Top Posts Tagged with #avatar the last airbender tickle masterlist | Tumlook (2024)

mind games [part thirteen]

masterlist | parttwelve| part fourteen

zuko x fem!reader fluff, angst smau (it has the social media elements, but not as much as the last series)

avatar: the last airbender

summary - being zuko’s best friend is the easiest thing in the world. until he gets a girlfriend and you realize you’re in love with him

warnings / includes - (this counts for any/all chapters) - fighting, suggestive, language, crying, alcohol, cheating, talk about injuries, making out, alluding to sex, talks about sex. you are sokka and katara’s older sister. you, mai, and zuko are seniors in college, sokka and suki are juniors, katara, aang, and toph are sophom*ores

note - this is a long one!!


“here’s to the next graduating class! good luck in the new chapter of your life, guys!” katara exclaimed.

you smiled and went over to katara, wrapping your arm around her shoulder.“and here’s to my little sister katara. you are amazing and never cease to amaze me. you've been through so much and have survived. mom would be really proud. happy birthday!”

katara grinned,“awe, thank you, y/n. i love you.”

“i love you, too,” you giggled, kissing her on the cheek.

“alright, let’s get this party started!” toph exclaimed. sokka turned on the boombox, music filling the silence of our background.

“you sure the neighbours won’t care?” katara asked nervously.

“for the last time, no!they’re the same age as us, not 80,” toph groaned.

“be nice to the birthday girl,” i scolded.“sorry, katara. you’re acting like you’re 80, though,” toph grinned.

katara rolled her eyes,“yeah, yeah, i know. anyways, where’s jet?” she turned to you.

you took a sip of your sprite and looked around, wondering the same thing.“i don’t know, i texted him that the party started at 7.”

“maybe he’s picking up a birthday gift for kat,” suki joined in the conversation.

“maybe,” you shrugged.“oh, he doesn’t have to do that,” katara said.

“please, you love gifts,” suki scoffed playfully. katara grinned,“a little.”

you chuckled, walking over to aang, sokka, and haru.

“hey, haru!” you exclaimed. haru looked to you, a smile lighting up his face.

“’sup, y/n! nice to see you again,” he greeted.

you smiled,“likewise. excited to be graduating?”“as much as the next person,” he shrugged.

“fair enough,” you nodded.“so, y/n, where’s your boyfriend?” sokka asked.

“i have no idea, sokka. has he texted you?” you asked.

“nope,” sokka shook his head.“you’re no help,” you rolled your eyes.

“i think i saw him at mai’s,” haru interjected.

you furrowed your brows.“why would he be at mai’s?”

“they’ve been hanging out a lot recently,” aang stated.

“and you know that, why?” you asked.“well, mai’s house is on my way out of the neighbourhood, so i see jet’s car there a lot,” he explained.

“huh,” you pursed your lips.

was he at mai’s house last week?

“oh, here they come!” sokka exclaimed, pointing to zuko, mai, and jet.

a small smile rested on your face as zuko looked at you. he held up a six pack of beer, gesturing to mai and making a crazy face. you giggled, walking up to them. you opened up the fence gate and let them in.

“oh, great! more beer,” you chuckled.

“yeah, well, it’s a party, right?” mai said flatly.

“right,” you chuckled awkwardly, stepping aside to let them in.

“i’m just gonna set these down,” zuko said. you nodded and let him pass.

jet turned to you with a big smile, but a frown spread across your lips at you met his eyes. jet’s hand reached out for yours, but you pulled back roughly.

“you’re late,” you sneered. you turned on your heel and walked away to where zuko was.

jet’s eyes widened and his heart raced. he took a few strides, catching up to you with ease. he put his hand on your wrist, pulling you back.

“hey, what’s the matter?” jet asked. he prayed that you didn’t find out he cheated on you.

“you’re late,” you repeated, giving him a hard glare.“i-i’m sorry. i went to go to mai’s,” he explained.

“why? aang says you’ve been hanging out with her a lot recently,” you frowned.

“oh um….” jet averted your gaze, looking everywhere but you.“well, we used to be friends, but we kind of fell off. we both have just connected recently.”

“why didn't you tell me you have been spending time with her?” you asked.

“because i know you don’t like her,” jet answered.

“you’re right, i don’t, but you don’t need to lie to me.”

“i know, i’m sorry,” jet sighed, now looking you in the eyes.

“i thought we said no lies,” your frown got deeper.“i’m not going to be with someone who-”

jet took your free hand in his. “i know, i’m sorry, i am. no more lies, i promise. i don’t want to lose you.”

you stared into his dark eyes, deciding on whether to believe him or not. you just wanted to ask him one more question before giving in.

“last week when you came home in the morning with donuts, were you at longhsot’s or mai’s?” you asked.

jet’s eyes widened slightly. you stared at him, raising your brow as you noticed his reaction.

“c’mon, jet, answer the question. it’s not that hard,” you taunted.

“i was at longshot’s,” jet said confidently. you eyed him,“hm… so if i called longshot, he would say the same thing? if i asked mai, she would agree?”

“yep,” jet smiled. he made sure to slow his breathing and keep his eyes on you the whole time.

“alright, well, if i find out there’s a different story, you’re dead,” you warned.

“don’t worry, i would never lie to you,” jet nodded, pressing a loving kiss to your forehead.

“i know,” you sighed, closing your eyes and leaning into him.

well, you at least hoped.

“i’m gonna go and say hi to everyone, alright?” jet said.

“yeah, sure,” you nodded. jet gave you a smile, letting go of your hand and walking towards the boys.

zuko came over to you, frowning as he noticed you looking sad and irritated.

“what’s got you down?” he asked.

you sighed and took a sip of your sprite,“oh, just some relationship drama.”

“ah, i see. i understand.”

“i know you do,” you chuckled.“hm, i need something stronger than just sprite.”

“suki is playing bartender,” zuko tilted his head to suki who was shaking a mixer.

“oh, this is gonna be a long night,” you chuckled.“i am so glad i don’t live with them anymore,” zuko stated.

“oh, me, too. god, sokka and suki can be really loud,” you shuddered from past memories.

zuko grinned,“so can you.”you choked on your drink.“w-what?”

“i’m just kidding. i um, i don’t know anything,” zuko looked down, realising he had embarrassed himself.

“you better know nothing,” you nudged him. zuko smiled,“trust me.”

“i’m starting to not like trusting people,” you remarked.

“why not?” zuko furrowed his brows.“just a part of that relationship drama i was talking about,” you shrugged.

“has jet done something? do i need to talk to him?” zuko suggested.

“no, no. well, i don’t think he’s done something. have you um… did you know that mai and jet have been hanging out together?” you asked. you hoped to he would say no so you weren’t alone.

“um… kind of?” zuko answered.“oh, great,” you muttered.

“mai never told me, though. we’ve been pretty distant lately,” zuko added.

“oh. how is that going? ready to break up with her yet?” you asked.

“actually, yeah,” he nodded.“hey, that’s good!” you nudged him excitedly.

“yep. i’m thinking about doing it next week. it’ll be summer and i can just move out quickly, and never see her again,” zuko explained.

“nice plan,” you smiled.“thank you. i could’ve have done it without you,” zuko said.

“oh, well,” you shrugged sheepishly.“you came up with it yourself.”

“yeah, but you’re the one that helped me really decide if i wanted to do it. you let me rant about my relationship and gave me advice when i needed it. it means a lot to me,” zuko smiled sincerely.

“oh,” you chuckled and looked down shyly.“it’s not problem. that’s what friends are for.”

“and you’re my best friend.”

“you’re mine, too,” you grinned.“well… you’re second best to sokka,” zuko smirked.

you gasped, feigning hurt.“so rude! i take back what i said, you’re not my best friend anymore.”

“no, i was kidding! i’m sorry!” zuko apologised.

“nope, i’m not accepting your apology, mister,” you shunned him.

zuko set his drink down, putting his hands on your sides.“will you if i do this?” he moved his fingers along your sides, tickling you.

“zuko!” you shrieked, giggling loudly.

jet and mai looked at you two from across the backyard, groaning and scoffing.

“they are so oblivious,” mai sneered.

“yeah,” jet frowned, staring at you with jealousy and hurt.

“why don’t we sneak up to zuko’s old room?” mai suggested.

jet turned to her,“no.” mai rolled her eyes,“c’mon! no one will notice.”

“y/n will. i’ve already lied to her so much. i can’t do it again,” jet protested, looking down at the ground in shame.

“ugh, you’re so soft,” mai spat. she then left him alone, strutting over to the bar.

jet sighed loudly, leaning against the fence, looking at you and zuko. he didn’t know if it was mai’s words toying with his brain, or if it was real, but you looked so much happier with zuko. your eyes lit up and you had the biggest smile on your face. he looked to the ground, trying to think of anything but you and zuko.

“hey, you okay, jet?” aang came over to zuko.

jet looked back up,“yeah, just tired is all.”

“same here. i’m so glad i won’t have to take another final again,” haru smiled.

jet smiled back, nodding in agreement.“hey, uh, you still dating that one girl?”

“mira? no, we broke up a few months ago,” haru answered.“why?”

“just wondering,” jet shrugged.

sokka and aang narrowed their eyes at jet suspiciously.

“you know you’re dating my sister, right?” sokka asked.

jet’s eyes widened and he nodded,“y-yeah, of course. why wouldn’t i?”

“just checking,” sokka shrugged.

“hey, can i ask you guys something?” jet prompted.“sure, what’s up?” aang asked.

“have y/n and zuko ever dated?” jet asked.

sokka and aang looked to each other and burst out laughing.

“what?” jet furrowed his brows, now feeling embarrassed about even considering the question.

“nothing, nothing. it’s just… man, you are setting yourself up for a broken heart,” sokka chuckled, wiping a tear from his eye.

jet frowned,“really? it’s that bad?”

“oh, c’mon, i bet it’s not,” haru smiled comfortingly at jet.“haru, don’t even try. you know,” aang said.“know what?” jet asked, getting more anxious by the second.

“well, y/n and zuko have never dated, but they’ve always had a thing for each other,” haru explained.

“more than a thing. man, i swear they are in love with each other,” sokka chuckled.

jet’s eyes widened.“t-they are?”

sokka stopped laughing, realising he said the wrong words.“uh… uh…”

“not anymore!” aang exclaimed.“trust me, y/n loves you. even if she did like zuko, she would never act on those feelings. she’s better than that.”

jet nodded, looking at you and zuko who were still talking.“right, yeah.”

then suki came over and grabbed sokka by the arm, pulling him away form the conversation.

“you guys come and dance with us, too!” suki exclaimed to haru, aang, and jet.

“see you guys on the dance floor,” aang smiled, going over to katara who was waiting for aang.

haru went over to toph, taking her by the hand and swaying with her. you noticed everyone dancing and walked over to jet.

“accompany me?” you asked.

“of course,” jet smiled.

you took jet’s hand and led him to the middle of the yard, getting in-between everyone. you put your hands around his neck, entangling your fingers in the hair that was at the nape of his neck. jet’s hands snaked around your waist, his fingers sliding themselves under your top. he caressed your skin as you swayed your hips together.

you pulled him closer to you, your chests touching. you looked at him through your lashes, biting your lip with a smile. butterflies swarmed in jet’s stomach as he noticed the look on your face. he mirrored your seductive smile, his hands roaming down to your ass.

his eyes met zuko’s for a split second. zuko noticed jet’s hand placement and stared at you two with jealousy and longing. jet smirked at zuko and grabbed your ass roughly, eliciting a gasp from you.

“touchy tonight, are we?” you teased.

jet turned his attention back to you.

“you know you love it,” jet winked. you giggled and nodded,“you’re right.”

a new song started to play, one more up-beat. you grabbed jet’s hand that was on the small of your back, taking it and spinning yourself around. jet’s lips sported a boyish grin as you returned to facing him.

“i’ve always wanted to do that,” you admitted sheepishly.

“you looked pretty,” jet complimented. you grinned,“thank you.”

you, jet, and everyone else jumped around to the music. katara and suki found you, taking your hands and spinning you around. you laughed as suki grabbed your neck, pulling you close. you two swayed your hips together, you throwing your head around to the beat. katara came up behind suki, putting her arm over her shoulder, dancing with you, too. soon, toph found her way to you three. katara took ahold oftoph’s hand, spinning her around.

jet, sokka, and aang watched you four dance together. it was like a scene out of a teen drama movie.

“we are so lucky,” sokka breathed out, eyeing suki as she rolled her body to the music.

“that we are,” jet grinned at you.

you caught jet’s eye, giving him a flirty smile. you lifted your hand and made a come hither motion with your fingers. jet walked over to you and you sneaked out of the group. you grabbed jet’s arm, pulling him close to you. your bodies met together and you leaned up to his ear.

“wanna go into my old room?” you whispered.

excitement filled jet as he thought of the things you two would do. he nodded furiously, licking his dry lips in anticipation. you smirked and took his hand, leading him back into the house.

zuko noticed you and jet going back into the house. he watched with painful stare, wishing that that was him and you going up to your room.

mai noticed zuko’s gaze and scoffed to herself, she took zuko’s neck, pulling him close to her.

“why don’t we go and have some fun ourselves?” mai suggested.

zuko averted his gaze from you and looked into mai’s eyes. his own eyes filled with guilt as he know he had just been caught staring at you. he knew he didn’t have any other choice but to say yes to mai, otherwise they would end up in a fight.

“sure,” he nodded.

mai smiled and took his hand, leading him into the house. they walked up to zuko’s old room. as they passed your room, zuko heard you giggle loudly. he wished he was the one making you happy now instead of jet.


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@theblueslytherin @thatarthistorynerd @coldlilheart @akiris @serenitytomothings @zukoslosthishonor

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.