recombinant proteins. Absorption spectra (panel A) and circular dichroism (panel B) in thevisible region of LHCSR3 WT and D2E1E2 mutant refolded in vitro in the presence of chlorophylls and carotenoids. The experiments were reproduced threetimes, each time with two independent biological replicates.

TABLE 4Thermal stability of LHCSR WT and D2E1E2 recombinant proteinsrefolded in vitroThermal stability (Tm) was evaluated following the decay of the CD signal at 682nm when increasing the temperature from 20 to 80 °C. The thermal stability ofthe samples was determined by finding the T1⁄2 of the signal decay. The experi-ments were performed two times, with two independent biological replicateseach time.

Tm S.D.

°CWT 41.8 2.3D2E1E2 40.2 0.9

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8.6 in the case of WT and 126.9 � 18.2). LHCSR3 WT and D2E1E2in low detergent condition at pH 5 formed aggregates with similarsize with a radius of 100 nm, implying that the difference in fluo-rescence quenching observed between WT and D2E1E2 is likelydue to the different dissipative conformations that can be reachedby the two proteins.

Fluorescence Emission Spectra at 77 K—Activation ofquenching mechanisms has been previously associated in vivowith induction of far-red fluorescence emission forms at 77 K(38, 47, 48). In particular, aggregation-dependent quenching inLHC proteins at low pH was shown to lead to far-red emissionin both trimeric and monomeric isoforms, and this feature hasbeen correlated with the extent of excitation energy quenching(38). The fluorescence emission spectra at 77 K of LHCSR3 WTand D2E1E2 recombinant proteins were measured to investi-gate the correlation of far-red emission forms with the activa-tion of quenching mechanisms. The measurements wereperformed at high (0.03%) or low (0.003%) detergent concen-trations and at pH 7.5 or 5.0. As reported in Fig. 8, fluorescenceemission spectra were almost identical at high detergent con-ditions for both WT and D2E1E2 samples at pH 7.5 or 5 with apeak at 682 nm. At low detergent, instead, a clear shift of theemission peak to 685 or 687 nm was observed for D2E1E2 andWT, respectively. The most evident change in the spectra, how-ever, was observed at low detergent concentrations and pH 5,where both WT and D2E1E2 dramatically increased their far-red emission forms, with the formation of a defined peak at 735

FIGURE 6. 14DCCD binding in LHCSR3 recombinant WT and D2E1E2 mutant. Panel A, autoradiography of recombinant LHCSR3 WT and the D2E1E2 mutanttreated with 14DCCD; microliters of sample (0.2 �g/�l of chlorophylls) loaded on SDS-PAGE are reported (15, 7.5, and 2.5 �l). Panel B, Coomassie staining ofSDS-PAGE used for autoradiography. Panel C, ratio of the level of 14C observed by autoradiography signals and protein quantity obtained by densitometricanalysis of Coomassie-stained gels. The experiments were performed two times; each time two independent biological replicates were analyzed with threetechnical replicates with different loading volume as indicated.

FIGURE 7. Fluorescence decay kinetics. Fluorescence decay kinetics ofrecombinant LHCSR3 WT (panel A) and D2E1E2 mutant (panel B) at pH 7.5 or5.0 in the presence of high (0.03%) or low (0.003%) detergent (�-DM) concen-trations. The experiment was performed two times, each time with two inde-pendent biological replicates.

TABLE 5Fluorescence lifetimes of LHCSR3 WT and D2E1E2 mutantThe decay traces reported at Fig. 7 were fitting using three exponentials functions.The amplitude (A) and time constants (�) for each exponential are reported in thetable. The average lifetimes for each sample are calculated as �Ai�i.

A1 �1 A2 �2 A3 �3 �avg

ns ns nsWT, pH 7.5, 0.03% �-DM 44% 4.04 48% 1.88 8% 0.21 2.69WT, pH 5, 0.03% �-DM 40% 4.22 51% 1.91 10% 0.19 2.71D2E1E2, pH 7.5, 0.03% �-DM 36% 4.37 54% 1.93 10% 0.18 2.63D2E1E2, pH 5, 0.03% �-DM 39% 4.20 52% 1.83 9% 0.23 2.61WT, pH 7.5, 0.003% �-DM 40% 2.61 31% 1.00 29% 0.14 1.39D2E1E2, pH 7.5, 0.003% �-DM 41% 2.65 30% 0.98 29% 0.14 1.42WT, pH 5, 0.003% �-DM 25% 2.50 33% 0.84 42% 0.14 0.97D2E1E2, pH 5, 0.003% �-DM 41% 2.63 30% 0.99 29% 0.14 1.41

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nm that was far more intense in WT versus D2E1E2. Theseresults support the presence of a positive relationship betweenprotonation of specific residues, the appearance of far-redemission forms in the spectra, and the activation of quenchingmechanisms in LHCSR3.


All oxygenic photosynthetic organisms are endowed withmechanisms for thermal dissipation of excess absorbed lightenergy. The triggering of these mechanisms can either be con-trolled directly by light as for the Orange Carotenoid-bindingprotein of cyanobacteria (49, 50) or by low lumenal pH causedby excess light as in the case of PSBS in plants and LHCSR inunicellular algae (10, 13, 18, 26, 51, 52). LHCSR3 is of particularinterest because the quenching and the pH-sensing activitiesare merged in the same protein subunit (18, 27, 53) making thisprotein a relatively simple system for the molecular analysis ofNPQ. The case of plants is more complex because the pH issensed by PSBS, whereas quenching occurs in an interactingpigment-binding partner (17, 26). LHCSR3 has been reportedto undergo functional changes depending on pH (18, 27, 53). Inthis work, the function of LHCSR3 as a sensor of lumen pH hasbeen investigated in vivo by site-specific mutagenesis of puta-tive protonatable residues. The LHCSR3 structure was mod-eled on the basis of LHCII and CP29 structures (39, 40) (Fig. 1)allowing for identification of 13 potentially protonatable aspar-tate and glutamate residues located within lumen-exposeddomains at the C terminus, at Helices D and E, and at the loopsbetween Helices A and D and between Helices B and E. Amongthese residues, Asp117, Glu218, Glu221, Glu224, Glu231, andGlu233 were selected based on their high conservation amongLHCSR-like sequences and were targeted for site-specificmutagenesis and functional analysis in vivo. The complemen-tation of npq4 and npq4 lhcsr1 mutants with sequences carryingmutations affecting these protonatable residues identifiedAsp117, Glu221, and Glu224 as the key residues for the pH sensi-tivity of LHCSR3 in vivo. Any single mutation of an acidicamino acid residue failed to yield significant effects on qE.When double mutants affecting two different putative protona-

table sites were obtained, a substantial decrease in qE relative tothe LHCSR3 protein level could be observed, suggesting a coop-erative behavior (Fig. 4). The triple D2E1E2 mutant expressedin npq4 lhcsr1 showed an even greater impairment of function,suggesting that Asp117, Glu221, and Glu224 are key residues forpH sensing in LHCSR3 from C. reinhardtii.

These results are consistent with the significant decreaseobserved in DCCD binding to LHCSR3 recombinant proteinsmutated on Asp117, Glu221, and Glu224, i.e. a reduction by 41%(Fig. 6). The fact that DCCD can still be bound by the D2E1E2mutant is not surprising, because structure modeling revealedthe presence of 10 additional acidic residues, including 8 gluta-mate and aspartate residues at the C terminus that are likely tobind DCCD in the D2E1E2 mutant. It is interesting to note thatthe mutation of 23% of the putative protonatable residues, as inthe case of D2E1E2 mutant, led to a 41% reduction in DCCD-binding activity of LHCSR3, suggesting that these residues havea special cooperative role in transducing the lumenal pH signal,as shown by a 72% of reduction in qE in vivo (Fig. 4). The pres-ence of additional glutamate and aspartate residues at the Cterminus in LHCSR3 is a peculiar feature of Chlamydomonasspp. LHCSR proteins (Fig. 2), whereas other LHCSR-like pro-teins have a shorter C terminus extension (Fig. 2B). Asp117,Glu221, and Glu224 are more conserved in the different LHCSR-like sequences analyzed. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that asubstantial level of variability is present in the position andnumber of acidic residues, which might reflect the need forcomplementarity with interacting proteins putatively involvedas partners in qE activity (54, 55). Alternatively, the density oflumen-exposed acidic residues might be related to the responsesensitivity for triggering qE, which is particularly strong inChlamydomonas, for which light saturation of photosynthesisoccurs at lower irradiances (56), whereas NPQ amplitude isfully reached already at 200 �mol m�2 s�1 illumination (57).

It is interesting to compare the distribution of acidic residuesin Chlamydomonas to that of Physcomitrella patens LHCSR1,which only harbors 4 of the 13 putative protonatable residuesidentified in LHCSR3. P. patens LHCSR1 has been shown to

FIGURE 8. 77 K fluorescence emission spectra. Fluorescence emission spectra of recombinant LHCSR3 WT (panel A) and the D2E1E2 mutant (panel B) at 77 Kmeasured at pH 5 or 7.5 in the presence of 0.03% �-DM or 0.003% �-DM. The experiments were reproduced three times, each time with two independentbiological replicates.

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require zeaxanthin for a significant level of activity (25),whereas Chlamydomonas NPQ is not dependent on zeaxanthinaccumulation (18). Zeaxanthin binding has been shown to con-fer cooperativity to NPQ in higher plants (58 – 60). It is tempt-ing to propose that zeaxanthin might replace the effect of the 9additional lumen-exposed acidic residues in promoting theswitch of LHCSR from conservative to dissipative conforma-tions. Indeed, we verified that faster fluorescence decay wastriggered by acidic pH in WT LHCSR3 but not in the D2E1E2mutant, implying that the protonation of Asp117, Glu221, andGlu224 has a special role in triggering quenching events withinLHCSR3 in vitro (Fig. 7). A previous report has shown thatmutation of 9 acidic residues at the C terminus, includingGlu224, led to impaired pH sensitivity of LHCSR3 in vitro (27).Here we show that 72% of qE activity in vivo was dependent onthe mutation of only three protonatable residues, consistentwith loss of pH responsiveness in vitro. Residual NPQ activity inD2E1E2 is likely due to the presence of several other protonat-able residues in the D2E1E2 mutant, partially inducing a smallNPQ activation in the triple mutant. By the way it could not beexcluded that the protonation of other LHCBM subunits, asLHCBM1 (18), would contribute to pH-dependent triggering ofa low NPQ activity in D2E1E2.

As previously reported, LHCSR3 does not respond signifi-cantly to pH variation when the protein is dissolved in deter-gent such as �-DM, whereas the pH sensitivity becomes evidentwhen detergent is substituted by nano-polymers (27) ordecreased to levels below the critical micelle concentration.This latter condition induces the formation of small particlearrays, mimicking protein-protein interactions in the thylakoidmembrane (47), a condition likely to also occur in PSII-LHCSRsupercomplexes (53). Recent results showed that high deter-gent conditions favor monodispersion of LHCs and shift theirconformation far from the dissipative state toward a statepoorly responding to pH variations (45). This is likely due to theinduction of a relaxed protein conformation that decreases pig-ment-pigment interactions within the complexes with respectto the state present in the native membrane environment.Structural analysis suggested that conformational changesinvolved in quenching are subtle (61, 62) and involve smallchanges in Chl-Chl and xanthophyll-Chl interactions (11) thusmaking the relaxed structure unfavorable to trigger quenching.The main effect induced at pH 5 on fluorescence decay kineticsof WT LHCSR3 was an increased amplitude of the 140-ps (�3)component, which favorably compares with the 65- and 305-pscomponents recently identified as induced in vivo upon qE acti-vation in C. reinhardtii (10) and the 200-ps component identi-fied when measuring fluorescence lifetimes of LHCSR3-bind-ing PSII supercomplexes at pH 5 (53).

The mechanism by which LHCSR3 dissipates excitationenergy quenching is still debated. High yield of a carotenoidradical cation has been previously reported (18), and formationof these radical species has been previously related to NPQ inplants (63, 64). Here, we present evidence that aggregation-de-pendent quenching is also active in LHCSR3, as in other LHCproteins (38, 45, 46, 59, 62, 65, 66). Interestingly, a strong red-shift in fluorescence emission was associated with the low pHeffect in the LHCSR3 WT, but not in the D2E1E2 mutant (Fig.

5). The formation of these far-red emitting forms is dependenton pH and protonation of Asp117, Glu221, and Glu224. The cor-relation between far-red emission and switch to a dissipativestate has been previously reported for plant LHCII (47), possi-bly resulting from a strong coupling between chlorophylls (67).It is interesting to note that the only Chl-binding residues fullyconserved through LHCSR-like sequences are those associatedwith sites A1, A4, and A5 (Fig. 2), as putative ligands for Chl 601,Chl 610, and Chl 609 (39). Site A1 has been previously reportedto be crucial for protein stability in most LHC proteins (34, 43)acting as a bridge between Helices A and B. Chl-binding sitesA4 and A5, instead, are located in proximity of the Car-bindingsite L2, with a special role in 3Chl* quenching (68). Togetherwith the Chl in site B5, these Chls form a strongly coupledcluster (40, 69), which has been associated to Car radical cationformation (11). Interactions between Chls and between Chlsand xanthophylls are likely involved in LHCSR3 quenchingactivity. The structural model of LHCSR3 in Fig. 1 shows thatthe three acidic residues Asp117, Glu221, and Glu224 are rela-tively close to each other, with an estimated distance of 3.69,7.27, and 8.05 Å, respectively (Asp117-Glu221, Glu221-Glu224,and Asp117-Glu224 in Fig. 1B). The proximity of these residues,shown to be crucial and cooperative in transducing pH sensing,suggests that upon their protonation the overall structure ofLHCSR3 might undergo adjustments that reduce the distance/relative orientation between the helices as a result of reducedelectrostatic repulsion in the lumen-exposed domain. In partic-ular, a different distance between Helix D and Helix E might beinduced by protonation of Asp117, Glu221, and Glu224. Thiscould be transduced into changes in the relative orientation ofHelices A and B, with a consequent reorganization of Chl-Chland Chl-Car interactions. The correspondence between pro-tein aggregation in vitro and NPQ activation in vivo has beenpreviously investigated, showing a similarity between the con-formational change induced in vitro by aggregation of LHCproteins and conformational changes observed in vivo uponNPQ induction (14). In addition, we cannot exclude proteinaggregation in vitro forces LHCSR3 subunits to establish somepeculiar protein-protein interactions required for LHCSR3activity in vivo. LHCSR proteins can be found as dimers in thy-lakoid membranes (18, 70), suggesting that possibly some spe-cific protein-protein interactions are needed for LHCSR3 activ-ity. The finding of LHCSR proteins as dimers agrees with recentcrystallization of PSBS at low pH in the dimeric state (71), sug-gesting a possible common strategy for protein activation byformation of hom*o- or heterodimers and rearrangements ofPSII supercomplexes. However, it should be pointed out thatwhereas LHCSR3 is a chlorophyll- and carotenoid-binding pro-tein, PSBS was reported to bind a single chlorophyll at most.These different pigment-binding properties suggest thatwhereas LHCSR3 can be a direct quencher of excitation energylocated on its pigments, PSBS function is more likely restrictedto pH sensing, whereas triggering quenching is activated withininteracting LHC proteins. Finally, it is interesting to comparethe effects of mutation on protonatable residues in LHCSR3 ascompared with PSBS. Recently, the structure at low pH of PSBSfrom spinach was revealed (71), showing the DCCD binding siteat residue Glu173. Previously it was shown indeed that in

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A. thaliana mutation of two PSBS lumen-exposed glutamateresidues, Glu122 (corresponding to Glu173 in PSBS from spin-ach) and Glu226, yielded complete loss of qE in vivo and DCCDbinding in vitro. The effect of individual mutations was addi-tive, with changes to non-protonatable residues at each residueleading to 50% loss in both functions (17). This is clearly not thecase for LHCSR, because no effect was observed upon mutationat single residues and even the D2E1E2 mutant still retained28% of qE and 59% of DCCD binding. Thus, it appears thatpH-dependent triggering is far more cooperative in LHCSR3than in PSBS, with a number of contributing protonation eventsdepending on species that have been reported to differ in therelative contribution by �pH and �� to the transmembrane pHgradient (72, 73). Also, responsiveness of different species tolight intensity and adaptation to specific environments (15, 57)might be tuned by the number and distribution of lumen-ex-posed protonatable residues in LHCSR. These results are com-plementary to those recently reported (27) showing that pHresponsiveness, as determined by fluorescence lifetime in vitro,was lost by mutation of 9 acidic residues at the C terminus(including Glu224, also studied in the present work) to non-protonatable species. The observed cooperativity betweenacidic residues might well explain this result.

Author Contributions—K. K. N., R. B., and M. B. conceived thework, designed the experiments, and wrote the paper. K. K. N. coor-dinated the experiments about Chlamydomonas complementation(Figs. 3 and 4), whereas R. B. and G. F. coordinated the experimentsin vitro. M. B. and G. R. S. performed all the experiments reportedwith the exception of Chlamydomonas complementation and mu-tant screening and characterization. T. B. T. and E. E. performed thework described in Figs. 3 and 4. G. R. F. and E. D. R. contributed tothe results reported in Fig. 7. All authors analyzed the results, con-tributed to writing, and approved the final version of the manuscript.

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Chapter 2. LHCSR3 pH sensing for Non-Photochemical Quenching

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Chapter 3

In vitro characterization ofchlorophyll-binding sites of LHCSR1from Physcomitrella patens

Summary of the work

As discussed in chapter 2, LHCSR proteins have conserved the residues binding pigments presentin other light harvesting complexes. This characteristic distinguish LHCSRs from PSBS, theirfunctional hom*ologous in plants, which does not bind pigments. This suggest that LHCSRproteins might have additional functions beside lumenal pH-sensing. In fact, chlorophylls andxanthophylls bound to LHCSRs could be involved in quenching reactions.

The moss Physcomitrella patens is of particular interest to the study of photoprotection, asthis organism uses both LHCSRs and PSBS for NPQ (Alboresi et al. (2010)). In P. patens,LHCSR1 has been demonstrated to be the most important LHC protein involved in NPQ (Al-boresi et al. (2010)), with its quenching-induced activity being strongly enhanced by the presenceof zeaxanthin (Pinnola et al. (2013)). These results point to a possible involvement of LHCSR1in hosting quenching reactions in P. patens, and prompted us to investigate the role of thechromophores bound to LHCSR1.

To understand the energy transfer and quenching characteristics in LHC proteins, we need toknow the precise organization and distance between all chromophores, yet no crystal structuresof LHCSR proteins have not been obtained. In order to gain information on the chromophore or-ganization in LHCSR1, we undertook site-directed mutagenesis of the pigment-binding residuesconserved in the protein sequence, to study the quenching activity of mutant proteins both invitro and in vivo. During my working period in Verona, I contributed to the in vitro charac-terization of these mutant proteins, while the in vivo study is currently on going. I built a 3Dmodel of LHCSR1 structure and found that most of the putative pigment-binding residues hada conserved position and orientation with respect to the crystal structures of LHCII and CP29.I then refolded the WT and all the chlorophyll-binding mutants of LHCSR1 in vitro and ana-lyzed their spectroscopic characteristics. I identified chlorophylls A2 and A5 as the putative lowenergy pigments in LHCSR1, and I thus decided to focus my attention on these chromophores. Iconducted the fluorescence measurements in aggregation, but the results regarding mutants A2and A5 were unclear. Following my moving to Paris to undertake the work on diatoms presentedin the next two chapters, work on LHCSR1 was continued by Federico Perozeni and Matteo Bal-


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lottari. Fluorescence lifetime measurements on in vitro reconstituted mutant proteins, togetherwith the in vivo complementation, will hopefully allow us to undercover the role of the differentchromophores and to identify the site of quenching reactions within LHCSR1.

Giulio Rocco Stella1−2, Julien Girardon2, Matteo Ballottari2, Roberto Bassi2

1Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ-Paris 6, CNRS, UMR7238, Laboratoire de Biologie Com-putationnelle et Quantitative, 15 rue de l’Ecole de Médecine, 75006 Paris, France

2Department of Biotechnology, University of Verona, Strada Le Grazie, I-37134 Verona, Italy

I was responsible of LHCSR1 structure modeling, in vitro re-folding of wild-type and mutantproteins, as well as their biochemical and spectroscopic characterization

Abstract Excess energy dissipation as non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) in the model mossPhyscomitrella patens, is under the control of two proteins: PSBS, presents in plants, and LightHarvesting Complex Stress-Related proteins (LHCSR), found in algae. PSBS does not bindpigments and its action in photoprotection is likely dependent on the interaction with otherantennae of photosystem II. On the contrary, the protein LHCSR1 binds pigments and hasbeen shown to be important for NPQ in P. patens, pointing to the hypothesis that this proteinmight be directly involved in the quenching process. However, to understand the precise energytransfer and quenching characteristics of LHCSR1, the exact organization and distance betweenall chromophores is needed. Since crystal structures of LHCSR members are not yet available, therole of individual chromophores has been studied previously by using mutant antennae, lackingspecific residues that coordinate each pigment.

Here, we report the in vitro investigation of the spectroscopic and quenching characteristics ofdifferent pigment-binding mutants of the LHCSR1 protein from P. patens. We mutagenized eachchlorophyll-binding residue identified and analyzed reconstituted proteins both with absorptionand fluorescence analyses. In particular, we focused our attention on chlorophylls A2 and A5,which have been proposed to be involved in quenching mechanisms mediated by the interactionwith carotenoids in L1 and L2 sites. We found that chlorophylls A2 and A5 are indeed the lowestenergy pigments in LHCSR1, but their involvement in thermal dissipation is not clearly assessedyet.

3.1 Introduction

Oxygenic photosynthesis allows plants andalgae to reduce carbon dioxide into sugars, us-ing light as an energy source and water as anelectron donor. The side product of this reac-tion is molecular oxygen, which can be harm-ful since if can react with chlorophyll triplets(3Chl*) to yield singlet oxygen, a reactive oxy-gen species (ROS) that can damage membranesand photosynthetic proteins (Niyogi (1999)).Prevention of 3Chl* formation and scavengingof ROS is therefore an important protectivemechanisms for all photosynthetic organisms.In particular, upon land colonization, plantshad to evolved new ways to adapt to the higher

oxygen and lower CO2 concentration present inthe atmosphere in comparison to the water en-vironment (Rensing et al. (2008); Gerotto andMorosinotto (2013)).

Energy absorbed in excess can be thermallydissipated via non-photochemical quenching(NPQ), which is the fastest protective mech-anisms to quench singlet chlorophylls (1Chl*)before they convert to 3Chl* and can react withoxygen (Niyogi (1999)). Several componentcontribute to NPQ (Eberhard et al. (2008)):the major and fastest of these components isqE, or energy-dependent quenching, which re-quires a ∆pH gradient across the thylakoid

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Section 3.1. Introduction

membrane (Rees et al. (1992); Ruban et al.(1992); de Bianchi et al. (2010)). The ∆pH isgenerated by the increased rate of photosynthe-sis in excessive light conditions, that increasesprotons concentration in the lumen (Eberhardet al. (2008)).

In plants and algae, different proteins havebeen identified to be responsible for the ac-tivation of qE: in the model plant Arabidop-sis thaliana, the protein PSBS can sense lu-men acidification via the protonation of twoglutamic acids (Li et al. (2000b, 2002, 2004)),while the actual quenching happens in the PSIIantennae (Ahn et al. (2008); Johnson et al.(2011)). In the green alga Chlamydomonasreinhardtii, although the PSBS gene is present(Peers et al. (2009)), the protein is only tran-siently expressed in high light (Correa-Galviset al. (2016)) or is present only in very specificconditions, as for example upon UV-B exposure(Guillaume Allorent and Michel Goldschmidt-Clermont, personal communication). Most ofqE in green algae is therefore under the con-trol of other proteins, called LHCSRs (Lightharvesting complex stress-related, Peers et al.(2009)), and similar proteins have also beenidentified in diatoms (Bailleul et al. (2010)).

PSBS probably does not bind pigments (Do-minici et al. (2002); Bonente et al. (2008)), al-though it has been reported to bind xantho-phylls in vitro (Aspinall-O’Dea et al. (2002)),and thus the real quenching site in plant isthought to be located in the interacting LHCantennae (Ahn et al. (2008); Johnson et al.(2011); Gerotto et al. (2015)). Differently fromthat, LHCSR proteins do bind pigments (Bo-nente et al. (2011); Pinnola et al. (2013) andchapter 2), and it is therefore possible thatthese proteins are not only the pH sensors butalso active quenchers (chapter 2).

The moss Physcomitrella patens is of greatinterest for the study of photoprotective mech-anisms, since both PSBS and LHCSR proteinsare expressed and active in NPQ (Alboresi et al.(2010); Gerotto et al. (2012)). In this organism,two LHCSR proteins are present (LCHSR1 andLHCSR2), which have a 91% sequence similar-ity. LHCSR1 is the most abundant and impor-tant in photoprotection (Alboresi et al. (2010))

and is strongly induced by high light treatment,while LHCSR2 does not respond to light butrather to cold stress (Gerotto et al. (2011)).

PSBS and LHCSRs independent involve-ment in photoprotection in P. patens has beendemonstrated with genetic approaches, usingknock-out mutants, showing that they work inan additive way (Gerotto et al. (2012); Alboresiet al. (2010)).

LHCSR folding depends on the presence ofchlorophylls and carotenoids (Bonente et al.(2011)), and the quenching activity of LHCSRin P. patens is strongly increased by the pres-ence of zeaxanthin (Pinnola et al. (2013)), syn-thesized from violaxanthin under excessive lightconditions via the xanthophyll cycle (Demmiget al. (1987)).

Different quenching models for LHC pro-teins have been proposed in the last years:the first one, proposed by Ahn et al. (2008),involves the formation of a carotenoid radi-cal cation in the monomeric antennae, whichthen undergoes charge recombination to dissi-pate the excitation energy. Ruban et al. (2007)proposed instead the Chl quenching occurs bythe transfer of energy from Chl to the S1 forbid-den excited state of carotenoids, which rapidlydecays to the ground state via internal conver-sion. Finally, Muller et al. (2010) hypothesizeda carotenoid-independent mechanisms, where astrongly coupled Chl dimer can perform chargeseparation, followed by a recombination thatquench the excitation energy.

To understand the energy transfer andquenching in LHC proteins we need to knowthe precise organization and distance betweenall chromophores, also with the orientation oftheir transition dipole and energy levels (Bassiet al. (1999)). Crystal structures of antennaproteins so far obtained (Pan et al. (2011); Liuet al. (2004)) do not have the sufficient resolu-tion to get all these information. For this rea-son, the role of the different chromophores hasbeen studied in the past with the help of mu-tated antennae, lacking specific residues thatcoordinate the different pigments (Bassi et al.(1999); Formaggio et al. (2001); Ballottari et al.(2009)).

Here, we report the in vitro investigation

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of the spectroscopic and quenching characteris-tics of different pigment-binding mutants of theLHCSR1 protein from P. patens. We mutage-nized each chlorophyll-binding residue identi-fied and analyzed reconstituted proteins bothwith absorption and fluorescence analyses. Inparticular, we focused our attention on chloro-

phylls A2 and A5, which were supposed tobe involved in quenching mechanisms mediatedby the interaction with carotenoids in L1 andL2 sites. We found that chlorophylls A2 andA5 are indeed the lowest energy pigments inLHCSR1, but that their involvement in ther-mal dissipation is still unclear.

3.2 Material and Methods

LHCSRs sequence analysis: Proteinalignments were performed with CLUSTALOMEGA ( Identification of putativechlorophyll-binding residues was done by man-ually comparing LHCSR1 sequence with theidentified pigment-binding residues in LHCIIand CP29 crystal structures (Liu et al. (2004);Pan et al. (2011)).

LHCSR1 Structure Modeling: LHCSR1protein structures were obtained by using ho-mology modeling techniques with the on-lineservers I-TASSER (Zhang (2008); Roy et al.(2010)) version 1.1. The model with the bestC-score (confidence score) was selected for fur-ther analysis. In the model of LHCSR1 withpigments, each chromophore was manually po-sitioned, using the software Swiss-PdbViewer(Guex and Peitsch (1997)) and maintaining thesame distance and orientation from their bind-ing residues in the protein, with respect tothe distance and orientation measured in CP29crystal structure.

Site-directed Mutagenesis of AcidicResidues: The LHCSR1 coding sequencewas cloned in a pET28 plasmid (see Girar-don (2013)). Site-directed mutagenesis of eachacidic residue reported in the text was donewith the QuikChange Site-directed Mutagene-sis Kit, used according to the manufacturer’sinstructions.

Recombinant Protein Overexpression,Purification, and in Vitro Refolding:LHCSR1 coding sequence was cloned in pET28

expression vector and expressed in Escherichiacoli as previously described (Bonente et al.(2011)). Purified apoprotein was refolded invitro in the presence of pigments as reportedin Bonente et al. (2011); Giuffra et al. (1996)(figure 3.1). Zeaxanthin-containing proteinswere re-folded using pigments extracted fromspinach and de-epoxidated in vitro. Presenceof zeaxanthin and de-epoxidation level (70%)was check via HPLC.

Pigment Analysis: Pigments bound by re-combinant LHCSR1 proteins were measured byHPLC as described in Ballottari et al. (2009).

Steady-state Absorption, Fluorescence,and Circular Dichroism Measurements:Room temperature absorption spectra wererecorded using an SLM-Aminco DW2000 spec-trophotometer, in 10 mM HEPES, pH 7.5,0.2 M sucrose, and 0.03% n-dodecyl–D-maltopyranoside (α-DM). The wavelength sam-pling step was 0.4 nm. Fluorescence emissionspectra at room temperature and at 77K weremeasured using a Jobin-Yvon Fluoromax-3 de-vice with proteins solubilized at pH 7.5 or 5,0.2 M sucrose, and 0.03% or 0.003%α-DM. Cir-cular dichroism (CD) spectra were measured at10 °C on a Jasco 600 spectropolarimeter using aR7400U-20 photomultiplier tube: samples werein the same solution described for the absorp-tion, with an OD of 1 at the maximum in the Qy

transition. The measurements were performedin a 1-cm cuvette.

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Section 3.3. Results

Figure 3.1 – In vitro refolding procedure. Scheme depicting the in vitro refolding procedure: the proteinis expressed in bacterial cells, where it’s accumulated as inclusion bodies. The protein is extracted and purifiedfrom bacteria, denatured and mixed with pigments. To induce the correct folding, cycles of freezing and thawingare used. Once the protein is folded, the pigments in excess are removed with a series of sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation and anion exchange chromatography steps.

3.3 Results

Identification of the LHCSR1 pigment-binding sites: Antenna proteins bind chloro-phylls by coordinating the central magnesiumin the porphyrin ring, usually using nucle-ophilic aminoacids (Jordan et al. (2001); Liuet al. (2004)). It has been shown previouslythat LHCSR3 (in C. reinhardtii) and LHCSR1(in P. patens) have various pigment-bindingresidue in conserved positions (Bonente et al.(2011); Girardon (2013)). In LHCSR1, thechlorophyll-binding sites A1 (610 in the newnomenclature from Liu et al. (2004)), A2 (612),A3 (613), A4 (602), A5 (603) and B5 (609) arein fact present in conserved positions with re-spect to LHCII and CP29 (figure 3.2), the an-tenna proteins for which a crystal structure isavailable (Liu et al. (2004); Pan et al. (2011)).The sites B3 (614) and B6 (606) are insteadslightly shifted in LHCSR1 with respect toLHCII and CP29 and it was not clear if theycould still retain their pigment-binding activity.

In order to investigate the orientationand positions of these chlorophyll-bindingresidues, we created a hom*ology-based model

of LHCSR1 (figure 3.3), using as a tem-plate the three-dimensional structure of otherLHC proteins, LHCII, CP29, and LHCI (Liuet al. (2004); Pan et al. (2011); Amunts et al.(2010)). As previously determined for the pro-tein LHCSR3, from C. reinhardtii (chapter 2),the protein model for LHCSR1 from P. patenshas three trans-membrane α-helices (helix A,B, and C) and two amphipathic helices (helix Dand E), like those present in CP29 and LHCII.

From the superimposition of the structures(figure 3.3) it was possible to observe that, inLHCSR1, the six conserved chlorophyll-bindingsites (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 and B5) also had aposition and an orientation of the amino acidsvery similar to the crystal structures of LHCIIand CP29. The site B6 (E149, helix C), shownin green in figure 3.3, was instead oriented indifferent directions in the various models ob-tained with the on-line server I-TASSER. Thisbinding site, in LHCII (Q131) and CP29 (E195)coordinates the chlorophyll in between helicesC and B, while in three out of five models ofLHCSR1, the conserved residue is oriented to-

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Figure 3.2 – Protein sequence alignment of LHCSR1 with LHCII and CP29. LHCSR1 protein sequencealigned with LHCII (LHCb1.1 from spinach) and CP29 (from Arabidopsis thaliana). Conserved chlorophyll-binding sites are underlined and indicated in red.

wards the membrane. Again, it was difficult,given the variability in the structure predic-tions, to say whether or not this site is stillbinds a pigment in LHCSR1.

The B3 site present in LHCSR1 (H236) wascloser to helix A and to the site A3, with re-spect to what happen in LHCII and CP29, buthas the same orientation and may therefore stillbe implicated in pigment binding.

Mutation and in vitro reconstitution ofLHCSR1 recombinant proteins: To in-vestigate the conservation of the pigment-binding properties of the eight putativechlorophyll-binding sites in LHCSR1, we de-cided to mutate those residues and reconsti-tute the proteins in vitro. With site-directedmutagenesis, the LHCSR1 cDNA sequence wasmodified to substitute the putative chlorophyll-binding sites with residues that are not able tocoordinate chlorophylls (Girardon (2013), ta-ble 3.1) and the proteins were expressed in E.coli and purified. Purified WT and the eightmutant apoproteins were then refolded in vitroin the presence of chlorophylls and carotenoids(Bonente et al. (2011); Liguori et al. (2013);Giuffra et al. (1996)).

Circular Dichroism spectra: To verify thecorrect folding of the LHCSR1 WT and mutantproteins, we first measured Circular Dichro-ism (CD) spectra. The CD spectrum of apigment-protein complex depends on the asym-metric protein environment around the pig-ments and on the interaction between differentchromophores. Positive and/or negative CDsignals are therefore present only if the protein-pigment complex is folded.

LHCSR1 WT and mutant proteins all hadoptical activity, with the exception of mutantslacking sites A1 and A4 (figure 3.5 D). This in-dicates that these two mutations destabilize theprotein, which cannot properly fold in vitro.

Fluorescence emission spectra at roomtemperature: The correct folding of the re-constituted proteins was also assessed by mea-suring the fluorescence emission spectra atroom temperature. If all the pigments arebound to the protein and correctly oriented, theenergy absorbed by carotenoids and chlorophyllb is efficiently transfer to chlorophyll a, whichhas a lower excited energy state, and fluores-cence emission only comes from chlorophyll a(Chl a).

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Figure 3.3 – Three-dimensional model of LHCSR1 with LHCII and CP29. LHCSR1 model superim-posed on LHCII (A) and CP29 (B) crystallographic structures. Pigment-binding sites are indicated for LHCII (inpurple) and CP29 (in orange); the conserved residues in LHCSR1 are indicated in blue. The different orientationsof the B6 site, predicted in the various models obtained from I-TASSER, are represented in green.

Figure 3.4 – Three-dimensional model of LHCSR1 with pigments. LHCSR1 model with pigments lig-ands. Chlorophylls are depicted in green, carotenoids in orange. Panel A: front view. Panel B. top view. Pigmentswere positioned maintaining the same distance and orientation from their binding protein residue, with respectto the distance and orientation measured in CP29 crystal structure. Putative chlorophylls in site B3 and B6 wereomitted.

Binding site A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B3 B5 B6Mutations E209V N212F Q226L R213L H99F H237L E159V E149Q

Table 3.1 – Mutations in pigment-binding residues in LHCSR1. Single mutations introduced to theeight hypothetical chlorophyll-binding sites in LHCSR1 protein.

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Figure 3.5 – Circular dichroism spectra of LHCSR1 recombinant proteins. Circular dichroism in thevisible region of LHCSR1 WT and pigment-binding mutants refolded in vitro. All samples were diluted at thesame 680 nm absorption. (A) WT and mutants A2 and A3. (B) WT and mutants A5 and B3. (C) WT andmutants B5 and B6. (D) WT and mutants A1 and A4. a.u. arbitrary units.

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Section 3.3. Results

In the WT and in mutants A2, A3, A5,B3, B5 and B6, fluorescence emission spec-tra always resemble that of Chl a, even uponexcitation of Chl b (475nm) and carotenoids(500nm), indicating an efficient energy transfer(figure 3.6). WT and B6 mutant emitted at 683nm, A3, B3 and B5 mutant proteins all have apeak at 682.5 nm. A2 mutant had a miximemission at 682 nm while A5 mutants have ashifted peak at 680 nm.

Mutants A1 and A4, once again, confirmedtheir incorrect folding, even though some en-ergy transfer was still visible from the excita-tion of Chl b, with a peak at 660 nm and ashoulder at 676 nm, and from carotenoids, thattransfer some energy to Chl a (figure 3.6 B andE).

HPLC pigment analysis: To verify the lossof pigments in the mutated proteins, we char-acterized the LHCSR1 holoproteins by HPLC.Due to their incorrect folding, mutants A1 andA4 were not analyzed.

We normalized the total pigment contentto eight Chl per protein in the WT LHCSR1(Pinnola et al. (2015)), obtaining that 7 of thepigment-binding sites were occupied by Chl a,one by Chl b and three by carotenoids (ta-ble 3.2). The carotenoids bound in reconsti-tuted samples were mainly violaxanthin andlutein, as in Pinnola et al. (2015) and in agree-ment with previous reports on LHCSR3 fromC. reinhardtii (Bonente et al. (2011); Liguoriet al. (2013) and chapter 2). The presence ofone Chl b per protein is instead in contrast withwas found by expressing LHCSR1 in tobacco,where substoichiometric amounts of this pig-ment were bound to the protein (Pinnola et al.(2015)).

The pigment content of the mutantLHCSR1 proteins were normalized to seven Chlper protein, assuming that all the mutationsleaded to the loss of the respective pigmentand that no other chlorophyll was lost. In allcases, the Chl a/b ratios were lower compareto WT, indicating that the putative pigmentslost were always a Chl a. In all mutants theChl/Car ratio was increased, with the excep-tion of the A5 and B6 mutants: upon normal-

ization to 7 Chls, all mutants retained at leasttwo carotenoids, likely located at the inner sitesL1 and L2 (figure 3.4). Only the A2 mutant hada stronger reduction of carotenoids content, inparticular of lutein. The mutation A2 affectsa chlorophyll-binding residue located close tothe binding site of the carotenoid L1, which isoccupied by lutein in all LHC proteins so faranalyzed (Bassi et al. (1999); Formaggio et al.(2001); Ballottari et al. (2009)). This mutationprobably destabilize the L1 site, so that onelutein is missing. Conversely, the mutation ofchlorophyll A5, which is next the site L2, didnot cause modifications in the carotenoid con-tent. Most of the carotenoids lost in the othermutants are likely those present at the mostperipheral carotenoid binding sites (V1-like orN1-like binding sites), which are more unstablecompared to the inner carotenoid binding sites(L1 and L2).

From the proteins sequence alignment andfrom the three-dimensional model of LHCSR1,the presence of the chlorophyll-binding sites B3and B6 was questionable. The HPLC data sug-gest indeed that these sites do coordinate a pig-ment, due to the reduction of Chl a/b ratio.The mutation of the B3 site also leads to theloss of one lutein, probably destabilizing the L1site due to the lack of one chlorophyll.

The normalization of the B6 mutant to eightChl, under the hypothesis that this site doesnot binds a pigment, would lead to an highertotal carotenoid content (3.86 carotenoids perprotein) with respect to the WT. An increasein the binding of carotenoids in the B6 mutantsounds unlikely, an indication that this proteinlacks one Chl a.

Absorption spectra: The absorption spec-tra in the visible region of WT LHCSR1 wasidentical to the one from the native protein iso-lated by Pinnola et al. (2013) and Pinnola et al.(2015), and it was also very similar to that ofLHCSR3 from C. reinhardtii (figure 3.7). Thissuggests a similar pigment organization in thetwo complexes. The Qy peak of LHCSR1 was678 nm, confirming to be more red-shifted thatthe others PSII antenna proteins (Pinnola et al.(2013)).

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Figure 3.6 – Room temperature fluorescence spectra of recombinant LHCSR1 proteins. Fluorescencespectra at room temperature of the WT and the pigment-binding mutants of LHCSR1 protein. The proteins wereilluminated at 440, 475 and 500 nm to excite preferentially Chl a, Chl b and carotenoids respectively. Fluorescenceemission was normalized to the maximum for each sample, wavelength of the peak is indicated for each graph.(A) LHCSR1 WT. (B) mutant A1. (C) mutant A2. (D) mutant A3. (E) mutant A4. (F) mutant A5. (G) mutantB3. (H) mutant B5. (I) mutant B6.

LHCSR1 Chl tot Chl a Chl b Viola Lute Neo Chl/Car Chl a/b Car tot ∆Chl aWT 8 7.02 0.98 0.31 2.76 0.02 2.59 7.18 3.09mut A2 7 6.05 0.95 0.09 1.24 0.04 5.09 6.33 1.38 -0.98mut A3 7 6.12 0.88 0.08 1.81 0.05 3.60 6.95 1.94 -0.90mut A5 7 6.04 0.96 0.31 2.45 0.33 2.26 6.27 3.10 -0.98mut B3 7 5.90 1.10 0.18 1.73 0.22 3.28 5.35 2.13 -1.12mut B5 7 6.03 0.97 0.17 1.87 0.15 3.21 6.22 2.18 -0.99mut B6 7 5.89 1.11 0.39 2.81 0.17 2.07 5.32 3.38 -1.13

Table 3.2 – Pigment analysis of recombinant LHCSR1 proteins. Pigment analysis were performed byHPLC. Pigment composition of the WT protein was normalized to eight chlorophyll (Chl) per protein, whilepigment-binding mutants were normalized to seven chlorophyll per protein. ∆ Chl a indicates the missing chloro-phyll a in each mutant protein.

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Section 3.3. Results

Figure 3.7 – Absorption of LHCSR1 and LHCSR3 recombinant proteins. Absorption spectra in thevisible region of LHCSR1 (P. patens, in black) and LHCSR3 (C. reinhardtii, in red) WT proteins refolded invitro in the presence of chlorophylls and carotenoids. Proteins were solubilized in 10 mM HEPES, pH 7.5, 0.2 Msucrose, and 0.03% α-DM.

We measured the absorption spectra of allthe correctly reconstituted mutant proteins,normalizing the Qy peak to the pigment con-tent detected via HPLC. From the differentialspectra between LHCSR1 WT and the mutatedproteins it is possible to obtain the absorp-tion properties of the missing chlorophyll (fig-ure 3.8).

For the mutants A2 and A5, we obtaineda similar peak of the missing chromophores at682 nm and 681 nm, respectively, indicatinga comparable protein environment surroundingthese two pigments, which leads to a similar en-ergy transition level. The differential spectra ofB5 and B6 mutants show instead a peak at 680nm and a shoulder (especially visible in B5) at665 nm, probably due to the loss of the inter-action of these pigments with another chloro-phyll. Mutants A3 and B3 have a major peakat 667 and 677 nm respectively, with a shoul-der at 677 nm for A3 and at 667 nm for B3.This may indicate an interaction between thesetwo pigments in LHCSR1, has their major andminor peaks have the same wevelength.

Fluorescence emission spectra in ag-gregation: Two of the proposed quenchingmechanism models are based on the interac-tion between chlorophylls and carotenoids (Ahnet al. (2008); Ruban et al. (2007)). Molecu-lar dynamic simulations suggested a high flex-

ibility of chlorophylls in A2 and A5 sites inLHCII (with a switch from quenching to un-quenching state, Liguori et al. (2015)). More-over, chlorophylls bound to sites A2 and A5are in the proximity of lutein ligands in L1 andL2 sites in CP29 and LHCII (Liu et al. (2004);Pan et al. (2011)) and the spectra of these twochromophores in LHCSR1 mutants (figure 3.7A and C) are the most red-shifted ones (i.e.have the lowest energy). This suggests that A2and A5 chlorophylls could be the final accep-tors of excitation energy of LHCSR1., thus wedecided to investigate deeper the mutants ofLHCSR1 lacking these two pigments, to assesif their quenching activities were modified bythe mutations.

We measured fluorescence emission spectraat pH 7 and at pH 5, since LHCSR1 is supposedto be active in photoprotection when the thy-lakoid lumen becomes acidic, just like LHCSR3in C. reinhardtii does (see chapter 2).

As previously reported for LHCSR3, thechange in conformation was impaired by theinteraction of detergent micelles with the pro-tein (chapter 2), and a decreased detergent con-centration was effective in recovering pH sensi-tivity in LHCSR. Low detergent concentrationleads in fact to a moderate aggregation of LHCproteins, reproducing protein-protein interac-tions occurring in the thylakoid membrane andreducing fluorescence lifetimes (Petrou et al.

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Chapter 3. Chlorophyll-binding sites of LHCSR1 from Physcomitrella patens

Figure 3.8 – Absorption spectra of recombinant LHCSR1 proteins. Absorption spectra in the Qy regionof the in vitro refolded LHCSR1 proteins. Absorption spectra on the mutant proteins (in red) were normalizedaccording to the pigment content detected with the HPLC analysis (with seven chlorophylls present out of eight),in comparison to the WT protein (in black), as described in Bassi et al. (1999). The differential spectrum betweenthe WT and each mutant is represented in blue. (A) LHCSR1 WT and A2 mutant. (B) LHCSR1 WT and A3mutant. (C) LHCSR1 WT and A5 mutant. (D) LHCSR1 WT and B3 mutant. (E) LHCSR1 WT and B5 mutant.(F) LHCSR1 WT and B6 mutant.

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Section 3.4. Discussion

(2014); Horton et al. (1991) and chapter 2).Upon aggregation, LHCSR1 WT protein

show a small pH sensitivity, with a red-shiftedemission at pH 5 (figure 3.9). The A2 mutanthave a similar behavior, even if the emissionmaxims at both pH 7 and pH 5 were blue-shifted by 1 nm with respect to WT. The A5mutant maintains its blue-shifted emission, al-ready seen in non-aggregated state (figure 3.6),but strongly responds to pH drop by changingits peak emission to the same wavelength as theWT protein at pH 5 (figure 3.9 C).

Fluorescence emission was measured at lowtemperature, since in vivo measurements havehighlighted an increased far-red emission at77K when quenching is active (Ballottari et al.(2010); van Oort et al. (2007); Miloslavina et al.(2008)). We also reconstituted LHCSR1 WTprotein in the presence of zeaxanthin, as in vivothis xanthophyll was reported to be crucial forLHCSR quenching activity in P. patens (Pin-nola et al. (2013)).

WT LHCSR1 protein, reconstituted witha pigment mixture in the presence or absenceof zeaxanthin, showed the same fluorescenceemission at 77K, even at low pH, when deter-

gent concentration was high (α-DM0.03%, fig-ure 3.10 A and B). Mutants A2 and A5, recon-stituted only without zeaxanthin, have a blue-shifted emission compared to WT protein, andthey both seem not to be affected by low pH.

As high detergent concentration could im-paired the switch to the quenching conforma-tion, we also measured 77K fluorescence spectrawith LHCSR1 in an aggregated state, loweringthe detergent concentration below the criticalmicellar concentration. In this situation, a cleardifference between pH 7 and pH 5 emerged,with a peak above 700 nm showing up in lowpH conditions. This peak was more evident inthe protein reconstituted with zeaxanthin (fig-ure 3.10 B), even though here the spectrum wasreally noisy due to the strong quenching of flu-orescence.

The spectrum of the A2 mutant protein inaggregated state at pH 5 also shows a peakabove 700 nm, which seems to be higher than inthe WT protein reconstituted without zeaxan-thin (figure 3.10 A and C). Mutant A5, instead,show a lower intensity in the long-wavelengthpeak compared to WT.

3.4 Discussion

Photosynthetic organisms need mechanismsto dissipate the excess of absorbed light energy(section §1.4). In plants and green algae, thetrigger of thermal dissipation is the acidifica-tion of thylakoid lumen, and it can be sensed byPSBS protein in plants and LHCSR protein inunicellular algae (Amarnath et al. (2012); Peerset al. (2009); Bonente et al. (2011, 2008,?);Niyogi and Truong (2013)). Mosses, from thispoint of view, are of particular interest, sinceboth the above mentioned proteins are presentin the same organism and are active in photo-protection (Alboresi et al. (2010)).

LHCSR proteins, contrary to PSBS (Do-minici et al. (2002)), bind pigments. Becauseof that, LHCSRs could potentially be not onlythe pH-sensors but also host quenching activity

themselves (Bonente et al. (2011); Liguori et al.(2013); Tokutsu and Minagawa (2013)), whilein plants these two functions are separated (Liet al. (2004); Bonente et al. (2008)). LHCSR3in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has been re-ported to undergo functional changes depend-ing on pH (Bonente et al. (2011); Liguoriet al. (2013); Tokutsu and Minagawa (2013)and chapter 2).

In this chapter, in order to understand therole of the different pigments bound to LHC-SRs, we analyzed the Physcomitrella patensLHCSR1 protein, as a preliminary analysis tothe corresponding in vivo work ongoing in thelab.

Previous work undertaken to identify theputative chlorophyll-binding sites (Girardon

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Chapter 3. Chlorophyll-binding sites of LHCSR1 from Physcomitrella patens

Figure 3.9 – Room temperature fluorescence spectra of LHCSR1 in aggregation. Fluorescence emis-sion spectra at room temperature of LHCSR1 WT (A) and mutants A2 (B) and A5 (C). Spectra were measuredat pH 5 or pH 7 in presence of 0.003% α-DM (aggregated state), exciting chlorophyll a (440 nm), chlorophyll b(475 nm) or carotenoids (500 nm). a.u. arbitrary units.

Figure 3.10 – 77K fluorescence emission spectra of LHCSR1. Fluorescence emission spectra at 77K ofLHCSR1 WT protein reconstituted with (B) or without (A) zeaxanthin and of LHCSR1 mutants A2 (C) andA5 (D). Spectra were measured at pH 5 or pH 7 in presence of 0.03% α-DM (solubilized state) or 0.003% α-DM(aggregated state). a.u. arbitrary units.

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Section 3.4. Discussion

(2013); Bonente et al. (2011)), leaded to thefinding of eight conserved residues (figure 3.2).Two of these residues, coordinating chlorophyllsB3 and B6, were not perfectly aligned with theones present in CP29 and LHCII, and theiractual role in pigment-binding was doubtful.With the 3D structural model of LHCSR1,built on the basis of the available LHC struc-tures (Liu et al. (2004); Pan et al. (2011)) (fig-ure 3.3), we obtained a strong confirmationof the conservation of six chlorophyll-bindingresidues (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B5), which main-tain the same position and orientation as inLHCII and CP29. Site B3 and B6, however,are located differently with respect to the sitespresent in CP29 and LHCII, again questioningthe conservation of their pigment-binding func-tion.

We thus created mutated versions ofLHCSR1, substituting one by one each putativechlorophyll-binding residue (Girardon (2013)),to express the proteins in E. coli and re-foldthem in vitro, as already done for other LHC(Bonente et al. (2011); Ballottari et al. (2016);Bassi et al. (1999) and chapter 2). LHCSR1WT protein and mutants lacking the sites A2,A3, A5, B3, B5 and B6 were able to properly re-fold in vitro, as shown by their circular dichro-ism and fluorescence spectra (figure 3.5 and fig-ure 3.6). It was not possible instead to recon-stitute mutants lacking sites A1 and A4, con-firming that the removal of these sites cause asevere destabilization of LHC proteins in vitro,as already seen for other LHCs by Bassi et al.(1999); Formaggio et al. (2001) and Ballottariet al. (2009).

HPLC pigment analysis revealed a stronginterconnection between the presence of somespecific chlorophylls and the stability of thecarotenoid bound to site L1 (figure 3.11). Themutant protein lacking chlorophyll A2 presentsa carotenoid content lower than two, indicatinga destabilization of one of the inner carotenoidbinding sites. This site is likely the carotenoid-binding site L1, located close to Chl A2, and infact the A2 mutant shows a strong reduction oflutein content.

Mutations near the L2 site, like the one re-moving chlorophyll A5, did not cause instead

the loss of any carotenoid. Site L2 in CP29can bind violaxanthin or zeaxanthin, and CP29and LHCII are stable even when no xantho-phyll is bound to the site (Bassi et al. (1999);Formaggio et al. (2001)), probably to allow theexchange of pigments of the xanthophyll cycle.This may indicates a less strong interaction andstructural stabilization of L2 site with the sur-rounding chromophores and protein residues.

In LHCSR proteins, one or two additionaland more external xanthophyll-binding sitesare predicted to be present (V1 and N1, Bo-nente et al. (2011)), so that xanthophyll ex-change may also happen there. These extracarotenoid-binding sites are strongly destabi-lized in chlorophyll-binding site mutants, asmutants A3, B3 and B5 all lost one carotenoidwith respect to the WT protein. This indi-cates that subtle protein conformation changesinduced by mutations affect the less stablecarotenoid-binding sites at the periphery of theprotein.

The HPLC analysis pointed to the pres-ence of functionally conserved binding-sites forchlorophylls B3 and B6, confirming that atleast eight porphyrins are bound to LHCSR1,as already proposed by Pinnola et al. (2015).Normalization of pigment content to eightchlorophylls per protein also revealed the pres-ence of one Chl b bound to each LHCSR1, incontrast to what was previously detected byover-expressing this protein in tobacco (Pinnolaet al. (2015)); this difference is probably dueto the different folding environment, and it re-mains to be establish whether LHCSR1 reallybinds Chl b in P. patens. However, in no mu-tant we observed the loss of Chl b, suggestingthat Chl b is bound to LHCSR1 not specificallyto a chlorophyll-binding site or that it is boundto external sites.

Chlorophylls bound to photosynthetic pro-teins can absorb different wavelengths, depend-ing on the protein environment in which theyare burred (Bassi et al. (1999)). We determinedthe Qy absorption of the missing pigments inthe reconstituted LHCSR1 mutants by compar-ison with the WT protein (figure 3.8). Chloro-phylls in sites B5 and B6 both absorb at 680nm,but are probably interacting one with the other

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Chapter 3. Chlorophyll-binding sites of LHCSR1 from Physcomitrella patens

(or with another chromophore, as for examplechlorophyll A1). This is suggested by the exci-tonic interaction that produce the smaller peakat 665 nm (figure 3.11). The similarity of theabsorption spectra of B5 and B6 would alsobe indicative of a similar positions of the twochlorophylls, again pointing to an incorrect pre-diction of the three-dimensional model for thelocation of site B6.

An excitonic interaction is also probablypresents between chromophores in sites A3 andB3, as the major peak of A3 has the same ab-sorption wavelength of the minor peak of B3,and vice-versa (figure 3.11).

These interaction are in contrast with whathas been shown in CP29 (Bassi et al. (1999)),were each pigment was responsible for only oneabsorption form. This is probably caused bya tighter coupling of the pigments present inLHCSR1, or to the presence of unidentifiedchromophores that increase the pigment to pro-tein ratio in LHCSR1.

Conversely, the removal of pigments boundto sites A2 and A5 lead to the loss of a singlepeak at 682 and 681 nm respectively. Thesewere the most red-shifted chlorophylls iden-tified in LHCSR1, in agreement with previ-ous observations on other LHC proteins (Bassiet al. (1999); Remelli et al. (1999); Ballottariet al. (2009)).

The A5 mutant also had a blue-shift inits fluorescence emission compared to WT (fig-ure 3.6). These facts seemed to point to chloro-phylls A2 or A5 as possible lowest energy levelpigments in LHCSR1, and thus also the pos-sible traps for excitons. In addition to that,A2 and A5 sites are predicted to be close by tosites L1 and L2 respectively, were xanthophyllsare bound, and molecular dynamic simulationssuggested a high flexibility of chlorophyll boundto these sites (Liguori et al. (2015)). Accord-ing to both the quenching models of the radicalcation (Ahn et al. (2008)) and of the carotenoidquenching with the population of the S1 ex-cited state (Ruban et al. (2007)), the establish-ment of an interaction between a chlorophylland a carotenoid is essential for the dissipationof the absorbed energy. LHCSR proteins havealready been shown to produce high amounts

of carotenoid radical cation, up to ten timesmore with respect to CP29 (Bonente et al.(2011)). For these reasons, we decided to in-vestigate more deeply the quenching propertiesof LHCSR1 in mutants A2 and A5.

As already seen for LHCSR3 (chapter 2),quenching properties of in vitro refolded pro-teins are difficult to study when LHCs aresolubilized with high concentrations of deter-gents, such as α-DM. By lowering the deter-gent concentration below the critical micelleconcentration, the formation of small aggre-gates of membrane proteins is favored, mimick-ing more closely the in vivo protein-protein in-teractions present in the thylakoid membranes(Miloslavina et al. (2008)). In this way, pro-teins assume a conformation that resemble thequenched state, increasing pigment-pigment in-teraction (Pandit et al. (2013); Belgio et al.(2013); Petrou et al. (2014)). LHCSR proteinsin particular have been shown to form dimersin vivo (Bonente et al. (2011); Pinnola et al.(2013, 2015)), as also PSBS does (Fan et al.(2015)), thus a lower concentration of detergentmay also allow to mimic this native condition.

LHCSR1 is supposedly activated by theacidification of thylakoid lumen, since it con-served the key pH-sensing residues identified inLHCSR3 from C. reinhardtii (chapter 2).

Fluorescence emission upon aggregation inLHCSR1 WT at pH 7 showed a peak at 684nm (figure 3.9 A). A similar emission was mea-sured for mutant A2 at pH 7 (683 nm), whilemutant A5 was strongly blue-shifted to 680,5nm (figure 3.9 C). This is an indication thatthe lack of chlorophyll A5 leads to an increasein the lowest energy level of the protein also inthe aggregated state, as fluorescence emissionhappens from shorter wavelength compared tothe WT.

But upon acidification to pH 5, WT andmutant proteins all shifted their emission toaround 685 nm (figure 3.9). This could indi-cate that, even if at pH 7 the lack of chlorophyllA5 affected the final emitter of fluorescence, thedecrease in pH changed the conformation of theprotein, leading to a low energy state indepen-dent on the presence of chlorophyll A2 or A5.

As low temperature fluorescence measure-

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Section 3.4. Discussion

Figure 3.11 – Summary of the properties of LHCSR1 pigment-binding mutants. Properties of P.patens LHCSR1 pigment-binding mutants, including the mutation to remove each chromophore and the stabil-ity upon in vitro refolding of the proteins. Missing pigments are derived from HPLC data (table 3.2), lack ofviolaxanthin in mutants A2 and A3 is only partial (as the WT protein only binds 0.3 violaxanthin moleculesfor each polypeptide). Closest carotenoid-binding site to each of the mutated chlorophyll-binding site is derivedfrom figure 3.4 and from the data of Formaggio et al. (2001); B5 and B6 have question marks because they arepredicted to be next to site N1 (for neoxanthin), whose presence in LHCSR1 is unclear. The spectra of the missingchlorophylls are taken from figure 3.8, wavelength of major and minor peaks are indicated.

ments in vivo have shown a correlation betweenfar-red emission and quenching activity (Bal-lottari et al. (2010); van Oort et al. (2007);Miloslavina et al. (2008)), we determined theemission of WT and mutant proteins at 77K.Measurements were done with the WT proteinreconstituted with both violaxanthin or zeax-anthin, as zeaxanthin was reported to be cru-cial for LHCSR quenching activity in P. patens(Pinnola et al. (2013)), and for all the proteins,we tried two different pH, 7 or 5.

Fluorescence emission at 77K on solubilizedproteins showed no response of LHCSR1 toacidification (figure 3.10). WT LHCSR1 emit-ted at 683 nm at both pH 7 and 5, even whenreconstituted with zeaxanthin, while mutantsA2 and A5 emitted at 680 and 682 nm, respec-tively.

In aggregated samples, fluorescence emis-sion at 77K at pH 7 was red-shifted in all sam-ples, to approximately 686 nm. Upon acidi-fication to pH 5, a far-red (>700 nm) peakemerged. This was more pronounced in the WTsample reconstituted with zeaxanthin, wherefluorescence was also strongly decreased, indi-

cating an higher quenching activity.Mutants A2 and A5 had a divergent behav-

ior at 77K: LHCSR1 without chlorophyll A2increased the far-red emission at pH 5 in aggre-gation compared to the WT protein, likely in-dicating a stronger quenching activity. On thecontrary, mutant A5 had a lower far-red emis-sion peak, pointing to a slightly reduced ther-mal dissipation with respect to WT (figure 3.10C and D).

The reported results are still incompletean unclear, as many questions remain withoutan answer. For example, absorption spectraand fluorescence emissions (figure 3.6 and fig-ure 3.8) indicated chlorophylls A2 and A5 asthe lowest energy level pigments in LHCSR1,but fluorescence in aggregation at room tem-perature or 77 K (figure 3.9 and figure 3.10)shows little difference in emission between theWT and the mutant proteins, especially at pH5. In addition do that, A5 mutant seems to bemore affected that A2 by acidification in aggre-gation at room temperature (figure 3.9), as itsemission is strongly shifted between pH 7 andpH 5. But the opposite is true at 77K, when

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Chapter 3. Chlorophyll-binding sites of LHCSR1 from Physcomitrella patens

mutant A2 had a stronger far-red emission fluo-rescence than mutant A5 at pH 5, even thoughat pH 7 both the proteins had similar spectra(figure 3.10).

To better understand these puzzling results,fluorescence lifetime measurements are needed,as they allow a much better characterization ofquenching capacity (Moya et al. (2001)). Weare currently reconstituting all the pigment-binding mutants with both violaxanthin andzeaxanthin, to test their fluorescence decay ki-netics. In addition to that, complementation ofLHCSR1 WT and mutant proteins are on go-ing, in both P. patens or Arabidopsis thaliana.Results from these experiments will hopefullyallow us to undercover the role of the different

pigments and to identify where the quenchingactually happens in LHCSR1.

It is worth to notice that, recently, an exci-tonic model of LHCSR3 for C. reinhardtii wasdeveloped, indicating Chl A3 as the chlorophyllwith the lowest energy, and suggesting that thismay act as a possible quenching site (Liguoriet al. (2016)). Our results indicate that, inLHCSR1 of P. patens, Chl A3 is not the red-dest chlorophyll, at least in absence of zeaxan-thin. Future work is required in order to assesif the peculiar zeaxanthin dependent activationof LHCSR1, observed in P. patens, relies on aconformational changes that leads to the for-mation of a new quenching site in Chl A3.

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Chapter 4

Multisignal control of expression ofthe LHCX protein family in themarine diatom Phaeodactylumtricornutum

Summary of the work

Moving away from the green lineage, soon after the discovery of LHCSR3 in Chlamydomonasreinhardtii by Peers et al. in 2009, similar antennae were identified also in the diatoms Tha-lassiosira pseudonana (Zhu and Green 2010) and Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bailleul et al.2010), where they were called LHCX. Diatoms are marine photosynthetic microalgae that domi-nate phytoplanktonic communities, particularly in turbulent coastal waters, where environmentalconditions are very dynamic. They have a different evolutionary history compared to green algaeand mosses, as their chloroplast derives from a series of secondary endosymbiotic events betweenand ancient heterotroph and red and green algae.

In P. tricornutum, four isoforms of LHCX have been identified, but only for LHCX1 a directproof of an involvement in photoprotection and NPQ was demonstrated, by characterizing knock-down and over-expressing lines (Bailleul et al. 2010). The other LHCX isoforms show a complexand sometimes different regulation than LHCX1 in the various transcriptomic studies performedin the last years (Allen et al., 2008; Nymark et al., 2009; Dyhrman et al., 2012; Thamatrakolnet al., 2012; Ashworth et al., 2013; Nymark et al., 2013; Keeling et al., 2014; Valle et al., 2014;Alipanah et al., 2015). However, none of these studies allowed to correlate LHCXs expressionswith a possible function in the regulation of photosynthesis or photoprotection. Thus when Imoved to Paris, I decided to directly address this issue with a more narrowed approach, togetherwith another Ph.D. student in the laboratory, Lucilla Taddei.

The investigation of the available genome sequences from different diatom species allowed usto characterize the impressive expansion of the LHCX gene family in these algae, where up to 17members were found in certain species. To better understand if these different isoforms have aspecific function in the regulation of chloroplast physiology, we decided to study not only LHCXsgene expression but also protein accumulation and photosynthetic parameters in P. tricornutumcells exposed to different light and nutrient stress conditions known to affect chloroplast activity.


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Chapter 4. LHCX proteins in Phaeodactylum tricornutum

We found that light, darkness, iron and nitrogen limitation all influenced LHCXs transcriptand protein contents, and at the same time major readjustments in the regulation of the photo-synthetic apparatus took place. The presence of specific LHCXs under different stresses allowedto hypothesize their involvement in chloroplast acclimation processes. As an example, LHCX2is the only isoform to be strongly induced following iron deficiency, and it could play a key rolein chloroplast regulation under iron starvation. On the contrary, LHCX2 and LHCX3 are bothstrongly expressed under high light, and they could act with LHCX1 in the high light acclimationresponses.

LHCX4 is the most different isoform, for its characteristic induction upon darkness and rapidinhibition of its expression following dark to light shift. We hypothesized that LHCX4 couldcontribute to the capacity of P. tricornutum to survive to long periods in the dark, and itsrepression could be needed for a rapid acclimation following re-illumination. However, a directrole in NPQ has been questioned for LHCX4, as also suggested by the lack of conserved pH-sensing residues in the lumenal region of this protein, that in LHCSR3 from Chlamydomonasare involved in NPQ onset when the lumen acidifies. These residues are instead conserved inLHCX1, LHCX2 and LHCX3.

This work allowed us to establish that multiple abiotic stress signals converge to regulatethe LHCX content of cells, providing a way to fine-tune light harvesting and photoprotection.Moreover, our data indicate that the expansion of the LHCX gene family reflects functionaldiversification of its members, which could benefit cells responding to highly variable oceanenvironments.

This chapter is published as: Lucilla Taddei*, Giulio Rocco Stella*, Alessandra Rogato*,Benjamin Bailleul, Antonio Emidio Fortunato, Rossella Annunziata, Remo Sanges, MichaelThaler, Bernard Lepetit, Johann Lavaud, Marianne Jaubert, Giovanni Finazzi, Jean-PierreBouly, Angela Falciatore (2016). Multisignal control of expression of the LHCX protein fam-ily in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Journal of Experimental Botany. erw198,doi:10.1093/jxb/erw198

*These authors equally contributed to the work.

I was responsible of the analysis of conserved pH-sensing residues with respect to LHCSR3from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (see chapter 2), for the 3D modeling of LHCX proteins and ofall the characterization of photosynthetic and photoprotective parameters. I participate to theanalysis of the data and to the writing and correction of the manuscript.

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Journal of Experimental Botanydoi:10.1093/jxb/erw198This paper is available online free of all access charges (see for further details)


Multisignal control of expression of the LHCX protein family in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum

LucillaTaddei1,*, Giulio RoccoStella1,2,*, Alessandra Rogato1,3,4,*, Benjamin Bailleul5, Antonio EmidioFortunato1, Rossella Annunziata1, Remo Sanges4, Michael Thaler1, Bernard Lepetit6, Johann Lavaud7, Marianne Jaubert1, Giovanni Finazzi8, Jean-PierreBouly1 and AngelaFalciatore1,†

1 Sorbonne Universités, UPMC, Institut de Biologie Paris-Seine, CNRS, Laboratoire de Biologie Computationnelle et Quantitative, 15 rue de l’Ecole de Médecine, 75006 Paris, France2 Department of Biotechnology, University of Verona, Strada Le Grazie, I-37134 Verona, Italy3 Institute of Biosciences and BioResources, CNR, Via P.Castellino 111, 80131 Naples, Italy4 Biology and Evolution of Marine Organisms, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Villa Comunale, 80121 Naples, Italy5 Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, UMR 7141 CNRS-UPMC, 13 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris, France6 Zukunftskolleg, Department of Plant Ecophysiology, University of Konstanz, D-78457 Konstanz, Germany7 UMI 3376 TAKUVIK, CNRS/Université Laval, Département de Biologie, Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon, 1045 avenue de la Médecine, Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6, Canada8 Laboratoire de Physiologie Cellulaire et Végétale, UMR 5168, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut National Recherche Agronomique (INRA), Université Grenoble Alpes, Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA), Institut de Biosciences et Biotechnologies de Grenoble, (BIG), CEA Grenoble, F-38054 Grenoble cedex 9, France

* These authors contributed equally to this work.† Correspondence: [emailprotected]

Received 26 February 2016; Accepted 26 April 2016

Editor: Markus Teige, University of Vienna


Diatoms are phytoplanktonic organisms that grow successfully in the ocean where light conditions are highly vari-able. Studies of the molecular mechanisms of light acclimation in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum show that carotenoid de-epoxidation enzymes and LHCX1, a member of the light-harvesting protein family, both contribute to dissipate excess light energy through non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). In this study, we investigate the role of the other members of the LHCX family in diatom stress responses. Our analysis of available genomic data shows that the presence of multiple LHCX genes is a conserved feature of diatom species living in different ecological niches. Moreover, an analysis of the levels of four P.tricornutum LHCX transcripts in relation to protein expression and photosynthetic activity indicates that LHCXs are differentially regulated under different light intensities and nutrient starvation, mostly modulating NPQ capacity. We conclude that multiple abiotic stress signals converge to regulate the LHCX content of cells, providing a way to fine-tune light harvesting and photoprotection. Moreover, our data indicate that the expansion of the LHCX gene family reflects functional diversification of its members which could benefit cells responding to highly variable ocean environments.

Key words: Dark, gene expression, iron starvation, LHCX, light, marine diatom, nitrogen starvation, non-photochemical quenching.

© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Journal of Experimental Botany Advance Access published May 25, 2016

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The perception of environmental signals and the activation of appropriate responses to external stimuli are of major importance in the growth and survival of all organisms. At the cellular level, this requires the presence of complex sig-nal perception and transduction networks, triggering changes in nuclear gene expression (Lee and Yaffe, 2014). External cues such as light, temperature, and nutrient availability strongly affect the physiology and metabolism of photosyn-thetic organisms, so acclimation mechanisms are needed to cope efficiently with short- and long-term environmental changes to maintain photosynthetic performances (Walters, 2005; Eberhard et al., 2008). In eukaryotic phototrophs, chloroplast biogenesis and activity are integrated in broader regulatory programmes, requiring coordination between the nucleus and chloroplast genomic systems (Rochaix, 2011; Jarvis and Lopez-Juez, 2013). The nucleus responds to stimuli inducing the synthesis of regulatory proteins that modulate chloroplast responses. In turn, molecules originating from the chloroplast activity (e.g. redox state of the photosyn-thetic electron carriers, reactive oxygen species, plastid gene transcription, tetrapyrroles, and other metabolites) provide a retrograde signal feeding back to the nucleus (Woodson and Chory, 2008).

Marine photosynthesis is dominated by unicellular phyto-planktonic organisms, which are passive drifters in the water column and often experience drastic changes in their sur-rounding environment (Falkowski etal., 2004; Depauw etal., 2012). Diatoms are among the most abundant and diversi-fied groups of photosynthetic organisms. They are particu-larly adapted to growing in very dynamic environments such as turbulent coastal waters and upwelling areas, as well as in polar oceans (Margalef, 1978; Field etal., 1998; Kooistra etal., 2007; Arrigo etal., 2012). Several species can survive for long periods at depths where light is limiting for growth, and quickly reactivate their metabolism after returning to the photic zone (Sicko-Goad et al., 1989; Reeves et al., 2011). The adaptive capacity of such algae suggests that they have sophisticated mechanisms to perceive and rapidly respond to environmental variations. Consistent with this notion, genome sequence information of representative diatom model species such as Thalassiosira pseudonana and Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Armbrust et al., 2004; Montsant et al., 2007; Bowler et al., 2008; Rayko et al., 2010), and the availabil-ity of transcriptomic and proteomic data in various species exposed to different stimuli and stresses (Nymark etal., 2009; Dyhrman etal., 2012; Thamatrakoln etal., 2012; Ashworth etal., 2013; Nymark etal., 2013; Keeling etal., 2014; Valle etal., 2014; Alipanah etal., 2015; Muhseen etal., 2015) have highlighted the existence of some diatom-specific adaptive strategies, pinpointing molecular regulators of environmental change responses. Several photoreceptors for efficient light colour sensing (Huysman etal., 2013; Schellenberger Costa etal., 2013; Fortunato etal., 2015, 2016) have been identi-fied in diatoms. Peculiar iron acquisition and concentration mechanisms are also known (Allen et al., 2008; Marchetti etal., 2012; Morrissey etal., 2015), which contribute to their

survival in iron-limited waters and to their rapid proliferation when iron becomes available (de Baar etal., 2005). Diatoms have peculiar gene sets implicated in nitrogen metabolism, such as a complete urea cycle, that could be used as tempo-rary energy storage or as a sink for photorespiration (Allen et al., 2011). Eventually, diatoms optimize their photosyn-thesis via extensive energetic exchanges between plastids and mitochondria (Bailleul etal., 2015).

The ecological dominance of diatoms also relies on their capacity to cope with light stresses, thanks to very efficient photoprotective mechanisms. Diatoms possess a high capac-ity to dissipate excess light energy as heat through high energy quenching (qE) that, together with the photoinhibi-tory quenching (qI), can be visualized via the non-photo-chemical quenching (NPQ) of Chl a fluorescence (Lavaud and Goss, 2014; Goss and Lepetit, 2015). The xanthophyll diatoxanthin (Dt) pigment, synthesized from the de-epoxida-tion of diadinoxanthin (Dd) during illumination (Goss and Jakob, 2010; Lavaud etal., 2012), and the LHCX1 protein, a member of the light-harvesting protein family (Bailleul etal., 2010), have been identified as key components of the qE process in diatoms. P. tricornutum cells with deregulated LHCX1 expression display a significantly reduced NPQ capacity and a decreased fitness, demonstrating a key role for this protein in light acclimation (Bailleul etal., 2010), simi-larly to the light harvesting complex stress-related (LHCSR) proteins of green algae and mosses (Alboresi et al., 2010; Ballottari etal., 2016).

Multiple nuclear-encoded and plastid-localized LHCX family members have been identified in the genomes of the diatoms P.tricornutum and T.pseudonana. Scattered informa-tion derived from independent gene expression analyses indi-cated that some LHCX isoforms are constitutively expressed while others are expressed in response to stress (Becker and Rhiel, 2006; Allen etal., 2008; Nymark etal., 2009; Zhu and Green, 2010; Bailleul etal., 2010; Beer etal., 2011; Lepetit etal., 2013), similarly to what is observed for the two LHCSR proteins in Physcomitrella patens (Gerotto et al., 2011). In this study, we have extended the characterization of the four P. tricornutum LHCXs, by combining detailed gene expres-sion analysis in cells exposed to different conditions with in vivo analysis of photosynthetic parameters. The result of this analysis revealed a complex regulatory landscape, suggesting that the expansion of the LHCXs reflects a functional diver-sification of these proteins and may contribute to the regu-lation of the chloroplast physiology in response to diverse extracellular and intracellular signals.

Materials and methods

Analysis of the LHCXs in the diatom genomesPhaeodactylum tricornutum and T.pseudonana LHCX gene model identifiers were retrieved from the diatom genomes, respectively, on P. tricornutum Phatr2 and T. pseudonana Thaps3 in the JGI database ( Phaeodactylum tricornutum LHCX proteins were used as query to perform BlastP searches on the Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ( and Thalassiora oceanica (http://protists.

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Environmental modulation of diatom LHCX multigene family | Page 3 of 13 genome portals. Best hit sequences were tested on Pfam ( to assess the presence of the Chloroa_b-bind domain (PF00504), char-acteristic of light-harvesting proteins. Protein alignments were per-formed with MUSCLE (

Diatom growth conditionsThe P. tricornutum (Pt1 8.6, CCMP2561) cultures, obtained from the Provasoli-Guillard National Center for Culture of Marine Phytoplankton, were used for the gene expression and photophysi-ology analyses. Cells were grown in ventilated flasks in f/2 medium (Guillard, 1975) at 18°C, in a 12 h light/12 h dark photoperiod using white fluorescence neon lamps (Philips TL-D 90), at 30μmol m−2 s−1 (low light). High light treatments were performed by irradiating the cells with 500μmol m−2 s−1 for 5 h, 2 h after the onset of light, with the same light sources. Dark adaptation treatments were performed for 60 h. Blue light (450 nm, 1μmol m−2 s−1) was applied for 10 min, 30 min, and 1 h on dark-adapted cells in the absence and presence of 2µM DCMU [3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea]. In the iron starvation experiments, P. tricornutum cells at an initial concentra-tion of 2 × 105 cells ml–1 were grown in f/2 artificial sea water medium (Allen et al., 2008) modified to contain either 11 µM iron (iron-replete) or 5 nM iron with the addition of 100µM of the Fe2+ chela-tor FerroZine™ (iron-limited) (Stookey, 1970). Cells were harvested after 3 d to perform the analyses. Nitrogen starvation was achieved by diluting P.tricornutum cells to 2 × 105 cells ml–1 in f/2 medium con-taining 1 mM nitrate (NO3-replete) or 50µM nitrate (NO3-limited). When cells attained a concentration of 1 × 106 cells ml–1, they were re-diluted to 2 × 105 cells ml–1 in their respective media and harvested after 3d, 2 h after the onset of light, and then used for experiments.

Generation of transgenic lines overexpressing the LHCX proteinsVectors for LHCX overexpression were generated by cloning the full-length cDNA sequences of the four LHCX genes in the pKS-FcpBpAt-C-3HA vector (Siaut etal., 2007), using the EcoRI and NotI restriction sites. The LHCX cDNAs were amplified by PCR using the primers described in Supplementary Table S1 at JXB online. Each vector was co-transformed with the pFCPFp-Shble vec-tor for antibiotic selection into P.tricornutum Pt4 cells (DQ085804; De Martino etal., 2007) by microparticle bombardment (Falciatore etal., 1999). Transgenic lines were selected on 100μg ml–1 phleo-mycin (Invitrogen) and screened by PCR using primers specific for the four LHCXs (Supplementary Table S1). Transgenic lines overex-pressing the LHCX4 isoform in the Pt1 ecotype were also generated, as for the Pt4 ecotype.

RNA extraction and qRT-PCR analysisTotal RNA was isolated from 108 cells with TriPure isolation reagent (Roche Applied Science, IN, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) was per-formed on wild-type cells and on the LHCX-overexpressing clones as described in De Riso etal. (2009). The relative quantification of the different LHCX transcripts was obtained using RPS (ribosomal protein small subunit 30S; ID10847) and H4 (histone H4; ID34971) as reference genes, and by averaging of two reference genes using the geometric mean and the fold changes calculated with the 2−ΔΔCt Livak method (Livak and Schmittgen, 2001). Primer sequences used in qRT-PCR analysis are reported in Supplementary Table S1.

Protein extraction and western blot analysisWestern blot analyses were performed on total cell protein extracts prepared as in Bailleul et al. (2010), and resolved on 14% LDS–PAGE gels. Proteins were detected with different antibodies:

anti-LHCSR (gift of G.Peers, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA) (1:5000); anti-D2 (gift of J.-D. Rochaix, University of Geneva, Switzerland) (1:10 000); anti-PsaF (1:1000) and anti-βCF1 (1:10 000) (gift of F.-A. Wollman, Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, Paris, France); and anti-HA primary antibody (Roche) (1:2000). Proteins were revealed with Clarity reagents (Bio-Rad) and an Image Quant LAS4000 camera (GE Healthcare, USA).

Chlorophyll fluorescence measurementsLight-induced fluorescence kinetics were measured using a fluores-cence CCD camera recorder (JTS-10, BeamBio, France) as described (Johnson etal., 2009) on cells at 1–2 × 106 cells ml–1. Fv/Fm was calcu-lated as (Fm–F0)/Fm. NPQ was calculated as (Fm–Fm')/Fm' (Bilger and Bjorkman, 1990), where Fm and Fm' are the maximum fluorescence emission levels in the dark and light-acclimated cells, measured with a saturating pulse of light. All samples, except the 60 h dark-adapted cells, were adapted to dim light (10μmol m−2 s−1) for 15 min at 18°C before measurements. The maximal NPQ response was measured upon exposure for 10 min to saturating green light of 950μmol m−2 s−1. The relative electron transfer rate (rETRPSII) was measured with a JTS-10 spectrophotometer at different light intensities (20, 170, 260, 320, 520, and 950µmol m−2 s−1), by changing light every 4 min to minimize the photodamage. rETRPSII was calculated as: Y2×light intensity, where Y2 is the efficiency of PSII.

In silico analysis of the LHCX non-coding sequencesDetermination of motif occurrence and de novo search of over-rep-resented motifs in the 5'-flanking regions (1000 bp or the entire inter-genic sequence between the coding gene of interest and the upstream gene) and the introns of the PtLHCX genes were performed by the use of the FIMO (v4.11.1) and MEME Suite (v4.9.1) tools (Bailey et al., 2009), with a p-value cut-off of 0.0001. The Tomtom tool (v4.11.1) on the MEME Suite was used to compare motifs with known transcription binding sites. Microarray data from Alipanah et al. (2015) (accession GSE58946) were downloaded from the GEO database ( using the GEO query package ( Data were loaded and analysed in the R environ-ment using the Limma package ( Selection of transcripts categories: (i) up-regu-lated, log2 fold change (Fc) >3, adjusted p-value <0.01 (122 genes); (ii) down-regulated, Fc <–3, adjusted p-value <0.01 (200 genes). The P.tricornutum genome sequences and gff mapping of filtered gene models were downloaded from the JGI website and refer to Phatr2 ( The signifi-cance of motif enrichment was evaluated using the binomial test with a p-value cut-off of 0.05. All analyses were performed using custom scripts in Perl and R.


LHCX family expansion in the diatom genomes

Several genes belonging to the LHCX family have already been identified in the genome of the pennate diatom P.tri-cornutum (Bailleul et al., 2010) and the centric diatom T.pseudonana (Zhu and Green, 2010), the most established model species due to the availability of molecular toolkits for genetic manipulations (Apt et al., 1996; Poulsen and Kroger, 2005; De Riso etal., 2009; Trentacoste etal., 2013; Daboussi etal., 2014; Karas etal., 2015). The recently avail-able genome sequences of the pennate diatom P.multiseries, belonging to a widely distributed genus also comprising toxic species (Trainer et al., 2012), and the centric diatom

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T. oceanica, a species adapted to oligotrophic conditions (Lommer etal., 2012), opened up the possibility to extend this investigation to other ecologically relevant species. As summarized in Table 1, comparative analysis indicates an expansion of the LHCX family in diatoms, compared with the green algae: four members are present in P.tricornutum, five in P.multiseries, T.pseudonana, and T.oceanica, and up to 17 members have been found in the genome of the polar species Fragilariopsis cylindrus (B. Green and T.Mock, per-sonal communication). Analysis of the intron–exon structure of all the available diatom LHCX genes revealed a variable number of introns (from zero to three) as well as variable intron and exon lengths (Table1).

Light versus dark regulation of expression of the LHCX genes

Independent gene expression studies performed in P.tricor-nutum cells suggest that the LHCX gene family is regulated by light via multiple regulatory pathways. To explore the mechanisms controlling the light responses of the LHCX genes further, we analysed mRNA and protein contents in cells exposed to different light conditions. We first moni-tored the expression of the LHCX genes in cells grown in low light (LL) and then exposed to high light (HL). In line with previous studies (Bailleul et al., 2010; Lepetit et al., 2013), qRT-PCR and western blot analyses (Fig.1A and B, respectively) showed that LHCX1 is expressed at very high levels in LL-adapted cells, and that HL treatment slightly increases the LHCX1 content. Conversely, the isoforms 2 and 3 showed different responses to the LL to HL shift.

The LHCX2 transcripts, which are significantly less abun-dant than that of LHCX1 in LL, rapidly increased follow-ing HL stress, reaching levels comparable with those of LHCX1 after 1 h HL exposure (Fig. 1A). This translated into an increase of the LHCX2 protein observed by western blot (Fig.1B). However, the increase in the protein content was lower than that of the transcript, possibly because of a low affinity of the LHCSR antibody (Peers etal., 2009) for the LHCX2 isoform. The LHCX3 transcripts that were expressed at very low levels in LL quickly rose upon HL treatment, peaking after 30 min and starting to decrease after 1 h of light stress. Conversely, a different mRNA expression profile was found in the case of LHCX4, which, unlike the other isoforms, was barely detectable in both LL and HL conditions (Fig. 1A). The LHCX3 and LHCX4 proteins, having very similar molecular weights (22.8 kDa and 22.2 kDa, respectively), cannot be discriminated by western blot analysis. Based on the different transcriptional regulation of LHCX3 and LHCX4 by light, it is tempt-ing to propose that the light-induced protein of ~22.8 kDa reflects the accumulation of the LHCX3 isoform (Fig.1B). However, in contrast to the transient induction of the LHCX3 mRNAs, this protein is gradually accumulated during the LL to HL shift and it remains stable over the treatment. This discrepancy between transcript and protein expression profiles could be explained assuming that: (i) some post-transcriptional modifications regulate the accu-mulation of LHCX3 in the light; or (ii) the light-induced protein isoform at 22.8 kDa also comprises the LHCX4 protein, which could be present in HL-exposed cells, along withLHCX3.

Table1. List of the LHCXs identified in the diatom genomes

Species Name ID Chromosomal localization Length (no. of amino acids) No. of introns

Thalassiosira pseudonana LHCX1 264921 chr_23:365603–366232 (–) 209 0LHCX2 38879 chr_23:368273–368902 (+) 209 0LHCX4 270228 chr_5:1446306–1447125 (–) 231 0LHCX5 31128 chr_1:2849139–2850176 (–) 236 3LHCX6 12097 chr_23:366611–367378 (+) 255 0



LHCX1 27278 chr_7:996379–997300 (+) 206 1LHCX2 56312 chr_1:2471232–2472170 (+) 238 2LHCX3 44733 chr_5:76676–77606 (+) 206 1LHCX4 38720 chr_17:53010–53733 (+) 207 1



– 66239 scaffold_189:181982–182948 (+) 201 1– 238335 scaffold_95:121459–122306 (–) 202 1– 257821 scaffold_246:124909–125745 (+) 197 1– 264022 scaffold_1353:8720–9877 (+) 206 1– 283956 scaffold_38:284133–284828 (–) 231 0

Thalassiosira oceanica – Thaoc_09937 SuperContig To_g10869: 4.331–5.040 (–) 210 1– Thaoc_12733 SuperContig To_g15184: 10.800–11.435 (–) 172 1– Thaoc_28991 SuperContig To_g41561: 2.777–3.105 (+) 81 1– Thaoc_31987 SuperContig To_g45669: 1–1.025 (–) 205 2– Thaoc_32497 SuperContig To_g46152: 5.664–6.285 (–) 180 1

For T.pseudonana (Thaps3), P.tricornutum (Phatr2), and P.multiseries (Psemu1), ID numbers refer to the genome annotation in the JGI database ( For T.oceanica (ThaOc_1.0), ID refers to the Ensembl Protist database ( (+) and (–) indicate the forward and reverse chromosomal or scaffolds, respectively. The protein length and intron numbers are also indicated.

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Previous reports (Lepetit etal., 2013; Nymark etal., 2013) indicate that the LHCX4 transcript is induced in dark-adapted cells. Therefore, we extended the analysis of the expression of the four LHCX genes to cells adapted to prolonged darkness (60 h). In these conditions, we observed a significant increase only of the LHCX4 mRNAs (Fig.1C). For the same reason as described above, we attributed the band of ~22 kDa observed in the dark-adapted cells to the LHCX4 protein, although LHCX3 (Fig. 1D) could also be present. In the dark, cells were also showing a decreased NPQ capacity (Fig.1E) and a slightly reduced PSII maximal quantum yield and overall pho-tosynthetic electron flow capacity (Table2). Other studies have revealed that blue light photoreceptors (Coesel et al., 2009; Juhas etal., 2014) and the redox state of the chloroplast (Lepetit et al., 2013) could both contribute to the light regulation of LHCX1, 2, and 3 gene expression. Thus, we tested the possible role of these processes in the inhibition of LHCX4 expression upon light exposure. We irradiated dark-adapted cells with low

intensity blue light (1µmol m−2 s−1) during 1 h, in the presence or absence of the PSII inhibitor DCMU (Fig.1F). The analysis revealed that the LHCX4 expression is repressed even at such low light irradiance. Moreover, this repression is lost by poison-ing photosynthesis with DCMU, suggesting that this process plays an active role in the light-induced repression ofLHCX4.

A recent study in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii showed that the activity of the protein LHCSR3 is regulated by the reversible protonation of three specific amino acidic residues following luminal pH acidification in the light (Ballottari etal., 2016). In order to assess if this mechanism is conserved in diatoms, we analysed the P. tricornutum LHCX protein sequences. We found that LHCX1, 2, and 3 possess two of the three amino acids identified in LHCSR3 in conserved posi-tions (Fig.1G; Supplementary Fig. S2), suggesting that the pH-triggered activation of qE could be conserved in diatoms. On the other hand, only one of these protonatable residues was found in LHCX4.

Fig.1. Light and dark regulation of P.tricornutum LHCXs. Analysis of the four LHCX transcripts by qRT-PCR (A) and of LHCX proteins (B) by western blotting in cells adapted to low light (LL) (12L/12D cycles), after exposure to LL for 2 h then to high light (HL) for 30 min, 1 h, 3 h, or 5 h. mRNA levels were quantified by using RPS as the reference gene (A). Proteins were detected using the anti-LHCSR antibody which recognizes all the PtLHCXs (arrowheads) and the anti-βCF1 antibody as loading control (B). Cells adapted to darkness for 60 h were compared with those grown in LL for the analysis of LHCX transcripts (C), proteins (D), and NPQ (E). Relative transcript levels were determined using RPS as a reference, and values were normalized to gene expression levels in LL. LHCX proteins were detected as in (B). The horizontal bar in (E) indicates when the actinic light was on (white) or off (black). (F) LHCX4 mRNAs in 60 h dark-adapted cells (Time 0)and in response to 10 min, 30 min, or 1 h of blue light (1µmol m−2 s−1), in the presence (black) or absence (grey) of the inhibitor DCMU. Transcript levels were quantified by using RPS as the reference, and normalized to gene expression levels in the dark. Error bars represent ±SD of three technical replicates from one representative experiment in (A), and ±SD of three biological replicates in (C), (E), and (F). (G) Alignment of regions 1 and 2 of the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii LHCSR3 and P.tricornutum LHCX1, 2, 3, and 4 protein sequences. The boxes indicate the pH-sensing residues conserved between the LHCXs and LHCSR3. (This figure is available in colour at JXB online).

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LHCX expression in iron starvation

Besides light, nutrient availability also affects chloroplast activity (Wilhelm etal., 2006; Gross, 2012). In many oce-anic regions, iron is a major limiting factor for diatom dis-tribution. A general down-regulation of photosynthesis has been reported in iron starvation in several diatom spe-cies (Laroche etal., 1995; Allen etal., 2008; Hohner etal., 2013), with a consequent decrease of the carbon fixation reactions, growth rate, and cell size. Since increased NPQ was previously observed in iron-starved P.tricornutum cells (Allen etal., 2008), we compared the expression of the dif-ferent LHCX isoforms in cells grown under Fe-replete and Fe-limited conditions. We found that while a slight induc-tion of the other LHCX proteins was seen, the LHCX2

transcript was greatly induced in iron-limited cells (Fig. 2A), leading to a significant accumulation of the LHCX2 protein (Fig. 2B). Fe limitation also enhanced NPQ, while slowing down its kinetics (Fig. 2C), possibly because of a slower diadinoxanthin de-epoxidation rate. We also observed a severe impairment of the photosynthetic capacity in iron limitation as indicated by the decrease in Fv/Fm (Table 2) and in the PSII maximal electron transport rate (rETRPSII) (Fig.2D; see also Allen etal., 2008). The decreased maxi-mal rETRPSII was probably caused by a diminished capacity for carbon fixation. Moreover, in agreement with previous studies (Allen etal., 2008; Thamatrakoln etal., 2013), we observed a decrease in the amount of PSI (PsaF), which is the complex with the highest Fe content. This complex has been already shown to represent the first target of Fe limitation (Moseley etal., 2002). We also found a signifi-cant decrease in PSII (D2 protein), which was probably degraded because of sustained photoinhibition (see also Allen etal., 2008) (Fig.2B).

LHCX expression in nitrogen starvation

Besides iron, nitrogen (N) is also a limiting resource for dia-toms (Mills etal., 2008; Moore etal., 2013; Rogato etal., 2015). Recent transcriptomic and proteomic analysis high-lighted important metabolic modifications under N star-vation, such as the up-regulation of nitrogen assimilation enzymes, the recycling of intracellular nitrogen-containing compounds from the photosynthetic apparatus and other sources, and the increase in lipid content as a consequence of remodelling of intermediate metabolism (Allen et al., 2011; Palmucci etal., 2011; Hockin etal., 2012; Alipanah etal., 2015; Levitan etal., 2015; Matthijs etal., 2016). We found that N limitation also has a significant effect on the expression of the LHCXs. In particular, N limitation triggered the induction of LHCX3 and LHCX4 mRNAs (Fig.3A) and of LHCX3/4 proteins (Fig.3B). The increase of the LHCX1 and 2 isoforms was only visible at the protein level (Fig.3B). Up-regulation of the LHCX proteins in N limitation correlated with an increase of the NPQ capacity

Fig.2. Effect of iron starvation on P.tricornutum LHCX expression and photophysiology. Experiments were performed on cells grown in iron-replete (11µM, +Fe) or iron-limited (5 nM iron+100µM FerroZine™, –Fe) conditions: (A) qRT-PCR analysis of LHCX transcripts in –Fe, normalized against the +Fe condition and using RPS and H4 as reference genes. (B) Immunoblot analysis of the LHCX, D2, and PsaF proteins, using βCF1 as loading control. NPQ capacity (C) and relative electron transfer rates (rETRPSII) (D) of cells grown in +Fe or –Fe. The horizontal bar in (C) indicates when the actinic light was on (white) or off (black). rETRPSII was measured at different light intensities (20, 170, 260, 320, 520, and 950µmol m−2 s−1). In (A), (C), and (D), error bars represent ±SD of three biological replicates. (This figure is available in colour at JXB online).

Table2. Photosynthetic parameters of the P.tricornutum wild type and transgeniclines

Strain Conditions Fv/Fm rETRPSII NPQ max

Pt1 LL 0.66 ± 0.03 74.4 ± 1.2 2.1 ± 0.1Pt1 Dark 0.60 ± 0.02 67.2 ± 4.0 1.0 ± 0.1Pt1 +Fe 0.65 ± 0.003 72.6 ± 4.8 2.2 ± 0.3Pt1 –Fe 0.20 ± 0.004 25.7 ± 1.8 4.4 ± 0.3Pt1 +N 0.65 ± 0.006 74.4 ± 2.4 2.1 ± 0.1Pt1 –N 0.40 ± 0.008 27.5 ± 3.2 3.2 ± 0.4Pt4 WT 0.68 ± 0.01 79.3 ± 2.6 0.83 ± 0.04Pt4 EVL 0.66 ± 0.01 72.5 ± 3.5 0.82 ± 0.03Pt4 OE1 0.67 ± 0.01 70.7 ± 2.6 1.00 ± 0.1Pt4 OE2.5 0.67 ± 0.01 70.0 ± 1.6 1.06 ± 0.05Pt4 OE2.20 0.66 ± 0.01 69.3 ± 1.6 1.02 ± 0.08Pt4 OE3.12 0.66 ± 0.01 75.8 ± 4.9 1.04 ± 0.07Pt4 OE3.33 0.68 ± 0.03 71.0 ± 3.1 1.00 ± 0.1Pt4 OE4.11 0.59 ± 0.01 68.7 ± 1.9 1.03 ± 0.01Pt4 OE4.13 0.58 ± 0.02 69.4 ± 1.3 1.07 ± 0.04

PSII efficiency (Fv/Fm) and relative electron transport rate (rETRPSII) in different growth conditions are reported. rETRPSII was measured at 260µmol photons m−2 s−1 light intensity and calculated as: rETRPSII=ɸPSII×actinic light intensity. Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) was measured with an actinic light intensity of 950µmol photons m−2 s−1 and calculated as in Maxwell and Johnson (2000). Data are the average of three biological replicates ±SD.

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(Fig.3C). We note that NPQ was slowly relaxing upon dark exposure of N-limited cells, possibly reflecting the repres-sion of the genes encoding the xanthophyll cycle enzymes including the zeaxanthin epoxidase (see Supplementary Fig. S3), when analysing available microarray data from N-depleted cells (Alipanah etal., 2015). The N limitation also led to a drastically reduced Fv/Fm (Table2) and a lower maximal rETRPSII (Fig. 3D). We also detected a reduced content of PSII and PSI proteins (Fig. 3B), in line with previous omic studies pointing to a general decrease of the photosynthetic capacity.

Analysis of the LHCX non-coding regions

Due to the observed transcriptional responses of LHCX genes in different light and nutrient conditions, we searched for known and potentially novel regulatory motifs in the 5'-flanking regions and the intronic sequences of the four iso-forms (see Table3; Supplementary Fig. S1). Because of their involvement in integrating light signals with CO2/cAMP-induced transcriptional responses, we searched for the three CO2/cAMP-responsive cis-regulatory elements (CCREs) identified in Ohno etal. (2012) and further characterized in Tanaka etal. (2016). Interestingly, we found CCRE-1 in the 5'-flanking sequences of LHCX1 and 4, CCRE-2 in 1, 2, and 4, and CCRE-3 in LHCX4. These cis-regulatory elements may participate in the light-mediated regulation of the four LHCXgenes.

In contrast, the two P. tricornutum iron-responsive ele-ments identified in Yoshinaga et al. (2014) are not present in the analysed non-coding regions, suggesting that a dif-ferent transcription factor should be involved in modulat-ing the LHCX2 transcriptional response to iron availability. Similarly, we could not find the two P. tricornutum motifs identified as responsive to short-term nitrogen deprivation (from 4 h to 20 h) in Matthijs etal. (2016), suggesting that dis-tinct regulatory circuits may act in the short- and long-term acclimation to nitrogen deprivation.

To pinpoint possible novel regulatory motifs, we also scanned the non-coding sequences of the four isoforms

using the MEME Suite program (Bailey etal., 2009). The analysis revealed six motifs repeated at least twice in each isoform and/or shared by more than one isoform (Table3; Supplementary Fig. S1). None of the identified motifs cor-responds to a known transcription factor-binding site. This suggests that these motifs could represent novel diatom-specific cis-regulatory elements. In order to examine the potential involvement of the identified motifs in the long-term nitrate deprivation transcriptional responses of LHCX genes, we analysed a published microarray data set per-formed on 48 h and 72 h nitrogen-deprived P. tricornutum cells (Alipanah et al., 2015). We compared the frequency of the six identified motifs in the 5'-flanking sequences of responsive and unresponsive transcripts. Interestingly, motif 6 ([T-A]TGACTG) was significantly enriched (p=0.035) in the 5'-flanking sequences of genes up-regulated in response to nitrogen starvation compared with down-regulated genes. The result suggests that motif 6 may be involved in gene transcriptional regulation in cells exposed to prolonged nitrogen starvation.

Modulation of LHCX gene expression in P.tricornutum transgeniclines

A role in the regulation of the NPQ in P.tricornutum has been proven for the LHCX1 protein by characterizing transgenic

Fig.3. Effect of nitrogen starvation on P.tricornutum LHCX expression and photophysiology. Experiments were performed on cells grown in nitrogen-replete (1 mM, +NO3

–) or nitrogen starvation (50µM, –NO3–) conditions: (A) qRT-PCR analysis of LHCX transcripts in –NO3

–, normalized against the values in the +NO3

– condition, and using RPS and H4 as reference genes. (B) Immunoblot analysis of the LHCX, D2, and PsaF proteins, using βCF1 as loading control. NPQ capacity (C) and relative electron transfer rates (rETRPSII) (D) of cells grown in +NO3

– and –NO3– conditions. The horizontal bar in (C) indicates

when the actinic light was on (white) or off (black). rETRPSII was measured at different light intensities (20, 170, 260, 320, 520, and 950µmol m−2 s−1). In (A), (C), and (D), error bars represent ±SD of three biological replicates. (This figure is available in colour at JXB online).

Table3. The identified regulatory motifs and their occurrence in the P.tricornutum LHCX non-coding sequences



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lines with a modulated content of LHCX1 by either gene silencing or gene overexpression (Bailleul et al., 2010). Unfortunately, all the attempts to down-regulate the expres-sion of LHCX2, 3, or 4 have been unsuccessful. Therefore, to explore their function, we opted for the strategy used in Bailleul et al. (2010), and tried to rescue the intrinsically lower NPQ capacity of the Pt4 ecotype. To this end, inde-pendent transgenic Pt4 lines were generated, bearing a vec-tor in which the LHCX2, 3, or 4 genes were expressed under the control of the P.tricornutum FCPB (LHCF2) promoter. A HA-tag was fused to the C-terminal end of the LHCX transgenes to allow the specific detection of the transgenic proteins. qRT-PCR and western blot analyses (Fig.4A, C, E) on independent transgenic lines confirmed the expression of the transgenic LHCX isoforms. NPQ analyses (Fig. 4B, D, F) showed that the overexpression of each LHCX isoform generated a modest, but statistically significant, increase in the NPQ capacity compared with the Pt4 wild type as well as compared with a transgenic line transformed only with the antibiotic resistance gene and used as control. Strikingly, we found that all the transgenic lines showed a similar NPQ

increase, regardless of which isoform was overexpressed and the different overexpression levels.

We also checked the possible effect of LHCX overexpres-sion on growth and photosynthetic capacity. For the lines overexpressing the LHCX2 and LHCX3 proteins, we did not observe any altered phenotype (Table 2). In contrast, the Pt4 lines overexpressing LHCX4 showed a reduced PSII efficiency (Table2). By performing a growth curve analysis, we also observed that these overexpressing lines showed a lag phase lasting 2–3 d (Fig.4G), which was not the case in wild-type cells. A similar effect on growth was also observed in transgenic lines in which the LHCX4 gene was overexpressed in the Pt1 ecotype (Fig.4G).


The presence of multiple LHCX genes in all the diatom genomes analysed to date strongly suggests that the expan-sion of this gene family is a common feature of these algae and may represent an adaptive trait to cope with highly vari-able environmental conditions. To investigate this scenario, in

Fig.4. Phaeodactylum tricornutum Pt4 ecotype lines overexpressing the LHCX genes. (A), (C), (E) LHCX transcript (upper panels) and protein (lower panels) analyses in the Pt4 wild type and transgenic strains overexpressing HA-tagged LHCX2 (A), LHCX3 (C), or LHCX4 (E). Transcript abundance was measured by qRT-PCR using RPS as the reference gene and normalized to the wild type expression value. Tagged proteins were detected by immunoblot using an anti-HA antibody, and an anti-CPF1 antibody as loading control. Bands are taken from the same blots but from non-adjacent lanes. (B), (D), (F) NPQ max capacity in the Pt4 wild type, in a transgenic strain expressing the vector for antibiotic resistance (transformation control, T.c.), and in independent transgenic lines overexpressing LHCX1 (OE1), LHCX2 (OE2), LHCX3 (OE3), and LHCX4 (OE4) genes. Asterisks indicate the results of two-tailed Student t-tests: **p<0.01; ***p<0.001. (G) Growth curves of Pt4 and Pt1 wild-type strains and Pt4 and Pt1 transgenic lines overexpressing the LHCX4 (OE4) gene, grown in 12L/12D cycles (50µmol m−2 s−1). In all the experiments, n≥3, and bars represent ±SD. (This figure is available in colour at JXB online).

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this work we correlated LHCX expression profiles with the photosynthetic and photoprotective performances in variable experimental conditions, including changes in light irradi-ance and nutrient availability. These analyses revealed that the four P. tricornutum LHCX genes respond differently to various environmental cues, as summarized in Fig.5.

The analyses of the mRNA and protein responses indicate that amounts of the different LHCXs are tightly regulated at the transcriptional, and probably also the post-translational level. As LHCX3 and LHCX4 have a similar size, it was not possible to quantify the amount of these two proteins under the different stresses using one-dimensional electrophoresis. However, considering the transcript and biochemical analy-ses together (in the case of LHCX2 and LHCX1), it seems that LHCX1 is always expressed at high levels even in non-stress conditions, which is consistent with it having a pivotal role in NPQ regulation and light acclimation as proposed pre-viously (Bailleul etal., 2010).

LHCX2 and 3 are induced following high light stress, where they may contribute to increase the diatom photopro-tection capacity. Their induction, as well as the accumulation of LHCX1, may result from the integration of different sig-nals. Two members of the blue light-sensing cryptochrome photolyase family, CPF1 (Coesel et al., 2009) and CRYP (Juhas etal., 2014), modulate the light-dependent expression of LHCX1, LHCX2, and LHCX3. Also, the recently identi-fied Aureochrome 1a blue light photoreceptor, which regu-lates P.tricornutum photoacclimation (Schellenberger Costa etal., 2013), may affect how much of each LHCX there is in a cell. Moreover, chloroplast activity, through the redox state

of the plastoquinone pool, may also regulate LHCX1 and LHCX2 gene expression in HL (Lepetit etal., 2013).

A different regulation pattern is seen in the case of LHCX4, the only isoform which is induced in the absence of light. The amount of LHCX4 mRNA rapidly decreases following a dark to light transition, and this repression is lost when pho-tosynthesis is halted with the PSII inhibitor DCMU. This suggests that chloroplast-derived signals could participate in inhibiting gene expression, even at very low light irradiance, by an as yet unknown process. The peculiar trend observed in the LHCX4 light response suggests a possible role for this protein in P. tricornutum photoacclimation. The increased LHCX4 transcript and possibly protein content is mirrored by a decrease in NPQ capacity and a slightly reduced Fv/Fm in the dark-adapted cells, compared with cells grown in the light (Fig. 1E; Table 2). Moreover, reduced PSII efficiency and slightly altered growth were observed in cells overexpressing LHCX4 in the light (Fig.4G), suggesting that LHCX4 could have a negative impact on chloroplast physiology. Indeed, a comparative analysis of the P. tricornutum LHCX protein sequences indicates that LHCX4 lacks key protonatable resi-dues that in Chlamydomonas are involved in NPQ onset when the lumen acidifies (Ballottari et al., 2016). These residues are, however, conserved in the LHCX1, 2, and 3 isoforms. According to the model established in green algae for the protein LHCSR3, these residues diminish their electrostatic repulsion upon protonation, allowing a rearrangement of the protein structure and pigment orientation and enhance-ment of the quenching capacity (Ballottari etal., 2016). The substitution in LHCX4 of the acidic residues (aspartate and

Fig.5. Model of the P.tricornutum LHCX regulation. Scheme summarizing the multiple external signals and stresses that differentially regulate the expression of the four LHCXs. The LHCX genes are shown in the nucleus and the LHCX proteins in the chloroplast. + and – boxes indicate positive and negative transcriptional regulation, respectively, in response to white light (yellow), blue light (blue, through the cryptochromes, Cry, and aureochromes, Aureo, photoreceptors), darkness (black), chloroplast signals (green), iron starvation (grey), and nitrogen starvation (orange). In the P.tricornutum cell: N, nucleus; C, chloroplast; M, mitochondrion. In the chloroplast: PSI and PSII, photosystem Iand II, respectively; PSI* and PSII*, excited photosystems; PQ, plastoquinone pool; b6f, cytochrome b6f complex; ΔpH, proton gradient; NADPH, redox potential.

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glutamate) with non-protonatable residues (asparagine and glycine) would prevent such regulation. Instead, LHCX4 could contribute to the observed capacity of P.tricornutum to survive long periods in the dark and its repression could be needed for a rapid acclimation following re-illumination (Nymark at al., 2013). Consistent with this, high LHCX gene expression has also been observed in sea-ice algal commu-nities dominated by diatoms that have adapted to the polar night (Pearson etal., 2015).

Besides the light and redox signals discussed above, our study also shows that differences in the availability of iron and nitrogen strongly affect the expression of the different LHCXs. The signalling cascades controlling these responses are still largely unknown, but they probably involve multiple regulatory pathways into the nucleus and chloroplast, con-sidering that these nutrients are essential for diatom photo-synthesis and growth (Table 2; Fig. 5). Nitrogen starvation induces a general increase of all the LHCX isoforms, includ-ing LHCX4 that is normally repressed in light-grown cells (Fig. 3). We can hypothesize that the general increase of the LHCX content is needed to protect the photosynthetic apparatus, which is strongly affected by nitrogen depriva-tion, as shown by the drastically reduced Fv/Fm (Table2), the lower maximal rETRPSII (Fig.3D), and the reduction of PSI and PSII protein content. Interestingly, an opposite trend is observed for the main enzymes of the xanthophyll cycle, which are either not induced or are repressed in cells grown in similar nitrogen stress conditions (Supplementary Fig. S3). Thus, in nitrogen starvation, the LHCXs could represent the major contributors to the observed NPQ increase (Fig.3C).

At variance with nitrogen starvation, iron starvation has a more specific effect on LHCX expression. Astrong induction of the LHCX2 mRNA and protein levels (Fig.2) compared with the other isoforms was observed, pinpointing this iso-form as the most likely regulator of the increased NPQ capac-ity observed in iron stress (Fig. 2C). NPQ in iron-limiting conditions is characterized by a slow induction and a com-plete relaxation in the dark. These slow induction kinetics might reflect either lower concentrations of the pH-activated de-epoxidase enzyme or its cofactor ascorbate (Grouneva et al., 2006) or slower acidification of the thylakoid lumen due to a reduced photosynthetic activity. Indeed, the photo-synthetic capacity is severely impaired when iron is limiting, as demonstrated by the reduction in PSI and PSII subunits (Fig. 2B), but also the lower Fv/Fm (Table 2) and rETRPSII (Fig. 2D). The decreased electron flow per PSII could also reflect a decrease in the iron-containing cytochrome b6f com-plex, as previously shown for other iron-limited diatoms (Strzepek and Harrison, 2004; Thamatrakoln etal., 2013).

The observations made in this and in previous studies about the complex LHCX regulation in response to differ-ent signals prompted us to explore their possible functions in P.tricornutum, by modulating their expression in a natu-ral Pt4 strain characterized by constitutive lower NPQ levels (Fig.4). We observed that the increased expression of all the tested isoforms generates a small but still consistent increase in the NPQ levels, suggesting a potential involvement of the diverse proteins in NPQ modulation, as previously shown for

LHCX1 (Bailleul etal., 2010). However, we also noticed that different overexpressing lines with different transcript and protein levels showed a similar NPQ increase. It is difficult to interpret these first results, especially in the case of lines over-expressing LHCX4, whose endogenous expression is inhib-ited by light (Fig.1F). They probably reflect the complexity of NPQ regulation in diatoms, where the presence of multiple players (e.g. several LHCXs and enzymes of the xanthophyll cycle) possibly tend to reduce the consequences on NPQ of genetic modifications of the qE machinery.

Finally, the exploration of the 5'-flanking regions and intronic sequences of the LHCX genes revealed the presence of known and potentially novel cis-regulatory elements that may contribute to the transcriptional regulation of the dif-ferent isoforms in stress conditions. We revealed an uneven distribution of the CCREs (Ohno etal., 2012; Tanaka etal., 2016) in the four LHCX genes that may be linked to their different light-mediated transcriptional responses. In addi-tion, we identified a 7 bp motif in the non-coding sequences of LHCX2, 3, and 4. Using genome-wide transcriptomic data, we found this motif specifically enriched in long-term nitrogen starvation-induced genes, suggesting a possible involvement in the regulation of gene expression in response to nitrogen fluctuations. Although additional studies are required to demonstrate the functionality of these motifs, their discovery may represent a starting point for the iden-tification of the LHCX regulators in the diatom acclimation mechanisms to stress.


Here we discovered that the four P.tricornutum LHCXs are regulated in a sophisticated way (Fig.5). Different and proba-bly interconnected regulatory pathways activated by different signals and stresses tightly control the amount of each LHCX isoform in the cell. By narrowing down the specific growth conditions in which the different LHCXs are required, our results set the basis for future work to define the function of each isoform in the regulation of chloroplast physiology. The generation of new transgenic lines in which the content of each LHCX isoform is specifically modulated will be instru-mental in assessing whether they act with the NPQ regulator LHCX1, or play other specific roles. Considering the robust-ness of LHCX1 expression in all the conditions tested, future studies will probably require the use of new LHCX1 loss-of-function diatom strains. Additional information about the association of LHCXs with photosynthetic complexes and pigments will also be necessary to understand the role played by the expanded LHCX gene family in the efficient acclima-tion of diatoms to environmental changes.


Supplementary data are available at JXB online.Figure S1. Localization of the enriched motifs in non-cod-

ing regions of P.tricornutum LHCXgenes.Figure S2. Alignment of the LHCX proteins and three-

dimensional model ofLHCX1.

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Figure S3. Expression of the P. tricornutum xanthophyll cycle genes in nitrogen starvation.

Table S1. List of the oligonucleotides used in this work.

AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by Marie-Curie ITNs CALIPSO (ITN 2013 GA 607607)and AccliPhot (ITN 2012 GA 316427)grants and a Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation grant (GBMF 4966) to AF, the French ANR ‘DiaDomOil’ PROGRAMME BIO-MATIERES & ENERGIES to AF and GF, and the Marie Curie Zukunftskolleg Incoming Fellowship and a Zukunftskolleg Interim Grant to BL.

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Supplementary Data

Journal of Experimental BotanyMulti-signal control of the expression of the LHCX protein family in the marine

diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum

Lucilla Taddei,#, Giulio Rocco Stella#, Alessandra Rogato#, Benjamin Bailleul, Antonio E. Fortunato, Rossella Annunziata, Remo Sanges, Michael Thaler, Bernard Lepetit, Johann Lavaud, Marianne Jaubert, Giovanni Finazzi, Jean-Pierre Bouly, Angela Falciatore

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Fig. S1: Localization of the enriched motifs in LHCXs non-coding regions.

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Fig. S2: Protein alignment of the LHCX proteins and three-dimensional model of the LHCX1. (A)Multiple sequence alignment of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii LHCSR3 and the four Phaeodactylumtricornutum LHCX proteins. Putative protonatable aminoacids in LHCX proteins conserved withrespect to Chlamydomonas reinhardtii LHCSR3 (Ballottari et al. 2016) are indicated in red. (B)LHCX1 hom*ology-based model from LHCII and CP29 crystallographic structures. Putativeprotonatable aminoacids conserved with respect to Chlamydomonas reinhardtii LHCSR3 are indicatedin red (D95 and E205). Region 1 and 2 refers to part of LHCSR3 putatively exposed to thylakoydallumen, where pH sensitive residues are located.







CrLHCSR3 LRFEKEAILELDDIERDLGLPVTPLPDNLKSL 259PtLHCX1 G------------------------------- 209PtLHCX2 L------------------------------- 237PtLHCX3 -------------------------------- 210PtLHCX4 G------------------------------- 212



Region 2

Region 1

D95 E205

Region 2Region 1



10 Å

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2 2 1 1 0 -1 -1 -1 -2


ViolaxanthinViola-Zea cycle


DiadinoxanthinDiadino-Diato cycle

NO3 Starvation

Name Id 48h 72hVDE 44635 -2 -4VDL1 46155 -1.5 -3.1VDL2 45846 -1.4 -2.7VDR 56450 0.73 -0.2

NO3 Starvation

Name Id 48h 72hZEP1 45845 -1.1 -2.8ZEP2 56488 -1.3 -2.4ZEP3 56492 0.51 0.07

Fold change (Log2)

0 -11>2 <-2

Fig. S3: Expression of P. triconutum xanthophyll cycles genes in nitrogen starvation. VDE, VDL1-2and VDR are the enzymes putatively catalyzing the de-epoxidation reactions active in high light toform Zea- and Diatozanthin from Viola- and Diadinoxanthin, respectively. ZEP1, 2 and 3 enzymesputatively catalyse the epoxidation reaction, active in low light, to form Viola- and Diadinoxanthinfrom Zea- and Diatoxanthin. Microarray data of cells after 48h and 72h of nitrogen starvation weretaken from Alipanah et al., 2015.




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Species Name Id Chromosomallocalization Length(aa) N°Intron


LHCX1 264921 chr_23:365603-366232 (-) 209 0LHCX2 38879 chr_23:368273-368902 (+) 209 0LHCX4 270228 chr_5:1446306-1447125 (-) 231 0LHCX5 31128 chr_1:2849139-2850176 (-) 236 3LHCX6 12097 chr_23:366611-367378 (+) 255 0


LHCX1 27278 chr_7:996379-997300 (+) 206 1LHCX2 56312 chr_1:2471232-2472170 (+) 238 2LHCX3 44733 chr_5:76676-77606 (+) 206 1LHCX4 38720 chr_17:53010-53733 (+) 207 1

Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries

- 66239 scaffold_189:181982-182948 (+) 201 1- 238335 scaffold_95:121459-122306 (-) 202 1- 257821 scaffold_246:124909-125745 (+) 197 1- 264022 scaffold_1353:8720-9877 (+) 206 1- 283956 scaffold_38:284133-284828 (-) 231 0


- Thaoc_09937 SuperContig To_g10869:4.331-5.040(-) 210 1- Thaoc_12733 SuperContig To_g15184:10.800-11.435(-) 172 1- Thaoc_28991 SuperContig To_g41561:2.777-3.105(+) 81 1- Thaoc_31987 SuperContig To_g45669:1-1.025(-) 205 2- Thaoc_32497 SuperContig To_g46152:5.664-6.285(-) 180 1

Table S1. List of LHCX genes identified in diatom genomes. For T. pseudonana (Thaps3), P.tricornutum (Phatr2) and P. multiseries (Psemu1), ID numbers refer to the genome annotation onJGI database ( For T. oceanica (ThaOc_1.0) , ID refers to the EnsemblProtist database ( (+) and(-) indicate the forward and reverse chromosomal or scaffolds, respectively.

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qPCR/PCR OligosGene Id (Phatr2) Oligo Name Sequence (5’ – 3’) Lenght







Cloning OligosConstruct Oligo Name Sequence (5’ – 3’) Lenght Restriction Site





Table S2: List of the oligonucleotides used in this work.

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Chapter 4. LHCX proteins in Phaeodactylum tricornutum

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Chapter 5

The Xanthophyll Cycles inPhaeodactylum tricornutum

Summary of the work

The study of photoprotection in diatoms couldn’t be considered complete without a careful lookat the xanthophyll cycles. The classic violaxanthin cycle, with the conversion of violaxanthin(Vx) to anthera- and zeaxanthin (Zx), was first discovered by Yamamoto et al. in 1962 in plantsand green algae. Soon after, a similar cycle, converting diadinoxanthin (Ddx) into diatoxanthin(Dtx) in high light conditions, was found in brown algae and in diatoms (Stransky and Hager(1970)). The involvement in photoprotection of these cycles in the different organisms had beenestablished, either with genetic approaches or using inhibitors of the violaxanthin de-epoxidaseenzyme, even though the debate is still open on the exact mechanisms that allow Zx and Dtx toenhance quenching.

More recently, Lohr and Wilhelm (1999) discovered that diatoms, which use the Ddx cycle,also posses the the Vx cycle (typical of plants). This raised the question if the two cycles hadboth an impact on photoprotection or if it was just a fortuity of evolution (i.e. the leftover ofa common biosynthetic pathway). Moreover, once the complete genome sequence of the diatomPhaeodactylum tricornutum became available, multiple genes with high similarity to the onesinvolved in the xanthophyll cycle in plants were identified (Bowler et al. (2008); Coesel et al.(2008)), pointing to a possible specialization of the various putative enzymes either in the Vx orin the Ddx cycle.

Recently, the involvement of the violaxanthin de-epoxidase (VDE) protein of P. tricornutumin the de-epoxidation of Ddx has been already established (Lavaud et al. (2012)). To understandthe specific function of the other six genes putatively involved in the xanthophyll cycles in P.tricornutum, I generated knock-down lines for each of them (the zeaxanthin epoxidases ZEP1,2 and 3 and the VDE-like VDL1 and VDL2, and the VDE-related VDR). I then performed ascreening of the putative knock-down lines based on NPQ activity, either in low light or highlight treated cells, using information on the gene expression profiles (Nymark et al. (2009)) as ablue print to carry on the screening.

In this way, during my second year of Ph.D., when I moved to the UPMC in Paris, I identifieddifferent knock-down lines for VDL2 and VDR proteins, showing a lower photoprotection capacitycompared to wild-type strain when exposed to prolonged high light stress. During the rest ofmy doctoral training, I decided to focus my efforts on the characterization of the VDL2 and


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Chapter 5. The Xanthophyll Cycles in Phaeodactylum tricornutum

VDR proteins, whose function was completely unknown. Analyses of pigment contents revealedthat both these mutants accumulated more pigments of the Vx cycle (mainly Zx) and less ofthe Ddx cycle, maintaining or even increasing the level of the de-epoxidation reactions. Thisindicated that VDL2 and VDR proteins were not involved in the de-epoxidation reactions butrather in the synthesis of xanthophylls and/or in the regulation of the two xanthophyll cyclepools. Interestingly, the higher accumulation of Vx cycle pigments correlated with a lowerNPQ capacity. This suggests that, in P. tricornutum, Zx is not involved in NPQ and that theaccumulation of this pigment may even interfere with the photoprotective action of Dtx.

To obtain complementary information with respect to the knock-down mutants, I also pro-duced transgenic lines over-expressing all the genes putatively involved in the xanthophyll cycles.To this aim, I cloned the full length coding sequences of the xanthophyll cycle genes under thecontrol of a strong P. tricornutum promoter (Siaut et al. (2007)). Unfortunately, we had somelong lasting problems with our biolistic transformation apparatus, so it took long time beforeobtaining any transformants. During this last year I finally got some colonies with higher con-tent of VDR protein (and only one clone over-expressing VDL2). The analysis of these linesso far indicate that gene over-expression has no significant effect on NPQ or pigment content.This may indicate that VDR needs a partner to be active (for example to form an heterodimer),which would be in agreement with the lack of in vitro activity for VDR (Martin Lohr, personalcommunication). Even thought not conclusive, these results are present as supplementary datain the next chapter (supplementary figure 5.15), which is organized as a paper in preparation.

Since no antibody was available for VDR and VDL2, I also expressed the proteins in anheterologous system (Escherichia coli), in order to purify the proteins and produce antibodies.In particular, VDR and VDL2 coding sequences were cloned in different vectors (pDEST17 andpET28a) for bacterial expression and used to transform three E. coli strains (Rosetta 6, Rosetta7 and Origami). The expression of the proteins were tested in various conditions, and I finallygot the best results for both proteins with the pDEST17 expression vector, inducing Rosetta 6 E.coli strain with 500µM IPTG at 18ºC over-night. Both the proteins accumulated in non solubleinclusion bodies, which I purified as in Bonente et al. (2011) and used to immunize differentrabbits (using external services from Agrisera for VDR and in house at the University of Padua,thanks to a collaboration with Prof. Tomas Morosinotto). The obtained antibodies for VDRwere tested and used in this work, while the production of the antibody for VDL2 has justfinished and I am currently testing it.

When I started my Ph.D. in Paris, at the private company Cellectis S.A., the study of thexanthophyll cycle(s) was already in our minds. In fact, of the various TALENs™ I made, sixof them had putative xanthophyll cycle genes as targets, namely VDE, VDL2 and ZEP1 (twoTALENs™ for each gene, targeting different loci). These targets were chosen i) either becausewe already knew their function (de-epoxidation of Ddx in the case of VDE, Lavaud et al. (2012))and we wanted to obtain an “npq1 ” knock-out mutant for P. tricornutum (i.e. lacking de-epoxidexanthophylls); ii) or because their transcription profiles, measured in high light (Nymark et al.(2009)), suggested a possible role in photoprotection (for VDL2 and ZEP1). Due to the decisionof Cellectis to stop the research on algae in 2014, this project was put in standby for quitesome time and a material transfer agreement between Cellectis and the UPMC was signed onlyin 2015. In the meantime we initiated the work with the reverse genetic approaches describedabove. Transgenic lines with the TALENs™ I produced were only recently obtained, and weare still in the screening process of putative knock-outs. Therefore, in this chapter, I focusedon the description of the data obtained with the RNAi approach. However, as discussed in theconclusion chapter, I am confident that the new knock-out mutants generated with the TALENs™will represent powerful resources in the understanding of the functions of these proteins and, morein general, of diatoms photoprotective mechanisms.

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Characterization of VDR and VDL2proteins in Phaeodactylumtricornutum provides new insightson the function of the twoxanthophyll cycles in marinediatoms

Giulio Rocco Stella1−2, Jean-Pierre Bouly1, Matteo Ballottari2, Roberto Bassi2, Angela Falciatore1

1Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ-Paris 6, CNRS, UMR7238, Laboratoire de Biologie Com-putationnelle et Quantitative, 15 rue de l’Ecole de Médecine, 75006 Paris, France.

2Department of Biotechnology, University of Verona, Strada Le Grazie, I-37134 Verona, Italy.

I was responsible of all the experiments reported.

Abstract Diatoms are marine microalgae that inhabit a variety of different niches and aredominant in turbulent environments with dynamic light regimes. They show very efficient pho-toprotective mechanisms, as higher Non-Photochemical Quenching (NPQ) when compared toland plants.

The xanthophyll cycle, with the conversion of violaxanthin (Vx) to zeaxanthin (Zx) via theantheraxanthin intermediate, in high light conditions, is one of the main enhancer of NPQ inplants. Diatoms also posses a second xanthophyll cycle, converting diadinoxanthin (Ddx) intodiatoxanthin (Dtx) in high light conditions. Dtx concentration is strictly correlated to NPQlevel, but the actual role of the Vx-Zx cycle has not been established yet. Consistent with theadditional xanthophyll cycle, more copies of the genes encoding violaxanthin de-epoxidase (VDE)and zeaxanthin epoxidase (ZEP) enzymes have been found in the diatom genomes, comparedwith other photosynthetic eukaryotes.

To understand the regulation and function of these two xanthophyll cycles, we knocked-downtwo of the four genes putatively involved in the conversion of Vx to Zx and/or of Ddx to Dtxin the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, VDE-like 2 (VDL2) and VDE-related (VDR). Thesegenes are up regulated in response to prolonged high light stress, and we found that the VDRand VDL2 knock-down lines have a lower NPQ, accumulate more xanthophylls of the Vx-Zx pooland less of the Ddx-Dtx pool respect to wild-type, but are not affected in the de-epoxidation


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Chapter 5. The Xanthophyll Cycles in Phaeodactylum tricornutum

reactions. This indicates that VDL2 and VDR proteins are involved in the biosynthetic pathwayof xanthophylls and that the higher amount of Vx and Zx had a negative effect in the developmentof NPQ. Thus, Zx does not participate in the enhancing of NPQ in diatoms, and its accumulationmay even interfere with Dtx photoprotective action.

Abbreviations: Ax, antheraxanthin. DD, diadinoxanthin-diatoxanthin pool. Ddx, diadinoxanthin.DES, de-epoxidation state. Dtx, diatoxanthin. Fx, fucoxanthin. Nx, neoxanthin. VAZ, violaxanthin-antheraxanthin-zeaxanthin pool. VDE, violaxanthin de-epoxidase. VDL, violaxanthin de-epoxidase like.VDR, violaxanthin de-epoxidase related. Vx, violaxanthin. XC, xanthophyll cycle. ZEP, zeaxanthinepoxidase. Zx, zeaxanthin.

5.1 Introduction

Photosynthesis is a biochemical process thatproduces oxygen and organic compounds fromatmospheric CO2 and water. It uses solar lightenergy to drive its reactions, and most lifeon Earth depends on this process. In stress-ful light conditions, when absorbed photonsexceed the capacity for light utilization, pho-tosynthetic organisms must dissipate the ex-cess of energy. This is possible by using dif-ferent protective mechanisms, including Non-Photochemical Quenching (NPQ), a short-termresponse that dissipates this excess excitationenergy as heat (Niyogi (1999); Eberhard et al.(2008)).

Organisms with different evolutionary his-tories have developed different strategies toadapt their photosynthetic apparatus to chang-ing light conditions and to optimize photosyn-thetic yield (Goss and Lepetit (2014); Demmig-Adams et al. (2014)). Diatoms are very success-ful marine microalgae that account for 40% ofthe marine photosynthesis and inhabit a vari-ety of ecological niches, from the poles to tropi-cal seas. They represent a major contributorto global carbon fixation and to the biogeo-chemical cycles of nitrogen, phosphorus, ironand silica (Falkowski (1998); Smetacek (1999)).Diatoms are also dominant in turbulent water,where the amount and quality of light is veryunpredictable, and are capable to reach higherlevels of NPQ compared to most land plants(Lavaud and Goss (2014); Goss and Lepetit(2014); Ruban et al. (2004)).

Diatoms chloroplast derives from a seriesof secondary endosymbiotic events between anancient heterotroph and red and green algae

(Howe et al. (2008); Frommolt et al. (2008);Moustafa et al. (2009)). Because of theirevolutionary history, diatoms show distinctmetabolic and cellular features compared toplants (Bowler et al. (2008)), and use differ-ent pigments for light harvesting and photo-protection (Kuczynska et al. (2015)). Diatomsdo not synthesize lutein, since they lack the en-zyme lycopene ε-cyclases that convert lycopeneto α-carotene (Dambek et al. (2012); Gross-man et al. (2004); Bertrand (2010), figure 5.1),but accumulate other xanthophylls that are notpresent in the green lineage. Diatoms show highlevels of fucoxanthin, which give them theircharacteristic brown color, but also of diadi-noxanthin and diatoxanthin (Kuczynska et al.(2015)).

This set of pigments can help diatoms todeal with stressful light conditions. When ex-posed to an excess amount of light (high light,HL), green algae and higher plants convert vi-olaxanthin (Vx) to antheraxanthin (Ax) andzeaxanthin (Zx) via two de-epoxidation reac-tions; the opposite occurs when the organismsare shifted from high light to low light (LL)(Demmig et al. (1987)). The whole process iscalled the xanthophyll cycle (XC) (figure 5.1).Diatoms, along with the conventional Vx-Zxcycle, also use diadinoxanthin (Ddx, accumu-lated in LL conditions) and diatoxanthin (Dtx,produced in HL), converting them via epoxi-dase and de-epoxidase reactions (Lohr and Wil-helm (1999)). The Ddx-Dtx cycle (which is ab-sent in plants and green algae) is much moreactive in diatoms than the Vx-Zx cycle, andits role in photoprotection is of primary impor-

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Section 5.1. Introduction

tance (Jakob et al. (2001); Lohr and Wilhelm(1999); Wilhelm et al. (2014)). NPQ in diatomsis, in fact, positively correlated with Dtx ac-cumulation, even when the ΔpH is abolished(Goss et al. (2006)).

In plants, Zx has various functions: it isimportant to increase NPQ response, in partic-ular the fast ∆-pH dependent component qE(Niyogi et al. (1998)) and the long-lasting com-ponent qZ (Nilkens et al. (2010)), but can alsoreduce chlorophyll triplet yield in LHC proteins(Dall’Osto et al. (2012)) and scavenge danger-ous reactive oxygen species (Havaux and Niyogi(1999); Havaux et al. (2007); Dall’Osto et al.(2010)). The role of Zx in diatoms, however,is less clear, since Dtx seems to be the mainxanthophyll involved in photoprotection (Gossand Lepetit (2014)).

In the genome of the diatom model speciesPhaeodactylum tricornutum, seven genes puta-tively involved in the two XCs have been found:three for the epoxidase reactions (the zeaxan-thin epoxidases ZEP1, 2 and 3 ) to convert Zxto Vx or Dtx to Ddx, and four for the oppo-site reactions (violaxanthin de-epoxidase VDE,VDE-like VDL1 and VDL2, and the VDE-related VDR) (Coesel et al. (2008); Dambeket al. (2012); Eilers et al. (2016)). The expan-sion of the XC gene family is in contrast withwhat found in plants, where only one VDE, oneVDR and one ZEP genes are present (Coeselet al. (2008); Frommolt et al. (2008)).

VDE, VDLs and VDR are all part of thelipocalin family, since they all posses a lipocalindomain (figure 5.2), which is important forthe binding to the substrate (i.e. the xan-thophylls). They also have a cysteine-rich N-terminal domain, essential for the folding ofthe protein (Hieber et al. (2001)), but onlyVDE posses a glutamic acid-rich C-terminaldomain, which is supposed to be importantfor the attachment of the protein to thylakoidmembranes when the lumenal pH drops (Hieberet al. (2001); Morosinotto et al. (2002)).

VDR probably derive from a gene dupli-cation of VDE and is present in all eukary-otic phototrophs (with the exception of red al-gae, Coesel et al. (2008)), which suggests thatthis protein is not specifically related to or-

ganisms that use the Ddx-Dtx XC. The greenalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii lacks a classi-cal VDE in its genome, and VDR may havetaken its role in the XC. VDLs are insteadpresent only in chromalveolates, like diatomsand coccolithophores (Coesel et al. (2008)),which posses the Ddx-Dtx XC. VDLs probablyoriginated from gene duplication after the sec-ondary endosymbiotic event or were lost dur-ing evolution by plants and green algae (Coeselet al. (2008)).

In plants, VDE is a soluble protein in thethylakoid lumen, that is active and interactswith the membranes (were its substrate is lo-cated) in acidic pH conditions (Morosinottoet al. (2002)). Of the four VDEs present indiatoms, only the VDE protein has been char-acterized in vitro. Differently from the plantVDE, the diatom enzyme is active not onlyin acidic environments but already at neutralpH (Jakob et al. (2001)), and it has a higherKM for the co-factor ascorbate (Grouneva et al.(2006)). With the characterization of knock-down mutants, VDE in P. tricornutum has alsobeen demonstrated to be involved in the con-version of Ddx to Dtx in vivo (Lavaud et al.(2012)).

Despite the ecological relevance of diatomsand the fact they accumulate large amountsof xanthophylls, their carotenoids biosyntheticpathway and their xanthophyll cycles are stillnot fully characterized (Dambek et al. (2012);Mikami and Hosokawa (2013)). Moreover, thereactions leading to the formation of diadinox-anthin and fucoxanthin, the main xanthophyllsinvolved in the XC and light harvesting respec-tively, are only hypothetical, since no putativecatalyzing enzyme could be found in P. tricor-nutum genome (Dambek et al. (2012); Coeselet al. (2008)). The involvement of VDL2 andVDR in the xanthophyll cycles also lacks ex-perimental proofs, even though both genes arestrongly induced by prolonged high light (Ny-mark et al. (2009)), suggesting a possible in-volvement in photoprotection.

Here, we show that knock-down mutantsfor VDR and VDL2 are not impaired in de-epoxidase reactions but rather in the conver-sion of pigments from the Vz-Zx pool to the

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Chapter 5. The Xanthophyll Cycles in Phaeodactylum tricornutum

Figure 5.1 – Putative carotenoids biosynthetic pathway in diatoms. The schema represents the twodiatom xanthophyll cycles and the putative biosynthetic pathway. Due to the lack of the enzyme lycopene ε-cyclases, that convert lycopene to α-carotene, diatoms do not posses α-carotene and lutein. Putative reactionsare represented by dashed arrows. Abbreviations correspond to: ZEPs, zeaxanthin epoxidase 1, 2 and 3; VDEs,violaxanthin de-epoxidase, -like and -related proteins.

Figure 5.2 – Domain structure of violaxanthin de-epoxidases and related proteins. Schematic repre-sentation of domains in VDE, VDL and VDR proteins. The N-terminal contains the chloroplst target sequenceand a cysteine-rich domain, essential for the folding of the proteins. Conserved and divergent cysteine residues areindicated with black and red asterisks, respectively. The central lipocalin domain, which is important for the bind-ing to the substrate, is indicate with as white rectangle; conserved or divergent lipocalin motifs are represented asblack or red roman numbers, respectively. In the C-term domain, the percentage of glutamic acid residues is indi-cated. Abbreviations indicate: At, Arabidopsis thaliana. Ta, Triticum aestivum. Pt, Phaeodactylum tricornutum,Tp, Thalassiosira pseudonana. Mt, Medicago truncatula. Image from Coesel et al. (2008).

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Section 5.2. Materials and Methods

Ddx-Dtx pool, suggesting that these proteinsare involved in the biosynthetic pathway of xan-thophylls. The accumulation of Vx and Zx inthe knock-down mutants leads to a decreased

NPQ capacity, indicating that Zx, contrary towhat happens in plants, does not enhance qEin diatoms, which is solely regulated by Dtxcontent.

5.2 Materials and Methods

Diatom growth conditions: The P. tri-cornutum (Pt1 8.6, CCMP2561) cultures, ob-tained from the Provasoli-Guillard NationalCenter for Culture of Marine Phytoplankton,were used for the gene expression and photo-physiology analyses. Cells were grown in ven-tilated flasks in f/2 medium (Guillard (1975))at 18 °C, in continuous light using white fluo-rescence neon lamps (Philips TL-D 90), at 30µmol m−2 s−1 (low light). High light treat-ments were performed by irradiating the cellswith 500 µmol m−2 s−1 for 24h, in continu-ous light regime, always using the same lightsources.

Generation of transgenic knock-downlines: Antisense vectors for VDL2 and VDRgene silencing were generated by amplifyingtheir 3’UTR sequences, using the primers de-scribed in supplementary table 5.2. An EcoRIrestriction site was added to forward primesand an XbaI site to the reverse ones and thePCR products were then cloned in the diatomsilencing vector. The final constructs, con-tained the antisense sequence, cloned down-stream toh the Shble gene for phleomycin re-sistance and under the control of the same pro-moter and terminator (figure 5.3).

Figure 5.3 – Antisense construct. Antisense con-struct used for gene silencing. H4p: histone 4 promoter;Shble: gene for phleomycin resistance. XbaI and EcoRI:restriction sites used in the cloning process; FcpA term:FcpA terminator. Antisense: short antisense sequencefor gene silencing.

Heterologous protein expression in Es-cherichia coli : VDR and VDL2 coding se-quences were cloned in pDEST17 vectors forbacterial heterologous expression and used totransform Rosetta 6 strain of Escherichia coli.The expression of the proteins was induced with500 µM of IPTG, at 18°C over-night. Both theproteins accumulate in the non-soluble inclu-sion bodies, which were then purified as in Bo-nente et al. (2011) and used to immunize differ-ent rabbits. The antibodies for VDR were pro-duced by Agrisera, and checked for their speci-ficity both with total diatom proteins extractsand against the recombinant proteins from E.coli. The VDL2 antibody has been produced atthe University of Padua and the tests to verifyits activity is currently on-going.

RNA extraction and qRT-PCR analy-sis: Total RNA was isolated from 108 cellswith TriPure isolation reagent (Roche AppliedScience, IN, USA) according to the manu-facturer’s instructions. Quantitative real-timePCR (qRT-PCR) was performed on wild-typecells and on the knock-down clones as describedin De Riso et al. (2009). The relative quantifi-cation of the different VDEs and ZEPs tran-scripts was obtained using RPS (ribosomal pro-tein small subunit 30S; ID10847) as referencegene, and fold changes were calculated with the2−∆∆Ct Livak method (Livak and Schmittgen(2001)). Primer sequences used in qRT-PCRanalysis are reported supplementary table 5.3.

Protein extraction and western blot anal-ysis: Western blot analyses were performedon total cell protein extracts prepared as inBailleul et al. (2010), and resolved on 10% or14% LDS–PAGE gels. Proteins were detectedwith different antibodies: anti-LHCSR (giftof G. Peers, University of California, Berke-

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ley, CA, USA) (1:5000); anti-D2 (gift of J.-D. Rochaix, University of Geneva, Switzerland)(1:10 000); anti-PsaF (1:1000) and anti-βCF1(1:10 000) (gift of F.-A. Wollman, Institutde Biologie Physico-Chimique, Paris, France);anti-HA primary antibody (Roche) (1:2000).Antibodies anti-VDR were produced by Agris-era, anti-VDL2 were produced at the Universityof Padua (Italy), both using proteins expressedand purified from E. coli. Proteins were re-vealed with Clarity reagents (Bio-Rad) and anImage Quant LAS4000 camera (GE Healthcare,USA).

Electron Transport Rate and Non-Photochemical Quenching measure-ments: Light-induced fluorescence kineticswere measured using a fluorescence CCD cam-era recorder (JTS-10, BeamBio, France) asdescribed (Johnson et al. (2009)) on cells at1–2×106 cells ml–1. Fv/Fm was calculatedas (Fm–F0)/Fm. NPQ was calculated as(Fm–Fm’)/Fm’ (Bilger and Bjorkman, 1990),where Fm and Fm’ are the maximum fluores-cence emission levels in the dim light and highlight-acclimated cells, measured with a satu-rating pulse of light. All samples were adaptedto dim light (10 µmol m−2 s−1) for 15min at 18°C before measurements. The maximal NPQresponse was measured upon exposure for 10min to saturating green light of 950 µmol m−2

s−1. Actinic lights of 320, 520 and 950 µmolm−2 s−1 were used to obtain different levelsof NPQ for the NPQ vs diatoxanthin plots.The relative electron transfer rate (rETRPSII)was measured with a JTS-10 spectrophotome-ter at different light intensities (20, 170, 260,320, 520, and 950 µmol m−2 s−1), by changinglight every 4 min. rETRPSII was calculated as:Y2×light intensity, where Y2 is the efficiencyof PSII.

Absorption and Fluorescence measure-ments: Room temperature absorption spec-

tra were recorded using an SLM-AmincoDK2000 spectrophotometer, in F/2 medium.The wavelength sampling step was 0.4 nm. Flu-orescence emission spectra were measured us-ing a Jobin-Yvon Fluoromax-3 device, excit-ing cells at 475 nm. Antenna size was mea-sured as in Ferrante et al. (2012). Fast light-induced chlorophyll fluorescence OJIP curves(Kautsky effect) were measured in vivo us-ing a homemade fluorimeter (Antal and Rubin(2008); Stirbet and Govindjee (2011)). Cellsin exponential phase of growth were collected,10X concentrated and dark adapted for 30 min-utes. A light intensity of 1100µmol photonsm−2 s−1 was used and the measurement wasstopped after 1 second of treatment.

Pigment Analysis: Pigments from WT andmutant cells were extracted using 96% ethanol,buffered with Na2CO3. Cells were either takenfrom growing light, quickly filtered and frozenin liquid nitrogen, or collected during the NPQmeasurement (for pigment vs NPQ correla-tion plots) and immediately frozen in liquidnitrogen. Pigment extraction was performedin ice, at the dark, for 30 minutes and cen-trifuged. The supernatant was loaded in aHPLC Thermo with a detector Diode array foranalyze the visible region with a C18 spherisorbcolumn (7.3 x 30mm) and ran using an aqueousmixture of acetonitrile/methanol/0.1 M Tris-HCI buffer (pH 8.0) (72:8:3, buffer A) and amethanol hexane mixture (4:1, buffer B). Theruns were done at a flux of 1.5 mL, starting with100% buffer A: 0-5 min 97% A, 5-17 min a gra-dient to 80% A, 17-18 min to 100% of bufferB, 18-23 min 100% B, 23-27 min to 85% bufferA, 27-29 min to 100% A. Pigments are distin-guishable by the retention time and by theirabsorption spectrum. De-epoxidation state wascalculated as (Zx+ 1

2Ax)/(Zx+Ax+Vx) or as(Dtx)/(Dtx+Ddx) (Ruban et al. (2004); Bo-nente et al. (2011)).

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Section 5.3. Results

5.3 Results

Regulation of VDR and VDL2 by light:In P. tricornutum, four proteins putatively in-volved in de-epoxidation have been identified(Coesel et al. (2008)), but, with the exceptionof VDE (Lavaud et al. (2012)), their functionis still unknown. Transcriptomic analysis of P.tricornutum cells exposed to high light showsthat VDR and VDL2 are both induced afterprolonged (12-24h) light stress (Nymark et al.(2009)), suggesting their possible involvementin photoprotection. We thus decided to char-acterize these two proteins, in order to obtainnovel information of their function and on theregulation of the xanthophyll cycles.

To confirm VDR and VDL2 induction alsoat the protein level, we produced antibodies torecognize these two proteins. We then analyzesprotein expression in cells adapted to low light(LL, 30 µmol photons m−2 s−1) or following aLL to high light shift (HL, 500 µmol photonsm−2 s−1) for different time periods. In accor-dance with the transcriptomic data, we foundthat VDR is expressed to low levels in LL and itis accumulated upon continuous HL exposure,steadily increasing over time (figure 5.4)1.

Figure 5.4 – VDR induction upon high light ex-posure. Immunoblot analysis of VDR accumulation.Protein content was measured in low light adapted cells(LL) and after exposure to high light for 3h, 7h and 24h.Immunoblot analysis of the H3 (histone 3) is shown asa control for loading.

mRNA and protein quantification inknock-down lines: To knock-down VDL2and VDR, we transformed P. tricornutumcells with antisense constructs that target the3’UTR region of the transcript of each gene (fig-

ure 5.3). The obtained mutants were screenedfor their NPQ capacities, and approximatelyhalf of the vdr and vdl2 putative knock-downlines screened were affected in photoprotection(lower NPQ and PSII efficiency) compared tothe WT after 24h of HL (supplementary 5.10).No statistically significant difference was de-tected in LL adapted cells or after short ex-posure to HL.

The two lines with the strongest NPQ phe-notype were further characterized at molecularlevel, together with the wild-type strain and anaspecific transgenic line carrying only the an-tibiotic resistance gene (figure 5.6). Analysisof the mRNA levels by qRT-PCR showed thatboth vdr knock-down lines had a lower level ofVDR mRNAs after 24h of HL stress, indicatingsuccessful gene silencing (figure 5.5 A). Reduc-tion of VDR after HL exposure was also con-firmed at the protein level for the two knock-down lines (figure 5.5 C). On the contrary, vdl2knock-down lines showed an up-regulation ofVDL2 (figure 5.5 A), and a slight increase ofthe ZEP mRNA (figure 5.5 B). An increase inthe mRNA level of the target gene, when usinggene silencing techniques, is not uncommon indiatom lines expressing the antisense constructs(De Riso et al. (2009); Lavaud et al. (2012)).However, since the test of anti-VDL2 antibodyis still on going, it has not been possible for usto asses if the putative vdl2 knock-down linesshow a reduced content of VDL2 protein.

Characterization of photosynthetic pro-teins, antenna size and growth: To checkif the misregulation of VDR and VDL2 haveany adverse effect on photosystems (PS), wemeasured the accumulation of proteins of thePSI core (PsaF), PSII core (D2), antenna pro-teins LHCFs and the photoprotective antennaeLHCXs, both for cells acclimated to LL or after24h of HL (supplementary figure 5.11). Noneof the knock-down lines showed differences in

1Since I’m currently testing the antibody for VDL2 , only the result regarding VDR are shown.

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Figure 5.5 – mRNA and protein levels of xanthophyll cycle genes in P. tricornutum knock-downlines. mRNA relative abundance of genes putatively involved in the de-epoxidase (A) and epoxidase (B) reactionsof the xanthophyll cycles in P. tricornutum in response to 24h of high light stress. (A) VDE, VDL1, VDL2 andVDR transcript levels in control line (CL) and knock-down mutants for vdr and vdl2. (B) ZEP1, ZEP2 andZEP3 transcript levels in control line (CL) and knock-down mutants for vdr and vdl2. Transcript abundancewas measured by qRT-PCR using RPS as the reference gene and normalized to the wild type expression value(log2 scale). (C) Immunoblotting analysis of VDR protein accumulation in P. tricornutum WT, control line andvdr knock-down lines in cells exposed to 24h of high light stress; immunoblot analysis of the H3 (histone 3) isshown as a control for loading. qRT-PCR measurement are the average of three biological replicas and error barsrepresent standard error. Asterisks indicate the results of two-tailed Student t-tests: *p<0.05. Immunoblots werereproduced three times.

Figure 5.6 – NPQ and PSII efficiency in P. tricornutum wild-type and knock-down lines. NPQmaximal level (A) and PSII efficiency (Fv/Fm) (B) of wild-type (WT), control line (CL) and two independentknock-down transgenic lines for VDR (orange lines) and VDL2 (blue lines). Each NPQ and Fv/Fm measure-ment is the average of at least three times, error bars represent standard error. Asterisks indicate the results oftwo-tailed Student t-tests: *p<0.05; **p<0.01.

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Section 5.3. Results

photosynthetic proteins accumulation with re-spect to WT and control line, both in LL orHL conditions. In all genotypes, PsaF protein(of the PSI core) was unaffected by LL to HLshift, while D2 protein (PSII core) was reducedin HL with respect to LL, in agreement withPSII photoinhibition (Adir et al. (2003); Ny-mark et al. (2009)). Accumulation of LHCF an-tenna proteins was only slightly affected by HLtreatment, with an increase of lower molecularweight isoforms, as already shown by Lepetitet al. (2012). HL exposure caused the accumu-lation of the photoprotective antennae LHCX2and 3 (see chapter 4), while LHCX1 was al-ready present in LL conditions (Bailleul et al.(2010)).

Antenna size of PSII can be estimated fromchlorophyll fluorescence kinetics in the pres-ence of the PSII inhibitor DCMU (Ferranteet al. (2012)): the antenna size of vdr andvdl2 knock-down mutants was not altered inLL or HL, with respect to WT and control line(supplementary figure 5.12). Also the plasto-quinone pool was not influenced in the knock-down mutants (supplementary figure 5.12), asshown by the area above the JI-phase of theOJIP curve, which is proportional to the sizeof the plastoquinone pool (Toth et al. (2007);Grouneva et al. (2009)).

Energy transfer of photosystems reactioncenters, measured by fluorescence spectra at77K on entire cells exposed to 24h of HL, wasalso not affected, since no direct fluorescenceemission FCP antennae was detected (supple-mentary figure 5.13).

No difference was found in growth rate, aswell as in electron transport rates of photosys-tem II, nor in LL neither in HL conditions (sup-plementary figure 5.14).

Pigment content in knock-down mutants:Since VDR and VDL2 have been proposed tobe enzymes involved in the XC (Coesel et al.(2008)), in order to understand their specificfunction we measured the pigment content inthe knock-down lines, both in continuous LLand HL conditions.

HPLC analysis allowed the detection ofchlorophyll a and c, β-carotene, fucoxanthin

(Fx), diadinoxanthin (Ddx) and diatoxanthin(Dtx), violaxanthin (Vx), antheraxanthin (Ax)and zeaxanthin (Zx), and the putative interme-diate neoxanthin (Nx), as identified by Dambeket al. (2012). Chlorophyll c1 and c2 were de-tected as a single peak.

Pigment content in knock-down lines for vdrand vdl2 was identical to that of WT and con-trol line both in LL and after 3h and 7h of HLtreatment (data not shown), in agreement withNPQ analysis. Significant differences were in-stead detected after 24h of HL (figure 5.7): inparticular, total content of Ddx and Dtx (DDpool) was decreased in knock-down mutants byaround 19 and 30% in vdr and vdl2 respec-tively, while the content of Vx, Ax and Zx (VAZpool) was increased by 3 to 4 times, so that thetotal amount of pigments involved in the twoXCs was not statistically different (figure 5.7A).

Regarding the pigments of the VAZ pool,Zx was accumulated to high extent (8 to 10times more) in knock-down mutants comparedto WT, while Ax and Vx had a more moder-ate increase (figure 5.1 B), thus resulting in amuch higher de-epoxidation state in vdr andvdl2 (DES, figure 5.1 F).

In the DD pool, Ddx was more reduced thanDtx in all the knock-down mutants, also hereresulting in a higher DES (figure 5.1 C and G).

The imbalance between the DD and VAZpools and the higher DES suggest that bothVDR and VDL2 proteins may not be involvedin the de-epoxidation reactions of the XCs (i.e.the conversion of Vx in Zx and Ddx in Dtx),but rather in the biosynthetic pathway of xan-thophylls, in particular in the hypothetical re-actions that connect the two cycles (figure 5.1).

The increase of Zx and reduction of Dtx leadto an imbalance of the “photoprotective” xan-thophylls in all the knock-down mutants: while,in WT and control line, for every molecule ofZx there were around 75 molecules of Dtx, invdr this ratio was 12 times lower (1:6) and invdl2 almost 18 times lower (1:4) (figure 5.1 E).

Xanthophylls that are putative intermedi-ate between the two XCs or derived from Ddxwere also identified, but nor Fx neither Nxshowed a strong and coherent change in the

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Figure 5.7 – HPLC pigment analysis. Pigment content of cells exposed to 24h of HL, measured via HPLC andnormalized for chlorophyll a content. (A) Total level of diadino-diatoxanthin (DD) and viola-antera-zeaxanthin(VAZ) pools. (B) Levels of the pigments involved in the viola-zeaxanthin cycle. (C) Levels of the pigments involvedin the diadino-diatoxanthin cycle. (D) Levels of neoxanthin and fucoxanthin. (E) Ratio between zeaxanthin anddiatoxanthin content in WT, control and knock-down mutant lines. (F) De-epoxidation states (DES) of of theviola-antera-zeaxanthin xanthophyll pool (VAZ) calculated as (Zx+(Ax/2))/(Zx+Ax+Vx). (G) De-epoxidationstates (DES) of the diadino-diatoxanthin xanthophyll pool (DD) calculated as Dtx/(Dtx+Ddx). Vertical axes in(F) and (G) are cutted beween 0 and 50%. Asterisks indicate the results of two-tailed Student t-tests: *p<0.05.**p<0.01. ***p<0.001. Data are the average of six biological replicas, error bars represent standard error.

knock-down mutants (figure 5.1 D).

Correlation between pigment contentand NPQ: Non-Photochemical Quenching(NPQ) in diatoms is positively correlated withDtx accumulation, even if the delta pH is abol-ished (Goss et al. (2006)), indicating the funda-mental importance of this xanthophyll in pho-toprotection. On the contrary, the role of Zxin organisms containing the Ddx-Dtx cycle isnot clear (Lohr and Wilhelm (1999)). To ad-dress this question, we correlated the pigmentcontent of the knock-down mutants, character-ized by an high Vx and Zx content, with NPQ,measured with different actinic light intensities.

LL adapted cells of WT, control line, vdrand vdl2 knock-down mutants all shown a lin-ear correlation between Dtx content and maxi-mal NPQ (figure 5.8 A and B), with no differ-ence between genotypes. In our growth con-ditions, the slope of the correlation curve issimilar to what was previously measured (Goss

et al. (2006); Lavaud and Lepetit (2013); Schu-mann et al. (2007)). After 24h of HL stress,WT and control line both decrease the slope ofthe correlation between Dtx and NPQ, indicat-ing that in HL more pigments were needed todevelop the same NPQ capacity, in agreementwith Schumann et al. (2007). We found thatearly Dtx accumulation, up to approximately0.03 mol of Dtx/mol of Chl a, did not lead toany NPQ activity (figure 5.8 C and D), sug-gesting that this pool of Dtx is not involved inquenching.

Both the knock-down lines for vdr and vdl2showed a much stronger decrease of the quench-ing efficacy per Dtx molecule with respect toWT (figure 5.8 C and D), suggesting that theimbalanced pigment content present in theselines had an impact on the ability of Dtx toinduce NPQ.

Zx was only detectable after the HL treat-ment and, contrary to Dtx, it did not correlateto NPQ (figure 5.9).

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Section 5.3. Results

Figure 5.8 – NPQ diatoxanthin correlation. Correlation between diatoxanthin (Dtx) content and NPQlevels in low light adapted cells (A and B) and cells exposed to 24h of high light (C and D). WT (circles) andcontrol line (squares) are indicated in black, vdr knock-down mutants in orange, vdl2 knock-down mutants inlight blue. Coefficients of regression lines and R2 parameter are indicated for each plot. Diatoxanthin level isnormalized over chlorophyll a. Data represent four biological replicas.

Figure 5.9 – NPQ zeaxanthin correlation. Correlation between zeaxanthin (Zx) content and NPQ level forcells exposed to 24h of high light. WT (circles) and control line (squares) are indicated in black, vdr knock-downmutants in orange (A), vdl2 knock-down mutants in light blue (B). Coefficients of regression lines and R2 param-eter are indicated for each plot. Zeaxanthin level is normalized over chlorophyll a. Data represent four biologicalreplicas.

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Chapter 5. The Xanthophyll Cycles in Phaeodactylum tricornutum

5.4 Discussion

Diatoms show great photoprotective capac-ities, and in particular higher NPQ levels withrespect to most land plants (Ruban et al.(2004); Brunet and Lavaud (2010)). Thesephotoprotective mechanisms likely contributeto their ecological success in highly dynamicand turbulent environments (Margalef (1978);Field (1998); Kooistra et al. (2007) and chap-ter 4). Due to their particular evolutionary his-tory, and notably their secondary endosymbi-otic derived plastid, diatoms accumulate differ-ent pigments with respect to the green lineage,like fucoxanthin, diadinoxanthin (Ddx) and di-atoxanthin (Dtx) (Kuczynska et al. (2015)), butneither the biosynthetic pathways generatingthese pigments nor their role in the photopro-tection is completely understood.

Here we studied the role of VDR and VDL2,two of the enzymes putatively involved in thede-epoxidation reactions of Vx and Ddx in P.tricornutum. VDR gene is widely spread amongall eukaryotic phototroph (with the exceptionof red algae), while VDL2 seems to be specificto chromalveolates (Coesel et al. (2008)), whichposses both the Vx and Ddx cycles. Remark-ably, no information regarding the functions ofVDR and VDL2 has been reported so far in anyphotosynthetic organism.

Both VDR and VDL2 transcripts are upregulated in prolonged HL stress (Nymark et al.(2009)), and we observed a similar inductionalso at the protein level for VDR (figure 5.4).This indicates a possible involvement of thesetwo proteins in long-term light acclimation re-sponses (Eberhard et al. (2008)), and moti-vated us to further characterize their functions.

After the generation of independent trans-genic lines containing antisense constructs spe-cific for VDL2 and VDR genes, we screenedthe putative knock-down lines for their photo-protective capacities. We found several trans-genic lines for both genes that showed a reducedNPQ capacity after a 24h continuous high light(HL) stress, while their NPQ levels were equalto that of the WT in LL conditions (figure 5.6A).

These knock-down mutants showed no ma-

jor defect in photosynthetic proteins accumula-tion (supplementary 5.11), in antenna size andin photosystem assembly state (supplementaryfigure 5.13). No significant growth differenceor change in electron transport rate was alsofound (supplementary figure 5.14).

Pigment content analysis did instead reveala strong difference between vdr and vdl2 knock-down and WT lines, with the formers accu-mulating high amounts of Vx-Ax-Zx pigments(VAZ pool) and lower level of Ddx and Dtx (DDpool). Reduction of VDR and VDL2 did notnegatively impact de-epoxidation (figure 5.7 Fand G), differently for what reported for vdeknock-down lines (Lavaud et al. (2012)). Theseresults suggest that VDR and VDL2 proteinsmight be involved in the reactions that connectthe two XC (figure 5.1) rather that in the de-epoxidation of Vx and Ddx in excessive lightconditions. In both the knock-down mutants,in fact, the reduced content of VDR and VDL2decreased the conversion of the VAZ pigmentsinto DD, and preliminary biochemical analysisindicates that VDR and VDL2 are indeed notable to catalyze Vx or Ddx de-epoxidation invitro (Martin Lohr, personal communication).

Dambek et al. (2012) recently proposedneoxanthin as the intermediate molecule thatwould connect the two XCs, with fucoxanthinalso deriving from either neoxanthin or Ddx(figure 5.1). In our vdl2 and vdr knock-downlines, no significant difference in the accumula-tion of neoxanthin or fucoxanthin was detected,and three possible explanations can account forthis: 1) VDR and VDL2 might be involvedin reactions that directly convert Zx into Dtxor Ax into Ddx (figure 5.1), and neoxanthinand fucoxanthin could derive from Vx. In thiscase, VDR function in diatoms would be dif-ferent than in plants and green algae (that donot posses Dtx and Ddx); 2) Other interme-diate pigments, which were not detected in theHPLC analysis, could be involved in alternativereactions connecting the two cycles, which wecurrently ignore. 3) the involvement of neoxan-thin as an intermediate between Vx and Ddx,proposed by Dambek et al. (2012), may be in-

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Section 5.4. Discussion

correct.Together with the increased VAZ pool,

vdr and vdl2 knock-down mutants had twoother visible phenotypes: i) an increased de-epoxidation state (DES) of VAZ pool (i.e. anhigher accumulation of Zx with respect to Vx-figure 5.7 F) and ii) the already mentionedlower NPQ max level with respect to WT.

The higher DES of the VAZ pool inthe knock-down mutants indicates again thatVDR and VDL2 are not involved in the de-epoxidation reactions. This higher DES canhave different explanations: on one hand, it canbe due to the action of the violaxanthin de-epoxidase (VDE) protein. Since this enzymecan use both Vx and Ddx as a substrate invitro (Yamamoto and Higashi (1978)), the ac-cumulation of Vx in the knock-down mutantsmay increase the portion of Vx dissolved in thy-lakoid membranes available for de-epoxidation.On the other hand, VDR and VDL2 may beinvolved in reactions that directly convert Zxinto Dtx (figure 5.1), thus the decrease of theseproteins content would lead to an accumulationof their substrate.

To find an explanation for the lower NPQin mutants accumulating Zx, we correlated pig-ment content to NPQ level at different light in-tensities. Dtx content has been already shownto linearly correlate with NPQ (Goss et al.(2006)), with the slope of the regression line(representing the efficacy of quenching per Dtxmolecule) lowering in HL conditions (Schu-mann et al. (2007)). Data in figure 5.8 are inagreement with previous findings for P. tricor-nutum, with the exception that in HL treatedcells, early Dtx accumulation (up to approxi-mately 0.03 mol of Dtx/mol of Chl a) did notlead to any NPQ activity. This may either bedue: i) to incomplete epoxidation of Dtx dur-ing dim light incubation, before NPQ measure-ment; ii) or to the different light treatmentsused with respect to previous studies (7µE inLL and 100 µE in HL for Schumann et al.(2007), 30µE in LL and 500 µE in HL in thiswork), which created a distinctive pool of Dtxnot bound to FCPs, and thus not involved inthermal dissipation (Schumann et al. (2007)).

The higher Zx content in vdr and vdl2 was

instead not active in NPQ, as demonstrate bythe lack of any correlation between Zx accu-mulation and NPQ (figure 5.9). This find-ing is in strong contrast to the role of Zxin plants, were higher de-epoxidation and in-creased VAZ pool augment NPQ capacities(Goss et al. (2006); Goss and Lepetit (2014);Dall’Osto et al. (2005)).

A possible reason for the lower quenching ef-ficiency of diatoxanthin in vdr and vdl2 knock-downs in HL (figure 5.8), could be that theabnormal accumulation of VAZ pigments leadsto the binding of Vx and Zx to carotenoid-binding sites in the FCP proteins that shouldbe occupied by Ddx and Dtx, thus reducingthe quenching capacity. A similar substitutionof carotenoids in LHC proteins was found inthe case of Zx-deficient mutants, where luteinoccupies the site where usually Zx is present(Li et al. (2009)), and in lutein-deficient mu-tants, where Vx takes its place (Pogson et al.(1998); Pogson and Rissler (2000); Dall’Ostoet al. (2006)). This indicates some flexibilityin the selectivity of carotenoid-binding sites.

According to the most recent data, FCPmonomers in diatoms bind 18 pigments in to-tal, notably eight Chl a, eight Fx and two Chlc (Premvardhan et al. (2010)). In HL condi-tions, one Dtx molecule is also probably boundper FCP proteins, where it can act as directquencher or allosteric modulators (Lavaud andLepetit (2013)), even though its not known if itoccupies a V1-like or L2-like carotenoid-bindingsite, has what happens in plants (Morosinottoet al. (2002, 2003)). The presence of Zx in thehypothetical V1 or L2 sites would not lead to aswitch in the conformation of the antenna pro-tein, thus keeping the FCPs in the light har-vesting state and not in the dissipative state(Liguori et al. (2015); Schaller-Laudel et al.(2015)).

In addition to that, FCP proteins are usu-ally surrounded by a lipid shield of monogalac-tosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG), where Ddx can bemuch better solubilized than Vx (Goss et al.(2005, 2009); Lepetit et al. (2010)). In vdr andvdl2 knock-down mutants, the higher amountof Vx could be thus not completely solubilizedin the MGDG shield, leading to the binding

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Chapter 5. The Xanthophyll Cycles in Phaeodactylum tricornutum

of Vx to antenna proteins. On the contrary,Ddx could be completely dissolved in the lipidphase, where it would not be involved in NPQ(Schumann et al. (2007)).

It is in fact known that Ddx and Dtx (DDpool) can be found in four distinctive pools,not all of which are active in NPQ (Lavaudand Lepetit (2013); Lepetit et al. (2010)). DDcan be 1) free in the thylakoid membrane; 2) inthe lipid MGDG shied around PSII and FCPproteins; 3) bound to FCP proteins involved inlight harvesting, notably to antennae of PSI; 4)bound to FCPs involved in quenching.

The presence of high concentration of VAZpigments would thus change the balance ofthe DD pigments between the above mentionedfour pools, reducing the amount of Dtx in thelast one and changing the slope of the relation-ship NPQ vs Dtx.

Pigments dissolved in thylakoid membranesand in MGDG domains have two main func-tions, the first being a reservoir for de-epoxidation and/or fucoxanthin synthesis (inHL and LL conditions respectively) (Lohr andWilhelm (1999)), the second preventing lipidperoxidation and scavenging of singlet oxygen.In plants, Zx is not only an enhancer of NPQ,since it also has an antioxidant role in detox-ifying reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Havauxet al. (2007); Dall’Osto et al. (2010)), and asimilar double function has also been proposedfor Dtx in diatoms (Lepetit et al. (2010)).

Our data suggest that Zx is not involvedin NPQ in P. tricornutum, and yet we can-not completely exclude a role of this pigment inphotoprotective mechanisms, since Zx can stillretain an anti-oxidative function. The compar-ative analysis of reactive oxygen species (ROS)and scavenging activity in wild-type and thetransgenic lines with an increased Zx contentgenerated in this work could help to addressthis important function.

Dtx molecules active in NPQ are probablybound to LHCX and LHCR proteins, as thesenuclear-encoded antennae are the only LHCexpressed in HL (Nymark et al. (2009)), andnewly synthesized Dtx does not increase NPQif nuclear gene expression is blocked (Lepetitet al. (2012); Nymark et al. (2009)). Activation

of LHC stress-related proteins (LHCSR) uponbinding of de-epoxidated pigments have beendemonstrated for LHCSR1 in mosses (Pinnolaet al. (2013)). Knock-down of vdr and vdl2have no effect on LHCX and other antenna pro-teins (supplementary 5.11), and the lower NPQis thus likely caused by competitive binding ofZx to the sites destined to Dtx, which wouldnot allowed the switch of LHCs to the quench-ing state.

An interesting and unexpected result of ouranalysis is that the vdr and vdl2 knock-downlines show very similar phenotypes. Both theseproteins belong to the lipocalin family, and pos-sess a conserved lipocalin domain likely impli-cated in the binding to xanthophylls (Arnouxet al. (2009)). We could hypothesized that thetwo proteins might be involved in sequential re-actions (e.g. one catalyzing A→B and the otherB→C) or parallel reactions with similar sub-strates or products (e.g. one catalyzing A→Cand the other B→C). To this stage, we cannot confidently chose any of these alternativeexplanations, and further in vitro and in vivoexperiments are needed to finally asses VDRand VDL2 functions. However, the presence ofVDR genes in all eukaryotic phototrophs (ex-cluding red algae) likely support a function notdirectly related to the presence of a double xan-thophyll cycle. On the contrary, the specific ap-pearance of VDLs in secondary endosymbiontssuggests that these proteins might be involvedin photoprotective mechanisms or biosyntheticpathways typical of these species.

Finally, the results of this chapter show howthe fine regulation of xanthophyll content, andin particular the balance between VAZ and DDpigment pools, is important for the photopro-tection in highly light stress conditions in P.tricornutum. In particular Zx, which is an im-portant enhancer of NPQ in plants, does notincrease the quenching in knock-down mutantswith increased pigment content. VAZ pool wasinstead negatively correlated with NPQ, indi-cating that Dtx is the essential pigment thatallows antenna proteins to switch to the dis-sipative conformation in P. tricornutum. Fur-ther studies are needed to better understandthe biosynthetic pathway of xanthophylls in di-

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Section 5.4. Discussion

atoms, and in particular the reaction that con-nect the two xanthophyll cycles. We are cur-rently working to isolate knock-out mutants for

VDL2, generated with the TALEN™ technology(Daboussi et al. (2014)), which will hopefullyhelp us unrevealing its precise function.

Acknowledgments We thank Alessandro Alboresi and Tomas Morosinotto (University of Padova) forthe help in the production of the anti-VDL2 antibody, Soizic Cheminant Navarro (UPMC) for thetransformation with over-expressing vectors, Marianne Jaubert (UPMC) and Benjamin Bailleul (IBPC)for fruitful discussions.

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Chapter 5. The Xanthophyll Cycles in Phaeodactylum tricornutum

5.5 Supplementary information












Table 5.1 – List of primers used to amplify complete coding sequence of the genes putatively involved in thexanthophyll cycle in P. tricornutum. Two different versions of reverse primers were used, one just adding therestriction site for the cloning in pENTR3c vector (with STOP), the other that also mutated the STOP codon toremove it (without STOP) and add to the coding sequence a C-term HA-tag, present in the destination vector.

Figure 5.10 – NPQ screening of vdr and vdl2 knock-down transgenic lines. NPQ screening of vdr(A)and vdl2 (B) knock-down transgenic lines exposed to 24h of high light stress. Measurements were done usingan actinic light of 950 µmol m−2 s−1.

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Table 5.2 – List of primers used for amplification of antisense fragments of the genes putatively involved in thexanthophyll cycle in P. tricornutum. The restriction sites used for cloning are indicated.


Table 5.3 – List of primers used for qPCR amplification of the genes putatively involved in the xanthophyllcycle in P. tricornutum.

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Figure 5.11 – Immuno blot analysis of photosynthetic proteins. Immuno blot analysis of photosyntheticproteins of the PSI core (PsaF), PSII core (D2), antenna proteins LHCFs (LHCF1-11) and the photoprotectiveantennae LHCXs in wild-type (WT), control line (CL), vdr and vdl2 knock-down lines. Proteins total extractswere extracted from cells adapted to continuous low light or after 24h of high light stress The subunit of thechloroplast ATPase β-CF1 is shown as a representative loading control.

Figure 5.12 – Antenna size, plastoquinone pool and assembly state of PSII supercomplexes. (A)Antenna size of PSII (PSII absorption cross-section), (B) size of the plastoquinone pool (JI Area of the OJIPkinetic) of wild-type, control line, vdr and vdl2 knock-down mutants for low light adapted cell and after 4h or24h of continuous high light exposure.

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Section 5.5. Supplementary information

Figure 5.13 – 77K fluorescence emission spectra. Fluorescence emission spectra of whole cells of wild-type,control line, vdl2 (A) and vdr (B) knock-down mutants after 24h of continuous high light exposure. Fluorescencewavelength emission of PSII (687.5 nm) and PSI and red antennae (712 nm) is indicated. Direct emission of FCPproteins detached from the core would emit fluorescence at 675 nm (Lepetit et al. (2007)). Spectra are normalizedover PSII emission. The experiments were reproduced two times. Error bars represent standard error.

Figure 5.14 – Growth rate and electron transport rate. (A) Growth rate of WT and knock-down mutantsfor cells grown in continuous low light or high light conditions. (B) Relative electron transport rate of PSII (rETRPSII) of WT and knock-down mutants for cells adapted to continuous low light or after 24h of high light stress.rETR PSII was measured at different light intensities (20, 170, 260, 320, 520, and 950 µmol m−2 s−1). Errorbars represent standard error of at least three biological replicates.

Figure 5.15 – Immuno blot analysis of VDR in over expressing lines. Immuno blot screening ofoverexpressing (OE) lines for VDR. Different protein quantities of wild-type (WT) were loaded, OE mutant lineswith VDR sequence (VDR OX) and OE lines with VDR with HA-tag (VDR HA-tag) are shown. VDR OX8, VDRHA-tag 5, 6, and 7 were selected as true overexpressing lines and screened for their photoprotective capacities.In VDR HA-tag 5, 6, and 7 lines, the tagged version of VDR is also visible as the upper band. Proteins wereextracted from cells adapted to low light conditions. The protein histone 3 (H3) is shown as loading control.

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Chapter 6

Conclusion and perspectives

The aim of my thesis was to provide novelinformation about photosynthesis and its dy-namic regulation, with a focus on photopro-tection in green algae, mosses and diatoms. Ifyou arrived at this final chapter of the thesis,I’m pretty sure that by now you know verywell that proteins and pigments used in pho-toprotection can differ quite a lot, but thatthey also share some interesting characteristicsand mechanisms of action, even in distantly re-lated organisms. The three classes of organ-isms I studied diverged hundreds of millions ofyears ago, and they offer a great opportunityto study how photoprotective mechanisms wereconserved, evolved or disappeared in differentlineages.

One fil rouge of the thesis are certainlythe Light Harvesting Complexes Stress-Related(LHCSR) proteins, a family that I studiedin Chlamydomonas (chapter 2), Physcomitrella(chapter 3) and Phaeodactylum (chapter 4).

LHCSR proteins where first identified inC. reinhardtii (Peers et al. (2009)) where theyseemed to substitute the well characterizedPSBS protein, present in higher plants (Li et al.(2000b)), in the induction of NPQ. PSBS is apH sensor, and the protonation of two glutamicacid residues activate photoprotection when pHin the thylakoid lumen drops. A similar mech-anisms was proposed also for LHCSR3, sincein vitro the protein responds to acidificationby lowering its fluorescence lifetime (Bonenteet al. (2011)), an indication that the conforma-tion switches from an unquenched to a thermal

dissipation state.

Bailleul et al. (2010) and Liguori et al.(2015) indicated the C-terminus domain ofthe C. reinhardtii LHCSR3 and P. tricornu-tum LHCX1 proteins as the possible pH-sensor.However, my analysis of LHCSR/LHCX pro-teins alignment shows that the C-term domainis present only in a few algal species (chapter 2).Since LHCSR/LHCXs are present in prettymuch all algae and mosses (with the excep-tion of red algae), I hypothesized that the pH-sensing domain (if it’s really present) shouldbe conserved, to guarantee that these proteinsdetect the excess of light and induce NPQ. In-deed the new protonatable residues I identifiedin chapter 2, which are in the loops betweenthe trans-membrane α-helices, are present notonly in Chlamydomonas, but also in other greenalgal species, in diatoms, and in mosses. Weshowed that these protonatable residues are ex-tremely important for the induction of NPQ invivo in C. reinhardtii, and that the recombi-nant protein without these aminoacids do notrespond to pH changes in vitro. Thanks tothese results, we now know that the pH-sensingfunction of LHCSR/LHCX proteins, that al-lows the organism to perceive the excess oflight by the acidification of thylakoid lumen, isprobably a characteristic that was maintainedthrough evolution, since the identified proto-natable residues are conserved in green algae,diatoms and mosses. A notable and interestingexception is LHCX4 in P. tricornutum, sincethis protein does not have the conserved pH-


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Chapter 6. Conclusion and perspectives

sensing residues identified in the other proteins,suggesting a different function in diatoms pho-toacclimation, as I will discuss below.

Current understanding of NPQ suggeststhat quenching reactions need pigments, witheither the formation of a carotenoid radicalcation (Ahn et al. (2008)), the transfer ofenergy from chlorophylls to the S1 state ofcarotenoids (Ruban et al. (2007)) or a stronglycoupled chlorophylls dimer that can performcharge separation (Muller et al. (2010)). PSBSin higher plants acts as a pH sensor, but itcan’t be the quenching site of excitation energysince it doesn’t bind pigments (Dominici et al.(2002); Bonente et al. (2008)), and thermal dis-sipation takes place in LHC antennae (Gerottoet al. (2015)).

On the contrary, LHCSR/LHCXs do bindpigments, they can form carotenoid radicalcation (Bonente et al. (2011)) and enhance theirquenching capacity after the binding of zeax-anthin (Pinnola et al. (2013)). It was thereforehypothesized that LHCSR/LHCXs can be notonly pH-sensors, as PSBS, but also an actualquenchers of excess energy.

Most of the pigment-binding residues I iden-tified in chapter 3 are present not only in mosses(Physcomitrella), but also in the proteins fromC. reinhardtii (chapter 2) and P. tricornu-tum (unpublished data). This, once again,highlights that these proteins might share acommon mechanisms of action, not just forpH-sensing but also for energy transfer be-tween chromophores. Nevertheless, carotenoid-dependent activation of thermal dissipation inLHCSRs is different, since the protein fromPhyscomitrella strongly enhance its quenchingactivity in the presence of zeaxanthin, while theprotein from Chlamydomonas does not. Thisis in line with the fact that, in C. reinhardtii,lutein contributes more to qE than zeaxanthindoes, as suggested by the fact that mutantslacking lutein are more affected in NPQ thatthose lacking zeaxanthin (Niyogi et al. (1997)).Thus, xanthophyll-dependent photoprotectionseems to have changed during the evolution ofthese organisms, and the specific role of eachpigment in LHCSRs may be different as well.

We are currently continuing the analysis of

pigment-binding mutants of LHCSR1 proteinfrom P. patens both in vitro and in vivo, and asimilar analysis is also on going with LHCSR3from C. reinhardtii. The future results of thesestudies, will hopefully lead to asses whetherthe energy transfer and quenching properties ofLHCSRs in these two organisms rely on similarmechanisms or if the role of their chromophoreshas changed during evolution.

In diatoms, nothing is known on LHCXspigment binding properties and on the possibledependence of their activity upon interactionwith diatoxanthin (or zeaxanthin). These re-main important open questions for future inves-tigation. Unfortunately, preliminary attemptsto reconstitute in vitro LHCX1 to study itscharacteristics have failed (Pool (2011)). Fur-ther work is thus needed to obtain in vitro re-folded diatoms photoprotective antennae, sincethey would be invaluable for the understand-ing of both their pigment-binding properties,as well as for the functional characterizationof the pH-sensing residues identified in LHCSRproteins of the green lineage.

A third feature that distinguishesLHCSR/LHCXs from PSBS is the expansion ofthe members of the LHCSR protein family inalgae and mosses: the plant A. thaliana has infact only one PSBS protein, and the knock-outof its gene completely abolish any qE activity(Li et al. (2000b)). Also in the moss P. patensonly one PSBS protein is present, but here twoLHCSR proteins can support NPQ even in theabsence of PSBS (Alboresi et al. (2010)). Inthe green alga C. reinhardtii, three genes en-coding LHCSRs are present, even though twoof these genes encode for the same aminoacidsequence (Bonente et al. (2011)). Finally, inthe marine diatom P. tricornutum the situa-tion is even more extreme, with four differentLHCX isoforms present in P. tricornutum, andan even more important expansion in otherdiatoms species (chapter 4).

The presence of different members of theLHCSR/LHCX family in the same organismsuggests a diversification of the role of each iso-form: in C. reinhardtii, for example, LHCSR1 isalways present and can induce only a moderateqE (Thuy Binh Truong (2011)). LHCSR3, on

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the contrary, is induced under excessive lightconditions or low CO2 (Peers et al. (2009);Correa-Galvis et al. (2016)), but can lead to amuch stronger NPQ. This might indicate thatthe extent of photoprotection in different lightconditions is regulated by the abundance ofthese two isoforms.

In mosses, differential regulation of the twoLHCSR proteins seems to be also related tostress responses, since LHCSR1 and 2 are in-duced by excessive light conditions and coldstress respectively (Gerotto et al. (2011)).

I found in diatoms a similar scenario: thefour LHCX isoforms in P. tricornutum are infact differently regulated by both light andstress conditions, such as nutrient starvation.One protein, LHCX1, is always present and caninduce high level of NPQ, but high light expo-sure induce the expression of other isoforms aswell, namely LHCX2 and LHCX3, while nutri-ents starvation can lead to the accumulationof either LHCX2, 3 or 4. Lastly, cold stressimpact only the expression of LHCX1 (unpub-lished data). The role of all these proteins onphotoprotection is yet still mysterious, sinceknock-down mutants of LHCX2, 3 and 4 do nothave a clear NPQ phenotype, likely because ofthe strong expression of LHCX1 in these lines(Lucilla Taddei, personal communication).

A notable outlier in the LHCX family isLHCX4: this protein, in fact, is accumulatedafter dark incubation, and its mRNA levelquickly drops upon light exposure. In addi-tion to that, LHCX4 has most of the pigment-binding sites found in the protein from P.patens (unpublished data) but does not con-serve the pH-sensing residues identified in C.reinhardtii. As suggested in chapter 4, LHCX4may be involved in the regulation of chloroplastphysiology upon sudden re-illumination after aperiod of darkness (e.g. during day to nighttransition, when cells are transported at thesurface or in cells that experience long periodsof darkness at high latitudes).

Once again, tuning of LHCSR/LHCX pro-tein abundance seems to be a regulative mech-anisms “of higher level” than lumenal acidifica-tion or redox potential (since without proteinno other regulation can occure). In general,

the complex regulation suggests a diversifica-tion of LHCXs function, and the presence ofmultiple proteins can be an advantage to finelyregulate photoacclimation responses in highlyvariable environments, like in rapidly mixingwater bodies or in the underbrush. However,further characterization of the function of eachLHCX isoform will be needed to support thishypothesis, and hopefully TALENs™ will hepus to reach this goal (see later).

Regulation of photosynthesis and photopro-tection in diatoms can’t really be understoodwithout also looking at xanthophyll composi-tion, since these pigments are so importantfor light harvesting, triplet quenching, ROSscavenging and thermal dissipation. Diatomsbrownish color is in fact due to their high con-tent in xanthophylls (in particular fucoxanthin)with respect to chlorophylls. Diadino/diatox-anthin content in P. tricornutum can be ashigh as 1/7 or total chlorophyll content (Lavaud(2002); Ruban et al. (2004)), and high accumu-lation of these pigments allows P. tricornutumto reach NPQ values up to 10 (Lavaud (2002)).

The importance of xanthophylls in photo-protection in diatoms is clearly shown by thestrict correlation between diatoxanthin contentand NPQ level in different species (Goss et al.(2006)). In plants, zeaxanthin alone inducesvery little NPQ (the qZ component, Nilkenset al. (2010)), as protonation of LHC is neededto maintain an active quenching. Upon the col-lapse of the proton gradient throughout thy-lakoidal membranes in fact, NPQ is also in-stantly reduced in plants (Goss et al. (2006)),as the major qE component is dependent on∆pH. In diatoms, on the contrary, diatoxanthinalone can sustain NPQ, even after the additionof an uncoupler that destroys the proton gra-dient (Goss et al. (2006)), a fact that questionsif the division between qE and qZ is applicableto these microalgae.

As diadino- and diatoxanthin are accumu-lated to such high levels, little attention hasbeen given to viola- and zeaxanthin in diatoms,which have been ignored in most of the re-cent publications (Lavaud (2002); Goss et al.(2006); Lepetit et al. (2010); Lavaud et al.(2012); Lavaud and Lepetit (2013); Schellen-

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Chapter 6. Conclusion and perspectives

berger Costa et al. (2013)). Zeaxanthin involve-ment in photoprotection in diatoms (either viaNPQ or ROS scavenging) was, to my knowl-edge, never tackled before.

With my research, I discovered that a cor-rect balance between the two xanthophyll poolsis necessary for efficient NPQ in diatoms. Ifound that two proteins, VDR and VDL2, witha hypothetical role in the de-epoxidation reac-tions, are instead implicated in the regulationof the reactions that connect the two xantho-phyll pools. These proteins may be involved insequential reactions (e.g. one catalyzing A→Band the other B→C), or parallel reactions withsimilar substrate or products (e.g. one catalyz-ing A→C and the other B→C), as the knock-down lines for VDR and VDL2 have very sim-ilar phenotypes.

My study indicates that, at the photopro-tective level, the reduction of diatoxanthin isnot compensated by the over-accumulation ofzeaxanthin in the VDR and VDL2 mutants.This suggests that that zeaxanthin in diatomsis not involved in thermal dissipation, while inplants and green algae this xanthophyll reg-ulates and enhances NPQ. Zeaxanthin accu-mulation in P. tricornutum did not correlatewith NPQ level, and unusual amounts of viola-and zeaxanthin are apparently deleterious forthermal dissipation, as suggested by the lowercorrelation between diatoxanthin and NPQ inknock-down lines. The hypothesized substitu-tion in FCP antennae of viola- and zeaxanthininstead of diadino- and diatoxanthin could havea negative impact on the ability of diatoxan-thin to perform NPQ in P. tricornutum, as di-atoxanthin quenching efficiency decreases. Thismay indicate that zeaxanthin binding to FCPsdoes not allow the antennae to aggregate or tochange their conformation, to transit from alight harvesting to a heat dissipation state, asthey do when diatoxanthin is bound.

It would be now interesting to isolate thedifferent antennae of knock-down mutants intheir native conformation (using sucrose gra-dient ultra centrifugation or native gels) andanalyze their pigment content to understand ifzeaxanthin substitution happens in specific pro-teins. Another possible future study with vdr

and vdl2 knock-down lines would be to analyzetheir resistance to oxidative stress, as zeaxan-thin role in diatoms could still be related toROS scavenging, as it is in plants (Havaux et al.(2007); Dall’Osto et al. (2010)). But we can’trule out the hypothesis that this pigment mayjust be an unavoidable biosynthetic intermedi-ate in the pathway that leads to the forma-tion of diadinoxanthin and fucoxanthin. Theresponse to oxidative stress in vdr and vdl2knock-down lines, together with the TALEN™knock-out mutants for VDL2, will hopefullygive us some directions to follow to fully com-prehend zeaxanthin role in marine diatoms.

In conclusion, such a diversification in thefunction of xanthophylls clearly separates theorganisms I studied, each one having its “fa-vorite” xanthophyll. We span from P. patens,were zeaxanthin enhance NPQ (Azzabi et al.(2012); Pinnola et al. (2013)), to C. reinhardtii,where zeaxanthin and lutein cooperate in ther-mal dissipation (Niyogi et al. (1997)), to P.tricornutum, that lacks lutein and uses dia-toxanthin to regulate NPQ instead of zeaxan-thin. Thus, photoprotection performed withde-epoxidated xanthophylls is far more vari-able between organisms than the componentcontrolled by LHCSR/LHCXs, which appearsmore conserved for both the pH-sensing and thepigment-binding residues.

The understanding of how photoprotectivemechanisms were either conserved or divergedduring evolution is of major interest for basicbiology. Nevertheless, the study of photosyn-thesis and photoprotection is not only impor-tant from an ecological and evolutionary pointof view, but also from an applied one: pho-toautotrophic organisms are in fact of greatinterest for the biotechnological industry, forthe production of both low (e.g . biofuels) andhigh (e.g. bioactive molecules, as some pig-ments) value added products. Growth of mi-croalgae inside photobioreactors (PBR) is cur-rently the cultivation technique that allows toreach higher biomass yields (Chisti (2007)), butmajor problems persist today. One of the mostimportant one is the efficient use of light in-side PBRs (Chisti (2007); Bozarth et al. (2009);Radakovits et al. (2010)), as mixing of dense

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cultures continuously moves cells from the sur-face of the PBR (where light is abundant) tothe center of the culture (where cells are self-shading one with the other), stressing the pho-tosynthetic apparatus. A better understandingof photosynthesis, and of the mechanisms thattriggers and regulate photoprotection, couldthus lead to higher yields thanks to increase ingrowth, resistance to oxidative stress and opti-mization of light use in photobioreactors.

One limit of the genetic techniques used inmy works in P. triconutum is that knock-downor over-expressing mutants can only give uspartial information on protein function, espe-cially in the case of expanded genes families.The constant presence of the photoprotectiveantenna LHCX1 in all the conditions examinedin chapter 4, for example, may prevent us fromdetecting the contribution of the other (proba-bly) less abundant isoforms. We faced a similarproblem in chapter 5, where four proteins withpotentially similar functions in the xanthophyllde-epoxidation reactions are present in P. tri-cornutum (VDE, VDL1 and 2, and VDR). Inaddition to that, knock-down lines of VDL2 andVDR showed only a partially reduced proteincontent, thus making more difficult to under-stand their role in pigments conversion.

More recent studies demonstrated the feasi-bility of gene knock-out in diatoms using site-specific endonucleases (Daboussi et al. (2014);Weyman et al. (2014)). At the beginning ofmy Ph.D. I worked at the private companyCellectis S.A. to engineer some nucleases toknock-out genes involved in photoprotection.In particular I obtained TALENs™ (transcrip-tion activator-like effector nucleases) to targetthe genes for LHCX1, LHCX2, VDE, VDL2and ZEP1 (zeaxanthin epoxidase).

LHCX1 knock-out mutants will allow us tobetter study the functions of the other isoformsin the absence of this constitutively expressedantenna, and LHCX2 knock-out will be impor-tant to study high light acclimation and chloro-plast response to iron starvation, as this isoform

has the strongest induction under these stressconditions (chapter 4).

A knock-out strain for VDE could proveif this is the only protein that perform thede-epoxidation reactions in P. tricornutum(Lavaud et al. (2012)). VDL2, with its char-acteristic induction after prolonged light stress(Nymark et al. (2009)) and its connecting func-tion between the two xanthophyll cycles (chap-ter 5) will help us to better understand lightacclimation, the biosynthetic pathway of xan-thophylls and the role of zeaxanthin in diatoms.Finally, ZEP1 was chosen as a target for itsstrong repression after high light exposure (Ny-mark et al. (2009)), and, recently, it has beendemonstrated that this protein can’t performthe epoxidation reaction in A. thaliana (whileZEP2 and ZEP3 can, Eilers et al. (2016)), thusrising interesting questions on its function.

TALENs™ technology not only allows toknock-out genes, but also to perform genereplacement (Weyman et al. (2014)), and inthis context it would be extremely interest-ing to substitute LHCX genes in P. tricornu-tum with mutated versions, lacking either theputative pH-sensing residues or the pigment-binding aminoacids. Similarly, also the sub-stitution of endogenous LHCX sequences withLHCSR genes from the green lineage could beperformed.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have the possibilityto explore these topics during my Ph.D., dueto the adjustments that we had to made onmy project. But after an agreement betweenUPMC and Cellectis, the TALENs™ I devel-oped are now available, and we are currentlyscreening the putative knock-out mutants of P.tricornutum. Hopefully these new tools will al-low us to reveal even more information on theregulation of photoprotective antennae and pig-ments in diatoms, trying to close the knowledgegap we currently have with the green lineage.

But this is probably the topic for anotherthesis. Thank you for your attention, I hopeyou enjoyed the reading.

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First of all, I would like to thank my three (!) supervisors: Roberto Bassi, for having taughtme about photosynthesis and photoprotection since I was a master student, Fayza Daboussi, forthe great experience I had working with her at Cellectis, and Angela Falciatore, for the help inthe difficult moments of the Ph.D. and for the energy she transmits. Thank you all for havingallowed me to work in your labs and for the support you gave me. Of course nothing I wrote inthis thesis would have been possible without you all.

Thank you of course to all the nice people that accepted to be part of my thesis committee:Benjamin Bailleul, Pierre Carol, Tomas Morosinotto and Maurizio Ribera d’Alcalà, I hope youall enjoyed the reading.

I would like to thank all the colleagues that worked with me during these years, in particularMatteo Ballottari, that basically taught me everything there was to know about spectroscopy,biophysics and biochemistry, and Alessandro Alboresi, that is just such a nice person to be withand really enlighten the working environment. I also want to thank Rossella Annunziata, forbeing always so positive and eager to help, and Antonio Emidio Fortunato, cause he is not justa good scientist but also a wonderful person and a friend. Thanks also to Lucilla Taddei, thatshared with me every bright (and dark) moment of this 3+ years journey, together we did it!

I want to thank Jean-Pierre Bouly, Marianne Jaubert and Soizic Cheminant Navarro for allthe discussions and the help in the everyday life at work, and Michael Thaler for the continuousjokes we had at the bench.

Thank you also to all the LBCQ lab in Paris, the people in Verona and the AccliPhot team,you have been great groups to work and to have fun with, I enjoyed a lot all the moments wespent together!

On the personal side, I want to thank my friends, which really enrich my life with fun,continuos discussions and amusem*nt, and my family, to which I owe so much, that alwayssupports me and is so proud of what I’ve accomplished so far.

Finally, to Serena, the best and most important part of my life, the biggest acknowledgmentsis for you. Thank you.


Light stress and photoprotection in green algae, mosses and diatoms - [PDF Document] (167)

Ph.D. thesis summary (multilanguage) - Giulio R. Stella - 2016

Light stress and photoprotection in Green algae, Mosses and Diatoms

Thesis summary (English): The molecular bases of responses to light excess in photosynthetic organismshaving different evolutionary histories and belonging to different lineages are still not completely characterized.Therefore I explored the functions of photoprotective antennae in green algae, mosses and diatoms, together withthe role of the two xanthophyll cycles present in diatoms.

I studied the Light Harvesting Complex Stress-Related (LHCSR) proteins in different organisms. In thegreen alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii , LHCSR3 is a protein important for photoprotection. I used site-specificmutagenesis in vivo and in vitro and identified three residues of LHCSR3 that are responsible for its activation.

With the moss Physcomitrella patens I studied the in vitro spectroscopic and quenching characteristics ofdifferent pigment-binding mutants of the protein LHCSR1, focusing in particular on chlorophylls A2 and A5.

LHCSRs in diatoms are named LHCXs, and in Phaeodactylum tricornutum I found that multiple abioticstress signals converge to regulate the LHCX content of cells, providing a way to fine-tune light harvesting andphotoprotection.

The other main driver of photoprotection in diatoms is the xanthophyll cycle. Here I found that the accu-mulation of viola- and zeaxanthin in P. tricornutum have a negative effect in the development of NPQ, showingthat zeaxanthin does not participate in the enhancing of NPQ in diatoms.

Thanks to these studies done on different organisms, we gained a deeper knowledge on the shared character-istics and on the peculiar features about photoprotection in green algae, mosses and diatoms.

Keywords: algae, mosses, diatoms, photosynthesis, photoprotection, antenna proteins, xanthophyll cycle.

Résumé de la thèse (Français): Les bases moléculaires des réponses aux excès de lumière chez les organismesphotosynthétiques appartenant à des lignées évolutives distinctes ne sont toujours pas complètement caractérisées.Par conséquent, j’ai caractérisé des antennes photoprotectrices dans les algues vertes, les mousses et les diatoméeset j’ai exploré la fonction de deux cycles de xanthophylles chez les diatomées.

J’ai étudié les protéines Light Harvesting Complex Stress-Related (LHCSR) dans tous ces organismes. Chezl’algue verte Chlamydomonas reinhardtii , j’ai identifié par mutagénèse dirigée, complémentation fonctionnelle etpar une approche biochimique les acides aminés responsables de l’activation de LHCSR3, une protéine importantepour le NPQ.

Dans le modèle de mousse Physcomitrella patens, j’ai etudié in vitro les caractéristiques spectroscopique ainsique le quenching de différents mutants de liaison de pigment sur la protéine LHCSR1.

Les protéines LHCSR dans les diatomées sont nommées LHCXs, et dans Phaeodactylum tricornutum j’aimontré que l’expansion de la famille des gènes LHCX reflète une diversification fonctionnelle de ces protéinespermettant de répondre à des environnements marins très variables.

L’autre acteur principal de la photoprotection dans les diatomées est le cycle des xanthophylles. J’ai trouvéque l’accumulation d’une grande quantité de viola- et zéaxanthin a un effet négatif sur le NPQ montrant que lazéaxanthin ne participe pas au NPQ chez diatomées.

Grâce à ces études effectuées, nous avons acquis une connaissance plus approfondie sur les caractéristiquescommunes et les spécificités de la photoprotection.chez différents organismes.

Mots clés : algues, mousses, diatomées, photosynthèse, photoprotection, protéines d’antenne, cycle des xan-thophylles.

Riassunto della tesi (Italiano): Le basi molecolari delle risposte all’eccesso di luce negli organismi fotosin-tetici con differenti storie evolutive e appartenenti a diverse linee non sono ancora completamente caratterizzati.Ho perciò esplorato le funzioni delle antenne fotoprotettive in alghe verdi, muschi e diatomee, insieme al ruolo deidue cicli delle xantofille presenti nelle diatomee.

Ho studiato le proteine Light Harvesting Complex Stress-Related (LHCSR) in diversi organismi. In Chlamy-domonas reinhardtii , LHCSR3 è una proteina importante per la fotoprotezione. Ho usato mutagenesi sito-specificain vivo ed in vitro e identificato tre residui di LHCSR3 che sono responsabili della sua attivazione.

Con il muschio Physcomitrella patens ho studiato in vitro le caratteristiche spettroscopiche di diversi mutantiper il legame dei pigmenti della proteina LHCSR1, concentrandomi in particolare sulla clorofille A2 e A5.

Le LHCSR nelle diatomee sono chiamate LHCX, ed in Phaeodactylum tricornutum ho trovato che più segnalidi stress abiotici convergono per regolare il contenuto di LHCX delle cellule, fornendo un modo per regolare laraccolta di luce e la fotoprotezione.

L’altro principale motore della fotoprotezione nelle diatomee è il ciclo delle xantofille. Qui ho scoperto chel’accumulo di viola- e zeaxantina in P. tricornutum hanno un effetto negativo nello sviluppo di NPQ, dimostrandoche la zeaxantina non partecipa nell’NPQ nelle diatomee.

Grazie a questi studi condotti su organismi differenti, abbiamo acquisito una conoscenza più approfonditasulle caratteristiche condivise e su quelle peculiari nella fotoprotezione di alghe verdi, muschi e diatomee.

Parole chiave: alghe, muschi, diatomee, fotosintesi, fotoprotezione, proteine antenna, ciclo delle xantofille.

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