UNC Kittner Eye Center (2024)


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  • Weston M.

    October 10, 2022, 10:36 pm

    I waited for hours ina back room with noupdates provided. Eventually, they turned off the lights while Iwas still sitting there inthe room.



    • Jeri C.

      September 16, 2022, 12:11 am

      1. The staff (ALL OFTHEM) are too loud and laughter isearth rattling.
      2. They have anew rule that they can't check you inuntil 10minutes prior toappointment time! But ifyou show uplate they will require you toreschedule.
      3. You have towait invarious waiting rooms. Forh.o.u.r.s. ata time with noupdates given.
      4. Chances are very high you will never see areal doctor.
      5. They way overbook appointments and the whole place reminds meof athree-ring circus!!

      We've been here for 6

      visits averaging5.5hours. God forbid you give any feedback about their timing orprocedures. They will then label you anissue and your wait time doubles.

      I'm here right now at5:09. Myappointment was attwo and the several-step process has not even startedyet!

      – show



      • Malissa S.

        September 10, 2022, 4:29 pm

        Do not recommend this place atall. Myright eye isalmost completely blind and myleft eye isgoing. Been trying for 1year toget something done and they say they will get back tome which they don't. You have tostay onthem till they get mad and finally call you back. They are sounprofessional. Iwas told Someone would get back tome Friday aweekago, Ihave heard from noone. This place needs tobe shut down, noquestionsask.



        • Sara S.

          September 2, 2022, 8:43 pm

          Kittner Eye Center had lost its “vision” ofcaring for people's eyes. They care about “herding” people tobe moved from room toroom. They care about “training” future ophthalmologist. Ifyou ora loved one have tocome here, plan for atleast 3—4hours and alot ofpatience. Wedid come here amonth ago (an afternoon appointment) and itwas not agood experience. (came back because wewere trying togive them asecond chance). The first time, myhusband seen only aresident (aka “doctor in training”). The resident didn't seem toknow what drops myhusband was taking (hence failure toread the chart) and myhusband didn't see anophthalmologist thatday. The resident looked atmy husband's eye with alight that ended upgiving myhusband aheadache. The resident didn't seem toknow what hewas doing. Itwas disappointing and awaist oftime. Werescheduled afuture visit with adoctor. Itwas amorning appointment. Wewere hoping for abetter experience. The technicians were nice and helpful. After myhusband's vision was checked, and detailed pictures were taken, wewaited. After 11/2hours, guess who walkedin: the resident from before and amedical student. Heasked about the eye drops hewas taking and Isaid itwas inthe chart. The resident then asked about different drops and Isaid that there wasn't even aprescription for those drops. Heproceeded tolook atmy husband's eye with abright light again…I guess the digital pictures that were taken anhour before wasn't good enough. Hethen asked ifthe medical student could look athis eyes. Myhusband and Iquickly saidno. Wejust wanted tosee adoctor. Finally after 2hours ofbeing atthat appointment, the doctor comesin, looks athis eyes, tells him tocontinue taking the medicine heis currently onand use one less eye drop per day and toschedule afollow-up appointment intwo weeks.So, that isthe care myhusband received while hewas there. Itwas not agood experience (again). You may wonder ifwe will beback. I'll let you decide. You decide for yourself how you want tobe treated and gowhere you want togo.– show



          • The J.

            July 18, 2022, 7:48 pm

            This was anabsolute nightmare. Just toclarify…we sat there for 5hours tobe told wecouldn't behelped until weeks later. The matter was regarding what they felt should bean “urgent” surgery. Not sourgent, Iguess.



            • Andy G.

              July 12, 2022, 2:18 am

              An appointment scheduled for twenty minutes that lasted almost two hours. This place overbooks worse than abudget airline. Iheard them discussing another patents medical and insurance details standing inthe middle ofa crowded waiting room. When Itried tobring these and other issues upwith asupervisor Iwas told “you can leave ifyou want, you’re not aprisoner.” Sototally different than any other UNC medical facility that it’s awonder they tolerate this stain ontheir reputation.



              • T B.

                April 21, 2022, 7:55 pm

                My original appointment was made byreceptionist with ophthalmologist asopposed toan optometrist asrequested. Tomake matters worse, when Ihad myprescription filled for mynew progressives, itwas wrong. Iliterally was dizzy after several days trying toadjust! I've tried calling/emailing inMyChart over 3weeks tocome back for another examination onthe astigmatism & correction....and their customer service has zero accountability. DONOT RECOMMEND!



                • Barbara B.

                  April 7, 2022, 10:54 pm

                  My fist visit withDr. Basil Matthews was favorable. Hereferred meto the glaucoma center because ofmy high pressure, which had been high many times inthe past atpast eye clinics. Iwasn't satisfied though with the lack ofdetail inMyUNCChart. Iwas dissatisfied with myvisit tothe glaucoma center withDr. Jamie Prince. Ididn't feel the level ofcaring Ihad withDr. Matthews. ImessagedDr. Prince after myvisit with her because Ihad side effects from the numbing agent used onthe testsIhad. Ialso informed her that there were nodetails inmy chart. Her response was ashort one— she'd forward mymessage tomedical records. Why medical records? Detailed info ontests should bein MyUNCChart! Noone called meback soone week later Icontacted the office which handles complaints.
                  AnnJanae(sp?) Green and Jackie Cunningham (?) both were very nice tome and took the time toexplain things for questions Ihad. Furthermore, they emailed mea detailed summary ofall the tests which were conducted onme atKittner Eye Center.
                  – show



                  • KayCee “.

                    March 18, 2022, 6:30 pm

                    I just spoke tothe absolute worst customer service representative named Aubrey! What ajoke! Aubrey was the rudest unprofessional and trashiest person I’ve spoken toin along time. What awasteUNC, you couldn’t find just alittle bit less Jerry Springer?! Aubrey made ita point togo over and beyond tobe disgusting and inappropriate. She thought itwould bea great idea toyell and hang upon meafter trying togive memedical advice. Asecretary giving medical advice really? Isthis what health care has turned into? Noboundaries, noaccountability, nodecorum and care. Today wasn’t agood day and after myencounter with her Ijust wanted toscream!!! UNC please dobetter!!!!! And Please give better. Your patient’s deserve Better than Aubrey!– show



                    • Diane C.

                      March 5, 2022, 6:20 pm

                      I carried myhusband there because myhusband couldn't see too good and they told usthat itwas because hewas bleeding behind his eyes and tostop itthey would have tolaser both his eyes. They did and from that day onhe was blind. Iwill never gothere for eye care.



                      • Josh S.

                        November 16, 2021, 8:42 pm

                        The Kittner Eye Center and its Billing Department inparticular employ the most incompetent set ofpeople with whom I've had the displeasure ofdoing business. After six agonizing months, Iam still dealing with amistake they made tomy and mywife's billing ontwo simple eye exams. Although the main issue has been resolved, Iam now ina game of$10ping pong, inwhich Billing refunds and then requests the same $10every month. Ifyou can avoid UNC Billing, doit. Dealing with their disfunction isnot worth hours and days ofyour life.

                        If Icould award zero stars, Iwould.

                        – show



                        • Jamie A.

                          October 8, 2021, 4:26 pm

                          I'm ticked! Drove 1entire hour just toarrive and betold there isa water issue inthe building and they have canceled all appointments. Ireceived nophone call, noemail, notext, NOTHING! You're telling methey couldn't have sent out amass email, ormass text message, something?! Ihad noproblem receiving anappointment reminder text earlier inthe week, sothey could have sent amass message topatients. Noexcuse!
                          Must dobetter!



                          • J H.

                            September 17, 2021, 6:20 am

                            Staff were very patient and polite. The experience was refreshing



                            • Lynne G.

                              September 5, 2021, 8:37 pm

                              Would give 0stars ifI could. Myfirst visit was Jan 2021. Had optometry and ophthalmology appointments. Received anew prescription; had glasses made elsewhere. Had areally hard time adjusting tonew prescription…distance vision was not good. Irechecked with the people who made myglasses; they were made correctly, according tothe prescription. Fast forward toAugust…had aroutine exam atmy doctor's office; they said with the glasses myvision was 20/50. They suggested Iredo the optometry appointment. Iwent toa different place for optometry appointment. Tomy amazement, the new prescription (which works perfectly) isnot even close tothe one Kittner Eye Center gaveme. Sphere, Cylinder, and Axis are all vastly different values. Nowonder Icouldn'tsee. Iwill not goback toKittner.– show



                              • Rob T.

                                August 20, 2021, 11:54 pm

                                Summary ofmy only visit: The good, thebad, and the ugly:(
                                Allow 4hours ormore toreceive care ifyou have noother options.

                                The Good: Awesome physicians:)

                                TheBad: Itis run like apublic service ina third world country. They jam people with noregards for their time orkeeping schedule. Support staff sees noneed tocommunicate with patients. They were very cold and impersonal:(

                                The Ugly: Noempathy for elderly and special needs people. There was anelderly special needs patient that

                                had waited for awhile. She asked many times over hour and half ifshe will beseen before her public transport van would arrive totake her home. She asked from 10support staff and technicians ifshe will beseen intime. They all ignoredher. Even when Iasked the reception desk toget someone tocommunicate with this patient, they cared less:(– show



                                • stephanie b.

                                  July 16, 2021, 5:37 pm

                                  I have been coming tothis center for 5years. Each year Isee anew physican. The receptionist are pleasant but once you register you seat and wait atleast 30— 40minutes. Anapt will run you 3—4hours tohe seen.. You may want torethink coming here.



                                  • Jimi M.

                                    June 15, 2021, 3:38 am

                                    Had cataract surgery two years ago and itwas avery bad experience. The cataract surgery turned into retina surgery within the same week. Myeye and vision hasn’t been the same since. Iwent from 20/30to20/80with nosigns ofimprovement. What’s disconcerting tome isthat they don’t accept responsibility for their mistake. IinformedMs. Diane Hoefer ofUNC Health Care litigation management, and she dismissed myclaim. Myeye has been permanently damaged bythe negligence ofthe Kitner eye center. Noone has apologized, offered solutions oraccept responsibility for their negligence. Ido not recommend this center for anyone, for they donot have the patient’s welfare atheart. Ifthey botch aprocedure they are given apass. The UNC Health Care’s claims and litigation division iscomplicit with the negligence ofthis clinic. Myadvice, stay away.– show



                                    • Peter O.

                                      April 16, 2021, 7:18 pm

                                      I have been visiting UNC Kittner for more than three yearsnow. I'm truly impressed with the work and dedication the staff, nurses and physicians have always had for addressing all myconcerns that Ihavehad. Any administrative issues that have arisen inthe past were always professionally discussed and taken care ofto mycomplete satisfaction. Everyone, the receptionists, the administrative staff (thank youMs. Consulla Smith), nurses and ofcourse Doctor Knight have always been personable,professional and dedicated torestoring and keeping myeyesight ingood health. Thankyou.– show



                                      • Kendra M.

                                        March 27, 2021, 5:20 pm

                                        She's aguru inher field. Not only did she save myhusbands eye and give him some vision back she saved his life bcof the infection that formed due toa large piece ofmetal that went completely through his eye that was close todetaching his retina. The surgical team that she had with her was absolutely amazing. Weare sovery grateful for her andDr. Dean's. Iwouldn't recommend anyone else. Ifthere issuch athing asperfection she would bethe poster person.



                                        • Karen B.

                                          March 6, 2021, 12:22 am

                                          This clinic should hire new receptionist not friendly atall, whoever answers the phone on03/5/21at3:05Iwas trying tohelp 79year old fried toreschedule hisapp. And Iwas trying togive her date ofbirth, and receptionist reply you need tocall Spanish line. Ifthese are the guidelines it’s fine withme. But not with rude attitude. Especially when 79year old lady needs help since she never it’s aware ofherapp, and she recently lost the only helper ofher life his husband!



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                                          Average rating- 3.1based on54 reviews and29 ratings

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                                          UNC Kittner Eye Center (2024)


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                                          Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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                                          Views: 6524

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                                          Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

                                          Birthday: 2001-07-17

                                          Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

                                          Phone: +5934435460663

                                          Job: Central Hospitality Director

                                          Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

                                          Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.